It has been a day with a mix of sun and clouds. I had a phone appointment and a zoom meeting this afternoon. It is good to talk to people and discuss necessary topics. Besides, it is pleasant to be able to check in with people when we aren't close enough to meet in person. The province opened up to phase 4 today, which means larger groups can meet indoors or outside, businesses are at higher capacity, restaurant and bar hours are back to usual times, and live music is allowed in bars, breweries and such. Masking and distancing are still required indoors when not actively eating or drinking. To reach this phase of opening, the province had to be at 75% eligible people with at least a single dose and 45% with second dose. We need more people to book appointments for the second dose and others that still need to receive their first dose.
I'll admit that I feel a bit hesitant at the pace of the opening. Part of this means people are getting vaccinated, but I'm not sure people are ready to keep the masking and distancing requirements. I want to be positive but have been disappointed before. We'll see how things go.Waiting for summer happens every year -- an expected feeling of freedom. This past year has added layers to that expectation. As restrictions ease, it may be difficult to rein in one's anticipation. It can work but will take some self discipline <smile>.
Lyrics ran through my mind while thinking through this change in daily living. I love the poetic nature of the lyrics. Keep safe. Enjoy!
The Door into Summer -- The Monkees
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