Sunday, 14 April 2019

Day 6 - 104 -- Relaxing Rest

Much of today was spent reviewing notes for the final exam tomorrow. This was interrupted by breaks to finish the laundry, wash my hair and make supper <smile>. I chose to take the evening off and just let the information marinate in my head for now. With 100 multiple choice questions, it is difficult to determine what specifics of the vast content will be included. I re-read it all and hope that the question format will help me with finding the correct responses. I just need a good rest tonight so I can tackle tomorrow well. 

Recent events have led me to reflect on the emotions that come with feeling overwhelmed -- fear and confusion being near the top of the lengthier list. When in the midst of this type of situation, one can feel the urge to run away or the need to hide somewhere. I've thought this to be similar to the 'horse to the barn' instinct -- that need to go somewhere that feels safe - even if it isn't. Such urges augment the overwhelming feelings. For some, it may go beyond anxiety and border on panic. When we run and hide from everything, how can we help each other recenter? Hmm.

A lyric came to mind today, while thinking of these emotional responses to life -- "Once there was a way to get back home."  The song had a wonderful lullaby tone to it. It was part of the last recorded album of a major group. The link shared here is to the song fragment alone, though it is generally heard linked to other partial songs on this album. The arrangement for this one is lovely. Enjoy! 

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