Today I did the final preparation of bags and boxes for donation pickup tomorrow. I have more to sort through for pickup dates in each of the next two months. Now I had planned to do some of this during the early lockdown of the pandemic. Needless to say, many of us made such plans, only to discover the overwhelming nature of a global pandemic left less emotional energy than would be needed. So, I have tried to be kind to myself for not getting to this sooner. Much of it had been done in my head in preparation for the real event, though <smile>.
For this pickup, it is mainly fabric -- clothes and used linens -- some for reuse and some for rag trade. Looking at the clear plastic bags of clothing brings mixed feelings -- so many memories go with each item. I know many of the clothing items should be great for business attire. So, they will hold new memories for someone else. None of these items have been worn by me for a while due to retirement and pandemic changes to daily life.
I've never done such a large sorting event. I've pulled one bag together every so often, but this is a much larger purge. Purge -- that word sounds very negative. Donating these items will help a national charity raise funds. That means that things can be useful to medical research as well as perhaps providing individuals with some fun 'new' clothing items. So, purge may be too stern for the clearing out of items I'm no longer using. Re-homing or re-purposing are gentler terms. Going through all these items again -- some had to be turfed -- has been a bit of a ride with the memories. It reminds me of clearing though my mother's closets six years ago. Wandering through a life by sorting through 'things' brings a lot of emotions. Even without the item in our hands, we will remember the events where the clothes - in this case - were worn. Letting go. It isn't easy, but then it is only the tangible items that are going, since the memories will remain with us.
My meandering through memories with clothing also brought a song to mind. Imagine that! <grin> It has a wonderful up feeling tempo. The topic fits today perfectly. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Vintage Clothes -- Paul McCartney
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