Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Day - 242 -- Quarreling Forecasts

The day became sunny and hotter with humidity again. I ran a couple of small errands for the furry friend and made a bank stop. All around town, students are moving into their apartments -- it is the end of the month today, so I expect there will more in the next day or two. Classes start in a week, so they will need to  get things settled and unpacked. 

The weather forecasters are split between following the European or the US model for where the remnants of Ida will head. The US model takes things further north so that only the southern part of Nova Scotia will get a lot of rain. The European model takes the mess further south so that Nova Scotia will get mega-rain -- 50-100+ mm (2-4+ inches). This would mean localized flooding and two very wet days. Winds will not be huge, but some small branches will likely fall. This is forecast to happen Thursday into Friday. I have an appointment early Thursday, so I hope it isn't a typhoon-like rain until later in the day. I will wear the rain gear either way. 

I don't mind rain, but being out walking in heavy rain isn't as delightful as a softer rain. I have a good jacket and pants that help keep my dry-ish. <smile> Often rain runs up my arm as I hold the hood in place if there is a wind driving the rain. It is just water, though, so it isn't horrible just momentarily uncomfortable. A song title has often gone through my mind on days when I encounter major tropical rain storms. It is by a favourite band from back in the day. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Who'll Stop the Rain -- Creedence Clearwater Revival

Monday, 30 August 2021

Day 8 - 241 -- Seeing Red

The day and the week got an early start with the first of three appointments. This meeting with the optician led to a new pair of glasses ordered and set to arrive in 1-2 weeks. Sooner would be better. Cool how well I could see with the close to mid-range lenses. I had a quick snack back home and then headed off to a routine appointment at the hospital. At home again, I had a phone meeting with the MD to get a prescription renewal. When that call ended, I checked in with email and social media messages. I can hope the rest of the week is as productive as today felt. 

When leaving the driveway this morning something caught my eye. The burning bush shrub exhibited one fully changed crimson leaf and one partially changed to that deep red of autumn. This seems early, but it is just 1.5 small leaves. <smile> It reminded me of the glorious colours that will arrive in 6 weeks or more. Other trees and shrubs have not moved from their summer wardrobe. It was a bright note in the grey overcast day that ended with a fair amount of rainfall. 

The song shared today deals with the colour red. It has a futuristic narrative that brings positive thoughts and hopes. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Red Barchetta -- Rush 

Sunday, 29 August 2021

Day 8 - 240 -- Fear Factor?

It was a quiet day at home. A couple of outdoor chores were completed in the sunny, dry, temperate air. Indoors, I worked on some overdue online and telephone communications.  

Why do some simple tasks seem to take so much mental energy? The fear factor involved seems odd for asking questions of others. Responses for informational needs might add complexity and require further problem solving. Requests for assistance can be challenging. Finding one or more people to help with a  task can bring anxiety. "What ifs" abound. I've always found people to help with chores that need someone other than me to complete. I have great friends. Really, I do. I still find asking for help feels like imposing on the time of other people. Would I do the same to help them? Of course! Then why do I feel such trepidation or unease in asking for a favour? Is it that I feel like a burden to others when I don't see them that way? So, one of two such items has been dealt with today. I will need to call for information from a corporate entity tomorrow. Not friends, so they may be less inclined to assist. We'll see. 

The pressure put on myself at time is ridiculous. Yet, it comes and goes uninvited. Breathing, walking and listening to music can help me re-centre. <smile> The song today deals with some of the feelings I had for a while today. the video is a bit off, but the audio is great. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Under Pressure -- Queen & David Bowie 


Saturday, 28 August 2021

Day 8 - 239 -- Hope and Beauty

The weekend began with a sunny, cooler day -- comfortable. It is more seasonal, I suppose. There will be more heat, but the more moderate temperatures will be present most now. As we near the peak of the hurricane season, we can expect warmer, wetter air masses to pass this way -- with and without wind. There are only about three weeks left before autumn begins. I will say again that time moves quickly even when it feels like life is moving at a snail's pace. 

I like autumn. I grew up on the prairies and this season lasted a few weeks when everything turned brown. Only the ornamental trees that some people planted in their yards provided colours other than dirty yellows and browns. I now live in the midst of a forest with a good portion of hardwood amongst the evergreens. These are mainly maples and a few oaks, both of which turn the most amazing shades of gold, orange and red. All the leaves in my yard rarely fall before early November. On the prairies this occurs in September or by very early October. I enjoy having a full autumn season here. It does herald winter and colder temperatures, which I dislike, but the season here is mercifully short -- three months and a bit depending on the year. Back home snow often arrived the end of October and stayed around until end of April if not into May. So, six months versus three months -- that helps me through some of those snowy days of winter here.  

I guess what I was thinking today had to do with seeing something end -- the brightness and activity of summer. Yet, there is beauty in all four seasons. Each progresses through the stages flowing into each other. This rhythm can be heartening -- things continue in a somewhat expected fashion. During the isolation of the pandemic, I've walked a lot and spent time noticing my surroundings more than just focusing on getting from point A to point B at a good pace. Watching the changes of the seasons more closely helped me to see hope in the daily and weekly changes. 

