Friday, 23 July 2021

Day 8 - 203 -- Reading Plans

Rain continued to fall overnight and all day. Cooler temperatures accompanied this weather change. My day involved a meeting with a research colleague and a virtual visit with a friend. Both were uplifting, even when trying to solve the world's problems. <smile>  I've been excited to start a book for a review project. I almost got there today, but found other things that needed doing in the house. In the end, there wasn't the longer time slot I'd hoped to have for the start of this read. The book deals with the role food played in WWI. Some of this builds on work I've done about food and nutrition during the Crimean War. It also expands on the social and scientific aspects of the beginning of the 20th Century -- so about 60 years after the learnings from the Crimean War. While not the usual summer read, this book does build anticipation for me. It would make a great rainy day book and we do have some of that type of weather in the offing. <smile> 

Listening to the rain falling over most of 24 hours reminded me of a song that my friend used when she practiced her drums. We were kids and I would listen to her and sing along. This selection brings feelings of relaxation and happiness somewhat like the rain sounds today. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Rhythm of the Rain -- The Cascades 


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