Saturday, 28 August 2021

Day 8 - 239 -- Hope and Beauty

The weekend began with a sunny, cooler day -- comfortable. It is more seasonal, I suppose. There will be more heat, but the more moderate temperatures will be present most now. As we near the peak of the hurricane season, we can expect warmer, wetter air masses to pass this way -- with and without wind. There are only about three weeks left before autumn begins. I will say again that time moves quickly even when it feels like life is moving at a snail's pace. 

I like autumn. I grew up on the prairies and this season lasted a few weeks when everything turned brown. Only the ornamental trees that some people planted in their yards provided colours other than dirty yellows and browns. I now live in the midst of a forest with a good portion of hardwood amongst the evergreens. These are mainly maples and a few oaks, both of which turn the most amazing shades of gold, orange and red. All the leaves in my yard rarely fall before early November. On the prairies this occurs in September or by very early October. I enjoy having a full autumn season here. It does herald winter and colder temperatures, which I dislike, but the season here is mercifully short -- three months and a bit depending on the year. Back home snow often arrived the end of October and stayed around until end of April if not into May. So, six months versus three months -- that helps me through some of those snowy days of winter here.  

I guess what I was thinking today had to do with seeing something end -- the brightness and activity of summer. Yet, there is beauty in all four seasons. Each progresses through the stages flowing into each other. This rhythm can be heartening -- things continue in a somewhat expected fashion. During the isolation of the pandemic, I've walked a lot and spent time noticing my surroundings more than just focusing on getting from point A to point B at a good pace. Watching the changes of the seasons more closely helped me to see hope in the daily and weekly changes. 

While looking through the music on the laptop today, I found one that always makes me smile. It reminds me of finding the positives -- however small -- in the things around us. My friend who lived to 100 always said, "Don't wish your life away."  I try to remind myself of that regularly. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Beautiful -- Marillion

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