While looking through the music on the laptop today, I found one that always makes me smile. It reminds me of finding the positives -- however small -- in the things around us. My friend who lived to 100 always said, "Don't wish your life away."  I try to remind myself of that regularly. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Beautiful -- Marillion

Day 8 - 238 -- Never Say Never

The week ended with a sunny and hot day, with cooling by early evening. Finally a git of more bearable temperatures and drier air.  I am hoping things cool nicely overnight to help with sleeping. The day involved one outing for an errand and a few small things at home. I tackled some online tasks that have been waiting a while for me to complete. Other than that things were a bit quiet or even dull. 

I've often said -- tongue in cheek -- "never say never." Today I said it again to myself. When taking a course on the history of popular music, our weekly listening assignments introduced me to 'new to me' artists and styles. From these, one group in particular left me with no desire to hear more from them. I listened to two selections -- which I cannot for the life of me recall or find in my course notes. Two selections. Perhaps this was like judging a book by its cover, but I could not bring myself to delve any deeper into their other recordings. What I heard was early progressive rock with a strong heavy metal bent -- a lot of volume, distortion and discordant sound. I listened twice for my course responsibility but that was it. Later when I mentioned to a friend that I could not abide this band, I was met with a quizzical look followed by a declaration this was one of their favourite bands. Later still, the friend noted that they were certain that I would like one particular song. So, I listened to that today. Surprise doesn't actually fully describe my response. My friend was right -- of course. I liked the song. The music had a jazz or funk aspect to it -- fusion perhaps. The lyrics made me smile being someone who studies and values communication. Needless to say, I started listening to other songs and found several proggy things that pull from folk and classical forms. So, it seems I do like the work of this band <smile>.  The ban covered many styles as it developed through the years. I am forced to take my own advice and should never have said 'never again'. <grin> 

Two selections from this band are shared here today. The first was the one suggested by my friend. The second was one of the other songs I listened to today.  They are a bit different than some of the usual posting, but broadening one's mind is never a bad thing. <smil> Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Elephant Talk -- King Crimson

The Court of the Crimson King -- King Crimson

Thursday, 26 August 2021

Day 8 - 237 -- Running the Gauntlet


Today was filled with many activities -- a telephone appointment, calls to make a health care appointment, and shopping. It was seniors day for the pet food store and a pharmacy -- so I stocked up on food and litter as well as a number of toiletries that needed replacing. I had a great chat with a friend. It was screaming hot again here today, so I got take out won ton soup for supper. There was no way I was turning on the stove or anything that would add more heat to the air. That was a good idea as the soup was perfect. When I went out for the soup, I walked down Main Street and noted the larger groups of people walking and people waiting for seats at a restaurant who were lined up along the narrow walkway around the outside dining area. It was student aged people with parent aged folks. The great annual influx has begun. Being forced to walk by the lineup less tha a food away from a dozen or two people was not the wy things should be. There is no where else to walk withoug being on the street walking into oncoming traffic. 

Scenes such as these make me want to get out of town -- to go somewhere with far fewer people gathered together. It is difficult not to say something to people in such situations -- some wearing masks and some not but all failing to distance properly. The restaurant should be doing something to make the line up better and not blocking foot traffic on that street. No one should be forced to run the gauntlet with so many people from who knows where. I'm not sure who to send a note to, but I have to send one somewhere about this as it doesn't seem to follow current public health guidelines or town expectations for walking room around the outside terrace (actually the sidewalk and parking lane). I walked home by a different route to avoid the congestion and it helped me feel calmer, too. <smile> 

My feelings match some of the lyrics to a song, though the song is speaking about something very different -- the phrasing fits the crowded sidewalk situation very well. I need to be careful and not lose my temper -- well visibly anyway. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Too Close for Comfort -- Frank Sinatra

Day 8 - 236 -- Restoration Done

For a mid-week day, this went fairly well. The heat alert continues for another two days. When I opened the front door to check the mail, I was met with a solid wall of sauna room air. By supper time, there were some clouds so the intensity of the heat seemed lessened. 

My big event for today was another trip to the dentist for further restorative work. It was physically taxing, as was expected. The temporary bridge of the upper four incisors was cut with the drill and then cracked to remove it in pieces. I nearly laughed in the midst of this when it reminded me of the chocolate oranges that require people to bang them against the table or counter top to separate the wedges. This reminded me of that -- mildly warped <grin>. The permanent caps were glued in, which was almost worse than the freezing process. The bitterness of the compound used brought me close to gagging. They worked quickly and I was never so relieved for a water rinse. So, I will need to get used to the new feel and using them. I need to be careful and not deal with anything hard or extra sticky over the next few days. When I got home, I was wondering what to have for supper as I sat with the television. I woke up two hours later. I guess the process was more demanding physically and mentally that I thought.  

