Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Day 8 - 194 -- Local Inpspiration

The upper right jaw is a bit tender today, but not so painful that a basic pain reliever won't tough it. I spent most of the afternoon reading two manuscripts as a peer reviewer. This volunteer activity helps keep the research part of my brain stimulated and I can feel somewhat useful. <smile> I walked out to Main Street to do an errand. On the way out and back, I encountered a new neighbour -- a little marmalade (or ginger) tabby bent on running into the street once and then wildly jumping and leaping into the yard. He could be from either of two homes, and today was the 'woo hoo let's explore' day for this little one. That made me smile and inpired me to find that part of me that wants to run around and do stuff. <smile> Soon. 

Watching the little one enjoying the day and being crazy active made me think of a song. I love the opening guitar riff. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Let's Dance On -- The Monkees

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