Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Day 8 - 215 -- Traffic Oddities

The day has been sunny and warmer than the past couple of days. The trend towards hotter and more humid days if forecast to continue. I did head out for a walk to Mains Street to run an errand and encountered traffic weirdness. At the corner of my street is a stop sign. I paused to decide if I would cross there or head to the lights 1.5 blocks to my right. There were several vehicles around, so I decided not to cross there but head to the lights. As I paused and turned the corner on the sidewalk, a large truck pulled up the stop sign beside me. Turning right I saw a little blue car heading down the street. The driver leaned on the horn as the large truck -- now behind me -- had pulled out into the street to make a left turn -- in effect entering the lane the blue car occupied. Weird. At the lights, I stepped out into the crosswalk with the walk light only to have one car drive in front of me and another turn the corner narrowly missing me and and two others crossing the street. There was nothing to impeded the views at either corner. It was sheer inattention while driving a vehicle. I found it strange to see two examples of this within a few minutes of each other and within 1.5 blocks of each other on the same street. I realize in some larger centers this may just be a Tuesday. We are a small town, so this seems odd here. I did have a brief wonder if something was trying to tell me something, though. <smile>

I chose a song for the lyric about going in circles like repeating events experienced today -- and the name of the band fit today, too. <grin> Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Here We Go 'Round the Mulberry Bush -- Traffic

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