I started this journey over 19 months ago with a song to find a way to smile about the broken teeth from the fall. Today,  I chose to use the same song to say goodbye to the latest iteration of the temporary teeth. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Baby Take Your Teeth Out -- Frank Zappa

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Day 8 - 235 -- Reminiscing

 Much of the day involved checking in on people who have missed deadlines -- frustrating when these affect my deadlines <sigh>. Things seem to be a couple days behind the most recent revised schedule. When I'd expected this to be completed over a month ago, knowing that it will be a couple of weeks more is disturbing. <sigh> Hopefully, this one item will be off the to do list as soon as possible. On another project, I was reminded of an appointment time tomorrow for one I never knew had been made for me. So, that one is moving forward a few days ahead of expected deadlines. I guess it all evens out in the end. <smile> 

While I paused for a bit this afternoon, I read of the death or Charlie Watts, drummer for the Rolling Stones. That added to the subdued feelings I had already today. I had been thinking of a good friend whose birthday is today. We haven't seen each other for several years and she has resided in a long term care facility for almost 3 years. Two songs are shared today in honour of each of these individuals. The first highlights the combined jazz and rock drumming styles of Watts. The second is a song that my friend loved from a super group that was in heavy play often at her home.  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Gimme Shelter -- The Rolling Stones

Handle with Care -- The Traveling Wilburys

Monday, 23 August 2021

Day 8 - 234 -- Different Views

Monday has been sunny and warm. A main activity of the day involved me choosing new frames for glasses. This has always been a challenge to find something that fits my face and will work for the stronger lenses I need. There were some fun colours but the shapes were not quite what I wanted. I finally narrowed it down to two pairs and then to one. Anyone who knows me, will understand that this is very difficult for me to do. I have difficulty sticking to a top 10 without going to 15 -- always need a higher number. Narrowing things to only one is nearly impossible. 

A song came to mind as I was thinking of seeing things better than I do currently with my very old glasses. I drive using contacts and use glasses at home for reading, computer work and watching TV. It is my short term goal. Hope this makes you smile, too.  I have included the original recording along with a new version in a commercial that made me see the lyrics in such a very different way. We will all get our moments. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

I Can See Clearly Now -- Johnny Nash

I Can See Clearly Now -- John Legend (VRBO Renunions commerical) 

Sunday, 22 August 2021

Day 8 - 233 -- Too Close for Comfort

Well, I was out again for two quick errands both at pharmacies. I'm not sure why things keep popping up and can't be done in a single trip. They just do. Again I encountered difficulties with distancing. this time the cashier let the next customer in to stand less than a foot away form me as I placed my two items in a bag. Why? This was the same store where I had and issue earlier in the week. I wrote a note to the store to ask that protocols be reviewed and reinforced with staff. Regularly. I mentioned that other pharmacies do  this. The cashier is near the door and can even remind folks to put on their mask. Not so in this store where I've seen people without mask (forgot myself one day even) and no staff members address this. I ended with my reluctance to go into the store when my health is being put at risk by their policies. I don't expect a response. But I hope someone sends it along to the right store manager. 

We have had cloud cover in the evenings. Last night was no different. Thus, I didn't see the seasonal blue moon. It is the third full moon in the season (e-months) with four full moons. That and something I said to myself while muttering about the close encounter at the store. Just once in a while, it would be nice to see things working as directed by the province. This song deals with rare happenings in the night sky and in life. It is an upbeat song, too. <smile> Keep safe.Enjoy! 

Once in a Blue Moon -- Van Morrison

Saturday, 21 August 2021

Day 8 - 232 -- Weird Encounters

 I had to run to three places for errands today. A friend picked up some amazing orange cherry tomatoes from the Framers Market today. I received a quart! These taste so sweet with a bit of tang -- better than any sweet treat, for sure. I also went to a second grocery store to find some real grapes -- not the hybrids that I had to return to a different store yesterday. Then came an unplanned sojourn when I discovered the need for AAA batteries. One item uses four of these and darn if there weren't only two in the storage drawer. <sigh> So now things are up and functional again. 

While out today, I was feeling more positive than yesterday. I had a decent sleep so was ready to face the day with more upbeat attitudes. Now, there were folks out there bound to change this today. When pulling into one parking lot, one driver pulled out in front of me to cross over to the exit lane beside me. As I carefully edged forward a second car began to pull out in front of me. I pointed and held up my hand indicating that they should stop -- the space to drive in front of me was narrowing. This driver waved blithely at me and carried on driving to where they wanted to be -- the same exit lane as the person before them. AAUUGGHH  In another store, I set my item down on the counter at the check out and moved ahead to where the pay machine was -- about 3 feet away. As I stood there, the cashier was finishing replacement of the register tape and then I sensed something odd. I turned to see a masked woman in line behind me who was ignoring the floor spaced clearly marked as stand 6 feet apart and wait here until the person in front has cleared the aisle. I looked shocked and then angry -- she looked at me seeming oblivious to the eye language. It was clear I wasn't smiling under the mask. <sigh> I took another step away from her and she kept wandering around. I nearly said to the cashier that I would be back as I'd forgotten something and that she should serve this twit before me. But I didn't. It would have been safer to do that than remain. At least she had a mask on. 

