Today was a day of meetings. It began with one to deal with personal papers and such. The second and third were phone meetings that spoke of life -- the daily mundane things and more in depth exploration of some experiences. It was a day to get inside my head and work through some things.
Looking forward was at the centre of many of the chat topics today. Can we allow ourselves to do this again? I feel like I've been protecting myself with brick-like fortification to reduce the impact of disappointments when plane have been squelched by the pandemic protocols. Learning to look at the world with hope and dare I say it - plans - will take time and effort. Perhaps the caution we've lived with for so long now will be difficult to let go. I know I will be following public health guidelines of the past several months for a long time going forward. So, making plans to weigh risks and get back into doing some things outside the house or down the road will be different than what we'd have done two years ago. Our perspectives have changed, so our needs and wants have become clearer -- narrower even. Moving from living in the confines of an abode to moving about in the world again, is desired, but will look different. I want to go places and see people but not in large groups. <smile> Perhaps with time and practice, moving around will begin to feel less foreign.Just need to take that first step.
A few lines from a song swirled around in my head while pondering things today. I like the visual that the title brings forth -- a lone bird able to see the big picture, but needs to move about in order to survive. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Fly Like an Eagle -- Steve Miller Band
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