Monday, 29 April 2019

Day 6 - 119 -- A Deadline Conglomeration

Many tasks need to be completed in the next 24 hours -- deadlines stacked on deadlines. Some of these require the work of others before I can complete my part. Not being in control can create more stress than necessary <smile>. I did manage to do some portions of each task during the day, with more to do tomorrow. I'd hoped to get part of a larger task to the halfway point tonight, but that isn't going to happen. I'm so tired due to waking way to early this morning. So -- have to get a good rest tonight so I can hit the ground running tomorrow. <smile>

I took time on the way home to wander the front yard to find the spring flowers in the lawn. Further crocuses are set to bloom and big patches of the bluish lavender Glory of the Snow have begun to emerge. Lillies, irises and tulips are several inches above the soil. they should bring blooms over the next few months. I do love seeing these throughout the growing season.  Cloud formations and emerging sun of late afternoon were wonderful to watch, too.

Lyrics ran through my head today that suit the situation of the day perfectly. The second verse fits perfectly with "The endless desperation of deadline after deadline" and "brings the inclination to make a little free time and watch nature's message as she goes about her day." The singer-songwriter brings moments of calm much like nature did today. Enjoy!

Moon Over the Rio Grande -- Michael Nesmith

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