I was surprised that I chose to remain in my calm place and not let these goofy people affect me negatively. That is difficult for me to do most days. So this was a win. Thinking through the afternoon encountered I heard a line from a song that made me laugh --- goes back to "I should have" thinking. the line fills the chorus. Now, violence is not my way to deal, but this could have referred to a metaphorical actions rather than a physical one. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Mama Said Knock You Out -- LL Cool  

Day 8 - 231 -- Holding Hope

I was late to sleep and awake earlier than desired but couldn't get back to sleep so tired and semi-cranky were the words of the day. The day was overcast -- bits of light rain. I headed out to three stores for small errands. I still have to look online for a couple items that weren't in the earlier store visits. Hoping the colours and sizes are there. Later I picked up groceries curbside and still had to go inside to return a substituted item that I had noted in the order should not be used. <sigh> It began to rain as I headed home from that return trip. It poured heavily for the last two blocks and lightened up marginally for my run to the front door. 

The mugginess didn't help me feel any more alert or perky today. We are to have a couple of days with drier air and slightly cooler temperatures. I hope it will help with sleeping and feeling refreshed -- both  much needed. Today I had conversations with friends and a family member who helped me to see the hope rather than only the doom and gloom scenarios <smile>. It reminded me of a song that I heard many times before I knew what the Italian words meant. I share it here tonight for the positive vision of the future that the lyrics present.The artists have fun with this one, which helps with the upbeat messaging. <smile> The English translation is below the link provided here. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

O Sole Mio -- Pavarotti, Carreras, & Domingo 

What a wonderful thing a sunny day
The serene air after a thunderstorm
The fresh air, and a party is already going on…
What a wonderful thing a sunny day.

But another sun,
that’s brighter still
It’s my own sun
that’s in your face!
The sun, my own sun
It’s in your face!
It’s in your face!

When night comes and the sun has gone down,
I start feeling blue;
I’d stay below your window
When night comes and the sun has gone down.

But another sun,
that’s brighter still
It’s my own sun
that’s in your face!
The sun, my own sun
It’s in your face!
It’s in your face!

-- from https://www.liveabout.com/o-sole-mio-lyrics-724335

Thursday, 19 August 2021

Day 8 - 230 -- Moving Forward Gingerly

 Today was a day of meetings. It began with one to deal with personal papers and such. The second and third were phone meetings that spoke of life -- the daily mundane things and more in depth exploration of some experiences. It was a day to get inside my head and work through some things. 

Looking forward was at the centre of many of the chat topics today. Can we allow ourselves to do this again? I feel like I've been protecting myself with brick-like fortification to reduce the impact of disappointments when plane have been squelched by the pandemic protocols. Learning to look at the world with hope and dare I say it - plans - will take time and effort. Perhaps the caution we've lived with for so long now will be difficult to let go. I know I will be following public health guidelines of the past several months for a long time going forward. So, making plans to weigh risks and get back into doing some things outside the house or down the road will be different than what we'd have done two years ago. Our perspectives have changed, so our needs and wants have become clearer -- narrower even. Moving from living in the confines of an abode to moving about in the world again, is desired, but will look different. I want to go places and see people but not in large groups. <smile>  Perhaps with time and practice, moving around will begin to feel less foreign.Just need to take that first step. 

A few lines from a song swirled around in my head while pondering things today. I like the visual that the title brings forth -- a lone bird able to see the big picture, but needs to move about in order to survive. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Fly Like an Eagle -- Steve Miller Band

Day 8 - 229 -- Being Present

Today was cloudy but warmer with higher temperatures as lower overnight lows again. That generally means higher humidity and feel like temperatures that create discomfort. 

I felt tired of doing more needed paperwork again so didn't get through things as I'd hoped. I still have a ways to go with the current group of tasks and then a couple of other things will need attention once current group moves to someone else's desk. I took a short walk this afternoon and mailed off some major paperwork. On the way back home, I spent time visiting with Lucy the young ginger tabby from down the street. I wondered today if her name came from her hair colour maybe <smile>.  As I continued uphill, I realized she was following me and had fun running and jumping through my yard. She came up onto the porch after I entered the house. There, she had a good bath and then curled up for a nap that lasted a couple of hours. She was gone by sunset. 

Reflecting on our furry visitor today got me thinking of several things. Taking advantage of a peaceful place to pause and relax floated to the top of mind. Enjoying the day and making note of cool moments as they arrive seems a good direction to head. I envied Lucy her ability to live in the moment. These actions may help me get through some of the difficult moments -- like paperwork and record keeping. <smile> These ideas led me to a song. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Present Tense -- Pearl Jam

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Day 8 - 228 -- Being Supportive

The news of the past days has focused on several humanitarian crises. Haiti just had a hit from tropic storm Fred when there was a 7.2 magnitude earthquake. People are still living in tents after the last major quake several years ago. In the next day or so, tropical storm Grace will ride over the country. I've paused a few times when I think of the storm name and what that usually means. This will create more difficulty for search and recovery teams. 

