Sunday, 22 August 2021

Day 8 - 233 -- Too Close for Comfort

Well, I was out again for two quick errands both at pharmacies. I'm not sure why things keep popping up and can't be done in a single trip. They just do. Again I encountered difficulties with distancing. this time the cashier let the next customer in to stand less than a foot away form me as I placed my two items in a bag. Why? This was the same store where I had and issue earlier in the week. I wrote a note to the store to ask that protocols be reviewed and reinforced with staff. Regularly. I mentioned that other pharmacies do  this. The cashier is near the door and can even remind folks to put on their mask. Not so in this store where I've seen people without mask (forgot myself one day even) and no staff members address this. I ended with my reluctance to go into the store when my health is being put at risk by their policies. I don't expect a response. But I hope someone sends it along to the right store manager. 

We have had cloud cover in the evenings. Last night was no different. Thus, I didn't see the seasonal blue moon. It is the third full moon in the season (e-months) with four full moons. That and something I said to myself while muttering about the close encounter at the store. Just once in a while, it would be nice to see things working as directed by the province. This song deals with rare happenings in the night sky and in life. It is an upbeat song, too. <smile> Keep safe.Enjoy! 

Once in a Blue Moon -- Van Morrison

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