The week ended with a sunny and hot day, with cooling by early evening. Finally a git of more bearable temperatures and drier air. I am hoping things cool nicely overnight to help with sleeping. The day involved one outing for an errand and a few small things at home. I tackled some online tasks that have been waiting a while for me to complete. Other than that things were a bit quiet or even dull.
I've often said -- tongue in cheek -- "never say never." Today I said it again to myself. When taking a course on the history of popular music, our weekly listening assignments introduced me to 'new to me' artists and styles. From these, one group in particular left me with no desire to hear more from them. I listened to two selections -- which I cannot for the life of me recall or find in my course notes. Two selections. Perhaps this was like judging a book by its cover, but I could not bring myself to delve any deeper into their other recordings. What I heard was early progressive rock with a strong heavy metal bent -- a lot of volume, distortion and discordant sound. I listened twice for my course responsibility but that was it. Later when I mentioned to a friend that I could not abide this band, I was met with a quizzical look followed by a declaration this was one of their favourite bands. Later still, the friend noted that they were certain that I would like one particular song. So, I listened to that today. Surprise doesn't actually fully describe my response. My friend was right -- of course. I liked the song. The music had a jazz or funk aspect to it -- fusion perhaps. The lyrics made me smile being someone who studies and values communication. Needless to say, I started listening to other songs and found several proggy things that pull from folk and classical forms. So, it seems I do like the work of this band <smile>. The ban covered many styles as it developed through the years. I am forced to take my own advice and should never have said 'never again'. <grin>
Two selections from this band are shared here today. The first was the one suggested by my friend. The second was one of the other songs I listened to today. They are a bit different than some of the usual posting, but broadening one's mind is never a bad thing. <smil> Stay safe. Enjoy!
Elephant Talk -- King Crimson
The Court of the Crimson King -- King Crimson
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