Closer to home, the fires in British Columbia are many, massive and mostly out of control. Several communities are under evacuation alerts. I recall my uncle noting that he'd been under alert 10 years ago when fire was closing in on Westbank and West Kelowna. He had his suitcase packed by the door as the call would mean immediate evacuation with no time to pause to pack. Today, that same area on the west side of the lake either is on alert or has been evacuated. I still have family there, so worry for them and others when the skies are red with flames. Other areas of the BC interior remain under alert just as they were last month. The images of fire and its aftermath are frightening -- and I'm at a distance. What would it be like if that was outside my window? I do live in a forested region and have had fire approaching from the east almost 20 years ago, but it was quickly contained before getting closer than a 10 minute drive outside town. 

I guess where my pondering led me today was that we aren't different than those currently under siege by nature. We need to support folks in desperate situations at home and elsewhere. Keep well. Enjoy! 

Nothing More -- The Alternate Routes ft. Lily Costner


Day 8 - 227 -- Gut-Wrenching Visuals

The only time I look at the news these days is in the morning when I read the scrolling headlines on two network news channels -- both with the sound muted. I don't want to hear the pundits picking things apart and guessing what was, is or will be part of any decision or event. I also read and - for the most part - avoid watching the video of talking heads or shots from the field. Television is an emotional medium -- video is more powerful than most stills, but there have been some iconic moving stills over the years. Sound and visual inputs push many buttons in viewers. 

Today it was the scrolling headlines alone that brought me to tears. The scenes on the screen were horrific. I had to turn it off. What I saw was reminiscent of April 25, 1975 -- the fall of Saigon. Today it was the fall of Kabul. The panic and desperation people must feel in these moments is overwhelming to those on this side of the screen. I had a sliver of a glimpse of this when sitting in the audience of Miss Saigon at the Princess of Wales theatre in Toronto in the early 1990s.-- and I still don't really know what it would be like to be part of such a melee. The scene of the fall of Saigon occurred just before the end of an Act and the intermission. As the scene played out on stage, things suddenly reversed so that the audience became part of the people clamoring outside the embassy walls, as the last helicopter was leaving from the roof. When the curtains closed, the theatre was silent until a collective sigh indicated that we'd all been holding our breathe. Even leaving for the intermission was quieter than usual -- little chatter from people talking about the show thus far. It was an amazing experience for live theatre. I believe it showed me that this was something that I couldn't really understand without being part of it. Being part of an audience co-opted into the performance was the closest I could come. But this play made me think about this and the aftermath in a different light -- more emotionally than factually. 

The song shared today comes from that musical. The tempo and orchestral background bring about a feeling of anxiousness and possibly panic. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

The Fall of Saigon -- Miss Saigon 

Day 8 - 226 -- Working on the Future

 I completed some important record keeping tasks today. This was followed by completing forms needed for three different current activities. What can I say -- Living the Dream <grin>.  Some paperwork is tedious and I seem to leave things until the deadline is right in front of me. So, today I tackled the tasks and moved things fairly quickly. Why I leave them sitting and stewing in my mind is beyond me. Each leads to positive outcomes, so that can't be why. I will be able to submit these via mail or in person tomorrow and then they are on someone else's desk. 

Rather than cooking in the heat today, I chose to order take out. I called three times and got either a busy signal or dead air. Not a good sign. The restaurant is a 5 minute walk so I headed out to see if it was closed for some inexplicable reason. They weren't. I let them know about the phone and they were aware. They must be missing many take out phone orders while they wait for a new phone to be delivered. It would take 20 minutes so I chose to head back home rather than sit inside with many people coming and going. when I got the food home, the main -- a calzone -- was soggy and rubbery. The goal was to not have to turn on the oven. Epic fail there. Once crisped up, though, it was wonderful. This is the second time the food was unappealing when I got it home. So, I may need to write a wee note somewhere or give them a call once they have a working phone. It is disappointing since I've frequented this restaurant for almost two decades and never had a problem. Hmmm. 

While I've been longing for crisp pizza crust and basically working for improved futures, a song line repeated in my head. It is a well known line that is repeated often at the end of the song. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Dream On -- Aerosmith

Day 8 - 225 -- Hot Hot Everywhere

It has been another day of smoking hot temperatures and extreme humidity. The portable a/c has worked overtime to cool the living room area. This still freaks out the furry friend -- when it comes on it receives a thorough inspection and when it shuts off the same inspection occurs. I'm hoping they become friends that at least tolerate each other <grin>. 

Most of my day involved time spent catching up on personal paperwork and doing four loads of laundry. Not very exciting, but less activity helped manage the heat and humidity.  I chose to go a different way than expected with the song today -- might be that my brain is overheated. It seemed a reasonable topic to ponder today. <grin>  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Ice Ice Baby -- Vanilla Ice

Friday, 13 August 2021

Day 8 - 224 -- Folk Loss

 Friday 13th -- the hottest day this summer and we had planned a lunch out on a local restaurant deck.The last time we were out for dinner together was before the pandemic began. We have done a holiday dinner last December, but no restaurant meals together in forever. We had a table with great shade, which helped. The sun was unrelenting and finding shade while walking provided a perceptible temperature drop of 5-10 degrees Celsius. A light and intermittent breeze helped things feel more bearable. 

