An interesting Monday. In the afternoon, when walking upstairs from the basement, I heard a banging noise outside. When I got to the living room I realized it was something hitting the roof of the house. I headed out to see what was going on and found nothing. There were a number of crows in the vicinity today, so it was likely on or two of them dancing on the roof. Being larger birds, they can make a big noise. This sounded for all the world like a basketball against the side of the house -- only on the roof. Surprise! <grin>
I did an online grocery order today and had a later pickup in early evening. The woman working the shift was wonderful to chat with on the phone and when putting groceries in the trunk. As I had left the house, I got a text from a cousin about meeting for a chat. That happened after my shopping trip and we each had our respective evening meals -- mine very late and theirs at a more usual time since they are in a different time zone. It has been a few years since we conversed, so this was a great surprise added into the day. I found this greatly improved my mood -- which has been a bit on edge of late. It is interesting that one or two events -- in this case unexpected interactions with people - can have such a profound effect. I guess this goes to something I've always thought -- what we say and do with others can make someone's day without us realizing we had done anything significant. Cool, eh?
Based on the mystery noise this afternoon, I chose a Goffin & King song sung by a group that began in Toronto when I lived there. Their a capella style gives a great rendition of this song. I loved listening to it as I looked across the city at night after a tough day at work. It helped me to relax, and still does! <smile> Stay safe. Enjoy!
On the Roof -- The Nylons
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