Sunday, 7 April 2019

Day 6 -- 97 -- Encumbered Thoughts

I woke early this morning with lines and phrasing for a paper we are writing running through my head. No wonder I'm tired these days, if I'm working on the writing of several projects overnight. I generally write several versions of a paper project in my head. When I sit down to write or type, things come out in full sentences and paragraphs have been organized. With the four large projects currently in the writing phase, I find I'm not able to focus on one at time as well. I've done outlines and tried to populate these, but things just don't seem to flow the way they do if I work on one at a time. I shouldn't complain, as it is an embarrassment of riches to  have more than one project to write for publication.

When I write, I really do need that focus. So, I may have to revisit the current writing model. Feeling fractured and unfocused requires time for quiet reflection in order to be able to develop that focused writing style. I also don't want to feel so anxious that I spin my wheels every day on these projects. There again, is the need for clarity and balance. Retirement was not meant to become another full time job.

The lyrics of a song from a group featured here often, seemed well suited to the thoughts of the day. The song comes from an album that marked a departure in style of the band. Enjoy!

There's Too Much on My Mind -- The Kinks

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