The news today brought information on the death of an award-winning major folk singer-songwriter -- Nanci Griffith. Her songs told stories of the South and embodied the strains of economic challenges. She advocated politically through her music, too. I have always found her style haunting and poignant. Tonight I share my favourite of her songs which told the story of farm families during the drought and Great Depression of the 1930s. I included two versions -- the first with a country band backing and the second with a symphony orchestra. Both are lovely supports for her voice. Keep safe. Enjoy!  

Trouble in the Fields -- Nanci Griffith 

Trouble in the Fields -- Nanci Griffith with London Symphony Orchestra

Thursday, 12 August 2021

Day 8 - 223 -- Advanced Polls

This has been a day of errands. The temperature was crazy hot with extreme humidity -- when the actual temperature feels 10-12 degrees Celsius warmer. So today felt like 40C (104F). It won't  cool overnight for another couple of days, each with extreme humidity and heat warnings. I was glad for the air conditioning in the stores and the car today. It was a life saver. I needed a new lamp and got something less expensive only to find that the bulb (LED) cost more than the lamp! I still suffer from sticker shock with the newer bulbs. They do last longer and use far less energy, so those are all good things. I just have to get used to the cost. <sigh> 

I also voted in the provincial election advanced polls. It was a busy place, but ran like a well-oiled machine. Only about a dozen people were allowed in the waiting areas at a time. When your number was called, you waited in the hallway until someone called your forward. As I left the waiting room, someone went in behind me to sanitize the chair. There was a single desk for checking ID and voter registration card, printing a ballot, and receiving the ballot. I brought my own pen and pencil for signature on form to agree that my information was correct and the mark the ballot. Only one place to do that in the same room as the registration desk. After I placed my vote in the ballot box, I left via a back door and someone went to sanitize the voting area. It was very well done. It did take a bit longer than in previous elections, but I'd rather to this than wait longer on the actual election day. I didn't complain about the wait as it meant that people were voting -- a good things. Besides, I knew one person in the same waiting area so we had a good chat and catch up. 

My major activity today brought a song to mind. It is one of the many advocacy songs by a music icon. Stay safe. Enjoy!  

Power to the People -- John Lennon

Day 8 - 222 -- Tiring Ordeal

It has been a week and it is only Wednesday <smile>. Today I had a 2 hour dental appointment -- the preparation for permanent caps. Three incisors were damaged in January 2020 when I face planted on the street. First of three temporary fixes was done in late February 2020 with further work to begin in 2-3 weeks. Of course, we were in lockdown then with dental offices closed until late summer. Further repair of repair happened during second wave. Work was planned for early spring only to be postponed again due to lockdown. A root canal was attempted last month -- no nerve serving that tooth it appeared. So -- today we prepared for permanent caps for all four incisors. Much drilling, impressions and attaching a temporary cap combining all 4 teeth occurred and seemed to go on forever. The temps look good, but there will be more drilling to remove them in 2 to 3 weeks when the permanent caps arrive. For someone with claustrophobia this was a long process. I survived thanks to the help and understanding of a great dentist.  I'll share the next leg of this protracted journey as we move towards the final stage of the repair and replacement. 

This evening I felt like I'd been punched in the nose. It is actually the bruising from the injections for freezing the upper mouth. I expect things will feel sore tomorrow, but that shouldn't be for more than a day or two. After eating supper, I felt very tired so paused for a nap that lasted 2.5 hours! I guess the ordeal took more energy than I might have guessed. 

The chorus of a song seemed to fit how I felt this evening. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Running on Empty -- Jackson Browne

Tuesday, 10 August 2021

Day 8 - 221 -- Heat Arriving

It has been a quiet day as I recover from the long, tiring day yesterday. I had a good phone meeting with a friend and spent time editing draft documents that are needed for a short meeting soon. The weather involved warmer temperatures than yesterday and more sunshine and humidity -- three hings that make  the day a bit more uncomfortable than I prefer. 

Forecasters note that this weather pattern will likely be with us for a week. Overnight temperatures won't fall much so cooler sleeping temperatures will disappear for a while. I'm sure I'll manage, but I am just as sure that I will complain about it, too <grin>. 

I heard a song in my head while thinking of the heat. It is an oldie but one that I love for the keyboard work. Stay safe. Enjoy!   

Summer in the City -- The Lovin' Spoonful

Day 8 - 220 -- Never Assume

Today involved a long trip to the big city. For one appointment, a major paper snafu occurred which led to me waiting much longer than I expected. Once things got straightened out, It all took less time than expected. All in all, the early start and later return added to my weariness. The trip was successful despite the screw ups of other people. 

Small errors can have larger impacts on self and others. Apologizing can go a long way -- something that I didn't really encounter yesterday. It seems people assumed I hadn't arrived or blew off the meeting, when I was sitting in the waiting area for two hours before I approached someone to find out what was up. Never Assume should be part of daily routine -- just as much for me, who assumed they were just behind schedule and them for thinking I wasn't there. The waiting area was for several different areas, so I wasn't the only one waiting -- but I had been there the longest. All they needed to do was call my name when they realized they didn't have any registration documentation for me. A weird day overall. 

