Sunday, 21 April 2019

Day 6 - 111 -- Fear

After a the first good sleep in a long time, I woke later than usual. The day was grey with lots of wind. Rain is on the way later this evening. Inside the house along with increasing humidity, I spent the afternoon working on income tax. For some reason this was left later than usual. I'll let this sit for a couple of days and then review the math again before submitting.

While occupied with numbers or background television series stories, my mind seemed to take time to dig up the fear that has been wrapped and pushed into a corner until recently. This emotion rises when one least expects it. A moment of shock or uncertainty is all that is needed to get things rolling down that hill to severe fear. I didn't make it all the way down today -- managed to stop the trip partway. With some assistance from a furry friend, I managed to climb back uphill. That, too, took just a moment -- the few seconds in which one can refocus.

A song about fear and disappointment comes to mind at times like this. Lyrics note how fear can visit during the night when we tend to feel most vulnerable. Enjoy!

I Dreamed a Dream -- Patti LuPone (Les Miserables)

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