Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Day 6 - 113 -- Day with Kindness

While outside the window it was a grey, rainy, dismal day, inside things seemed brighter. Two friends assisted me with some writing, providing solid feedback that will help make this project stronger. Those two meetings contained much laughter, as well. I then spent time doing some further revisions and then set that project aside until tomorrow. The rest of the day was spent reading for other projects and a bit of non-working time.

A little kindness goes a long way. I appreciated the feedback from friends -- who took the time out of their schedules to assist me. Having such supports is a true gift. I especially valued the input at a time when I am feeling anxious about several other things. It helped me to focus and do something constructive today. Small acts can mean so much to the recipients. We should all strive to do small acts of kindness each and every day.

Several song lines went through my head today before I found the one that seemed to fit bet for today. To me, much of the lyric expresses the importance of kindness. Enjoy!

If Everyone Cared -- Nickelback

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