A song lyric line came to mind tonight when reflecting on the day "Can you say my name?" This would help us all to not assume. Keep safe! Enjoy! 

Invisible --Duran Duran

Sunday, 8 August 2021

Day 8 - 219 -- Falling Asleep

The air feels a bit cooler today, but humidity is still thick. Tomorrow promises to be drier and a bit cooler. A day to savour before the next stretch of heat and humidity. I made one outing to fill the car with fuel and was glad for the breeze again. There was a lot of haze over the hills that likely holds smoke from fires west of the region. Cooler overnights occur most often in the early and later summer days. I enjoy having warm days with cool nights to improve sleep. I've noted that the quality of light has been changing more towards what appears in autumn -- just a hint of a change near end of daylight. 

A lullaby might help while waiting for the temperatures to drop overnight. A song from my youth entered my head today -- one with lyrics that bring to mind the calming nature of music. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Let Me Serenade You -- 3 Dog Night

Saturday, 7 August 2021

Day 8 - 218 -- Working the List

 Another Saturday nears its close. The day has been hot and humid. When out for a walk, the breeze helped a bit. Skies were mainly cloudy so the sun didn't beat down on the house so it it warm, but not oppressive inside today. Slightly cooler temperatures are expected tomorrow with a bit of rain, so humidity will still be a factor. August often brings this sort of weather -- those dog days. of summer. 

My short walk felt good. I was ready to stop by the time I was almost home, though. The weather is draining. I paused for a nice mug of chai and then continued with the weekend laundry tasks. Some e-mail correspondence was completed, too. Always good to see things move off the 'to do' list. Not that the list is now empty or anything <grin>, but for today some things were completed.

I chose a song for the lists in the lyrics. It also fits well with the current weather. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

California Girls -- The Beach Boys 

Friday, 6 August 2021

Day 8 - 217 -- Things Going Up


Today was cloudy again with pouring rain for a short while late morning. The temperature rose to 25C (77F) feeling like 36C (97F)! Bizarre. The brisk breeze helped make the air feel less solid than it did when I checked for mail at lunch. I had one appointment to pick up paper work and then decided to get a couple items from a nearby store. Got to the check out and realized I didn't have my wallet me. I don't recall the last time I was out without a wallet. I asked cashier to set it on the counter behind here and I would be back shortly. Home I trudged and then back to the store to complete the sale. When I got home and looked at the receipt, one item had a sale shelf tag and I was charged full price <sigh>. I wasn't about to walk back for a third time today. This will have to wait until tomorrow. <grump> 

I find it frustrating when shelf tags and computer pricing do not match. There is no reason for this. If the sale is over or doesn't start until the next day, shelf tagging should keep up with the date. I also commented to a friend that one simple product that was the cheapest on the shelf of similar items years ago is not very expensive. Production would not have increased cost as much as this has increased -- about 4 times the cost of the same thing 10-15 years ago. Even in the past 6 months, my monthly expenses have increased. No extravagant purchases have occurred each month. Year over year expenses have not changed but the cost of the goods and services has soared. Inflation has been higher lately and economists tell us that will moderate in the short term, but I am not convinced that the prices will fall accordingly. I expect food, fuel and pharmaceuticals will remain at their current inflated level for the most part -- the pessimist in me coming through perhaps. 

I found a song to share about the economy that fits well with some of my thoughts and recent discussions. Who'd have thought! <grin> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Inflation Blues -- BB King

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Day 8 - 216 -- 'Hope is a Verb'

Today was another day where the minimal rain forecast became quite heavy for a few hours. Due to the major downpours, I had to drive to an appointment that is walk-able, in order to avoid being soaked where the short rain jacket doesn't protect. 

So, while it poured outside, I attended a virtual seminar on critical hope. It focused thoughts on defining hope and recognizing what it looks like in our lives. I found some great points on which to reflect. A quote from Paulo Freire noted that "Just to hope is to hope in vain" since hope "demands anchoring in practice." While we often use this word as a noun, Hope is a Verb. It demands action if it is to manifest. Hope holds positive expectations for the future whether it be short- or long-term. 

What does hope look like? The group presented many aspects of how this wafts its way through our days. In many ways, the actions surrounding hope involve recognizing situations, learning from them -- transforming if you will, building or growing as a person, and sharing or inspiring hope in others. For me, reflecting in this blog helps me to recognize despair and hope. My pondering is meant to help me learn and grow. Writing it for me and posting my thoughts shares them with others. 

In the background earlier today, I had a documentary about a musical group playing in the background. The last song from their final concert came back to mind when I was pondering points from the seminar. Hope is at the centre of the song written by the Nobel Laureate Bob Dylan. Watch for the (younger) faces of Dylan, Ringo Starr, Ron Woods, Joni Mitchell, Neil Diamond, Van Morrison,Ronnie Hawkins and Neil Young. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

I Shall be Released -- The Band

Day 8 - 215 -- Gifts of Friendship

 The day was mostly sunny and seasonably warm. After a virtual meeting with a colleague, I had to rush up to campus to update software on the research computer - a bizarre process that requires one to login while on campus to update the O/S licence. I need to discover how this is done when people are not near campus or on sabbatical elsewhere for a year. The library -- where the IT desk is located -- locks 5 minutes before closing. I got there 10 minutes before the appointed time only to find that security had locked things early. So frustrating. I could have been in and out in under 5 minutes. So, I headed to another building  to print and check to see who might be around at the later time. I found a good friend and was able to use their lab computer space to hard wire and boot. That was great so I could do other virtual visits later today. 

