Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Day 6 - 100 -- Refashioning Focus

Today surprised me. I'm in the midst of five separate projects. Juggling these has worked well until the past week or so when deadlines began looming for more than one of these. My brain can't handle writing several things at once given the writing process I've used forever. I write onto screen or paper after my brain has organized and written and edited. I skip the 'just write something' phase. I know others who write this way and it is excruciating <smile>. I've had to try to write before my brain has done the heavy lifting. It is trying, but often bits get crossed when writing several things at once. So -- after much thought, I realize that I have to focus on one thing at a time. Get one project near the final draft and then move to the next item. Some will take a few days while others may take less time. Regardless of time, the brain won't work in a way that it simply wasn't wired to do.

When feeling stressed, it can often only take one more thing for everything to come crashing down. When the personal encroaches, that needs to be cared for first. If not, nothing will be managed as it all swirls into some hateful vortex of doom. My revelation today gave me a direction. I hope that the new plan works <smile>.

A song from years back came to mind. The lyrics provide direction similar to what I've thought of today. Enjoy!

Don't Stop -- Fleetwood Mac

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