Saturday, 12 March 2022

9-70 (11/3/22) -- Caring Gesture

We had another sunny day that wasn't quite as warm as yesterday. I ran errands and got most things on my lists done, but had to push a couple to next Monday. In the afternoon, I listened to an annual lecture (virtual) that has been presented during March, Nutrition Month, for the past 9 years. I was named for a dietitian who was a chef. Mary Sue Waisman fave the first of these lectures named for her. Each topic brings food to the centre of nutrition practice. This year the theme dealt with food sovereignty and food justice in black communities. The speaker wove together a number of major concepts providing a black-centric viewpoint. There was a lot to digest and I'm certain there will be many conversations that come from the pondering of participants. 

I went for a walk early in the afternoon so I could enjoy the sunshine. Into early evening, I chose to go for another short walk. Temperatures were dropping just into freezing territory so some spots of water on the sidewalk were beginning to turn slick. As I was watching the ground and walking in the dark, a man coming towards me noted that I should watch the puddles up ahead. They were very deep so I walked over the snow around them. It would have been difficult to determine the depth of the puddle in the dark, so it was kind of him to give me a heads up. Little things like that renew my faith in humanity -- there are good people out there. 

The song that seemed to fit today best is shared here. This is a cover of the original by Glen Campbell. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Try a Little Kindness -- Brad Paisley 

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