Saturday, 12 March 2022

9-71 (12/3/22) -- Major Wind

The morning arrived very grey and still -- an eerie feeling. It brought to mind the portent from Shakespeare, "By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes." My hands did feel a bit sore today which may have been due to the low pressure system and dampness. Who knows? I don't think of myself as one of the 'Weird Sisters' <smile>. Things remained quiet into the late afternoon. Light rain fell, but the wind didn't pick up until closer to supper time. By 8-9 PM, the gusts roared outside. It was very loud and scary. Forecasts state that this will conitnue for a few more hours when a few hours of respite will occur before the gust begin anew but from a more northerly direction. Temperatures will drop and precipitation will turn to snow -- hopefully not a lot. I hope everyone remains safe during this onslaught. 

Other than the storm, gasoline prices seem to be top of mind. I filled the tank when I was out yesterday. It was close to one-third of a tank. I did stop once it reached $60, but this seems to have gotten things closer to full. I've never paid this price for gasoline before. It was $1.82.2 per litre -- and that was after a 4 cent drop in price yesterday. Luckily, I don't have to drive too much or too far, so a tank can last quite a while. I expect that along with the increase in "fill and dash" occurrences, there may be more siphoning from tanks in drive ways. The new vehicle does not have a release lever, one simply presses on the wee door to open it -- and no cover inside either. Odd. 

The title of a song came to mind while listening to the winds tonight. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Like a Hurricane -- Neil Young 


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