Saturday, 20 April 2019

Day 6 - 110 -- New Stresses Arrive

The day began with an unexpected appointment. So far, things seem OK.  When pulling back into the driveway, the ABS brake system started chattering -- on dry pavement. So, another unexpected event presented itself. I can't say that I'm prepared to deal with such things. I need more sleep and just when it seems that is a possibility, something else arrives to disturb those plans. Overall, things seem reasonable, but new problems can be emotionally draining -- leaving less energy for needed solutions.

Having a brief respite between external stresses might help with putting solutions together. With continuous challenges mental fatigue, often in the form of decision fatigue, impairs solving even the simpler situations. Besides sleep habits, food choice behaviours and physical activity patterns can be adversely affected. Appropriate coping strategies for stresses may become less useful at reducing anxious feelings.

Today, I felt like shouting "Enough already" as I got out of the car once back in the driveway. It might have been cathartic, but could attract unwanted attention in the neigbourhood <grin>. A song with a similar title seemed to fit the day best.  Enjoy!

Enough is Enough -- April Wine

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