Sunday, 4 July 2021

Day 8 - 185 -- The Deed is Done

The deed is done! It  took a 1.5 hour trip down the highway, but it is over. I received the second vaccine dose today. As the arm is starting to feel like something attacked it, I wanted to write this before the left hand makes it difficult to type. <smile> The feeling is surreal. Walking back to the parking lot, there were tears -- of relief, hope and seeing my part in this process finished for now.  I expect there may be booster shots needed in the future, much like other vaccines. But, for now I can lay this one to rest. The focus of anxiety can move elsewhere <smile> 

I took a lot of people into that cubicle with me today. My parents, grandmother, lifelong friend, close friends, loved ones and my professional family. They were walking with me. I wore jewelry that was theirs or gifts from them. There were even a few hairs donated by the furry one on the black shirt I wore <grin>. That shirt was a gift from a good friend, too. I chose it for the simple phrase it bears -- Shainte Mhath -- a Gaelic phrase that translates to 'Good Health' or as a toast, 'to your good health'. That seemed appropriate for today.  One good friend came along for the ride and provided support and great navigation as I drove. 

The song chosen for today may be seen as a drinking song, but the lyrics do note the importance of kindness -- seeing it from a 'what goes around comes around' perspective. That also fit the pondering I did over the last few days in preparation for this day. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Slainte Mhath -- Keltic Kings

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