Thursday 26 August 2021

Day 8 - 237 -- Running the Gauntlet


Today was filled with many activities -- a telephone appointment, calls to make a health care appointment, and shopping. It was seniors day for the pet food store and a pharmacy -- so I stocked up on food and litter as well as a number of toiletries that needed replacing. I had a great chat with a friend. It was screaming hot again here today, so I got take out won ton soup for supper. There was no way I was turning on the stove or anything that would add more heat to the air. That was a good idea as the soup was perfect. When I went out for the soup, I walked down Main Street and noted the larger groups of people walking and people waiting for seats at a restaurant who were lined up along the narrow walkway around the outside dining area. It was student aged people with parent aged folks. The great annual influx has begun. Being forced to walk by the lineup less tha a food away from a dozen or two people was not the wy things should be. There is no where else to walk withoug being on the street walking into oncoming traffic. 

Scenes such as these make me want to get out of town -- to go somewhere with far fewer people gathered together. It is difficult not to say something to people in such situations -- some wearing masks and some not but all failing to distance properly. The restaurant should be doing something to make the line up better and not blocking foot traffic on that street. No one should be forced to run the gauntlet with so many people from who knows where. I'm not sure who to send a note to, but I have to send one somewhere about this as it doesn't seem to follow current public health guidelines or town expectations for walking room around the outside terrace (actually the sidewalk and parking lane). I walked home by a different route to avoid the congestion and it helped me feel calmer, too. <smile> 

My feelings match some of the lyrics to a song, though the song is speaking about something very different -- the phrasing fits the crowded sidewalk situation very well. I need to be careful and not lose my temper -- well visibly anyway. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Too Close for Comfort -- Frank Sinatra

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