I was up early again to move the car out of driveway. Lots of wind and a bit of rain occurred throughout the morning. The excavator arrived via the two neighbouring properties instead of coming down the driveway <sigh>. Digging went on for over two hours. During this time there was a jurisdictional group of onlookers -- reps from town and local KofC (since the land behind the yard is an older cemetery managed by both groups), plumbers, and me (I was inside out of the wind). After the pipes were replaced, the hole was filled in and people and equipment left the yard about noon. The excavator even left via the driveway -- go figure <smile>
When the plumbers arrived today, I said that I couldn't wait to do laundry again. One of them responded, "The things you never thought you'd hear yourself say." That made me laugh. It was the first thing I started when they had left, though. I did a couple of loads and started the third. I busied myself with some cleaning of the downstairs bathroom -- the tub and toilet to be precise since that is where things backed up a week ago. I threw out all cleaning cloths when that was done. Then as I was planning supper, we had what my neighbour noted was a brown-out. I unplugged things with motors that will be trying to go again while getting only partial power, which can kill the motors. Thank goodness for a neighbour with all the physics of electricity down pat. And that they would phone to check if I was having the same problems and what to do right away. When I called the town for an eta on the return of power, I was told it would be about 3 hours. Not a long time, but it is cold and the only heat here is electric. I have put on all my clothes and am under all the blankets and comforters in the house. <grin> Guess, I'm making more dirty laundry. <grin> Now, the irony of losing power just as I finally could do laundry has not been lost on me. <grin> I have the third load on a prolonged soak as we wait for power to return. The dryer has a load of wet towels that will need attention when things can work again. I must have tempted fate somewhat when I complained about not being able to wash clothes and then celebrated doing laundry. What was i thinking? <grin>
The lyrics of a country song seemed to fit my thoughts today. It mentions laundry and describes situations where we might tempt fate. It made me smile in the midst of the absurdities of the day. Keep safe. Enjoy!
It all Comes Out in the Wash -- Miranda Lambert
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