Friday, 23 July 2021

Day 8 - 204 -- Afternoon Tea

The sun shone most of the day with moderate temperatures and light breezes. The highlight of the day was time spent visiting with a friend over tea this afternoon. The rest of the day included mundane work around the house and completing responses to several e-mails. While not overly excited these activities led to me being able to see the backyard at night. I had to replace the bulb outdoors. When did a light bulb become a major investment? <grin>  One of the email responses was accepting the one year renewal of my research position (unsalaried) with the university. Hopefully. this year will see me able to travel internationally to complete some necessary data and information collection to complete the major project. It had been my hope that this would be winding up right about now, but the pandemic halted travel which slowed and then stopped forward progression. <fingers crossed> 

A short song came to mind when thinking what might fit for the blog today. It made me smile. the artist remade the album for the 50th anniversary last November. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Tea for the Tillerman -- Yusuf/Cat Stevens

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