Again today I felt lucky to have friends both near and far. Things are easier when shared. When in the midst of things going sideways friends help with problem solving or carrying the load. Lyrics of the song shared provide a deeper look at the gift that friendship can be. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Gift of a Friend -- Demi Lovato 

Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Day 8 - 214 -- Fight Club

The day turned grey and dreary with expected bits of rain. Well, that forecast greatly underestimated the  amount of water that fell from the sky. It poured -- like POURED -- for a long time. It sounded quieter when I headed out for curbside grocery pickup around dinner time. At this time, it was just raining steadily. I still got wet and the grocery store employees placing things into my trunk wore rain ponchos to try to keep somewhat dry. I waited until it all stopped around sunset to head over to Main Street to buy milk. My shoes got quite wet walking through the grass, but the rest of me remained fairly dry. The odd flurry of droplets fell from trees as I walked along with the sky clearing and sun shining briefly before setting. 

Once darkness set in I heard a noise outside that sounded like a cat mewing. This was followed by the feline war cry. It all sounded very close to my bedroom window. Armed with a flashlight, I stood on the front porch to see if I could see an animal. I thought it might be hurt. I did find a wee face looking up at me from under one of the large ferns. Then I heard growling to the left of the cat. I thought they might have both ended up under the same fern seeking shelter or somewhere for all their posturing to occur. It all quieted down so I headed back inside, only to hear more screaming and meowing. This time I put on shoes and a rain jacket and headed out onto the lawn. Squatting down, I shone the flashlight into the massive fern and found the same face as before looking back at me -- hissing as I quietly spoke to it and made eye contact. When I stood up, it moved away walking normally so I felt it would be alright. I then shone the light in the direction it had run and saw two eyes in the darkness under the yew tree. Closer inspection with the light showed me it was a black and white cat that I'd seen in the area recently. The other one I'd not seen before. 

So why did I head out tonight? This is the fourth time in less than a week that I've heard meowing and sometimes yowling. Tonight the ruckus was louder and longer than previous evenings. I did want to know who the culprits were, too. <smile> I'm not sure why my yard has been the disputed territory, either. I thought of a lyric line when speaking with these two offenders -- "don't give us none of your aggravation"  -- seemed fitting tonight. <grin>  Any night could fit instead of the one noted in the title. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting -- Elton John

Day 8 - 215 -- Traffic Oddities

The day has been sunny and warmer than the past couple of days. The trend towards hotter and more humid days if forecast to continue. I did head out for a walk to Mains Street to run an errand and encountered traffic weirdness. At the corner of my street is a stop sign. I paused to decide if I would cross there or head to the lights 1.5 blocks to my right. There were several vehicles around, so I decided not to cross there but head to the lights. As I paused and turned the corner on the sidewalk, a large truck pulled up the stop sign beside me. Turning right I saw a little blue car heading down the street. The driver leaned on the horn as the large truck -- now behind me -- had pulled out into the street to make a left turn -- in effect entering the lane the blue car occupied. Weird. At the lights, I stepped out into the crosswalk with the walk light only to have one car drive in front of me and another turn the corner narrowly missing me and and two others crossing the street. There was nothing to impeded the views at either corner. It was sheer inattention while driving a vehicle. I found it strange to see two examples of this within a few minutes of each other and within 1.5 blocks of each other on the same street. I realize in some larger centers this may just be a Tuesday. We are a small town, so this seems odd here. I did have a brief wonder if something was trying to tell me something, though. <smile>

I chose a song for the lyric about going in circles like repeating events experienced today -- and the name of the band fit today, too. <grin> Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Here We Go 'Round the Mulberry Bush -- Traffic

Sunday, 1 August 2021

Day 8 - 213 --A New Month Begins

A few more cleaning tasks were completed today along with orders to pick up tomorrow -- curbside groceries and pharmacy order. The day was partly sunny and seasonably warm. Temperatures are to increase during the next week and forecasters suggest this will extend for over a week. It will be a/c time again with little overnight cooling to help with sleep. 

August begins. Some days time flies by. How we got to this stage of summer is unclear. A friend calls the first of every month "calendar flipping day" and I did that this afternoon. Seeing all the new pictures brings moments of immersion in nature, places and art works. I do love my calendars and have one in most rooms. There is a personal journal and monthly scheduler thrown into the mix as well, though these don't have pretty illustrations -- just written notes to summarize and reflect on my day and to get me where I need to be during each day.  

A bright and bubbly pop song from another era came to mind today. The singer-songwriter attended Julliard's prep school for children -- in classical pianist training. Early in his career he became a Brill Building songwriter with credits now of over 500 songs. Keep safe. Enjoy!  

Calendar Girl -- Neil Sedaka