I read a social media post by Brene Brown, social worker, researcher, and expert on vulnerability. This post made me stop. It said exactly what I was feeling. She wrote, "Things have been so hard personally and the pain in the world is overwhelming. I can't find my footing." Wow. From someone who researches, writes and does podcasts, this statement shows that even those who lead others through the negative times can feel thrown by things beyond their control. I was amazed by was the level of vulnerability she showed by posting this statement. Again, Wow!
I have been reading headlines less often than a year ago. I avoid online and televised newscasts. The spin is always so one sided. The reporting of hateful activities and statements does little to help people understand a situation. Instead, it polarizes people moving them to the extremes rather than the center where all sides can be presented, discussed and understood. In an online lecture today, the speaker, former Prime Minister, the Right Honourable Brian Mulroney, noted the need to return to a truly bipartisan way of governing and keeping to the high road in communications. The anger we have seen from protesters in several nations has been challenging to absorb and try to comprehend. The addition of a war has made the news even more fraught with anxiety inducing reports. One does need to know what is going on in the world around us, but the reports of the 24/7 news cycle present more supposition and opinion and less fact. <sigh> Common ground seems not so common.
I heard a song through the ear buds while walking that fit the pondering of the day. Many artists have covered this one. I chose the version I heard while walking. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Last Night I had the Strangest Dream -- Garth Brooks
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