Saturday, 27 April 2019

Day 6 - 117 -- A Little Luxury

This was a quiet Saturday. Household chores, laundry and cooking filled most of the day. A new batch of spaghetti sauce was completed, which will be added to the freezer inventory for evenings when cooking from scratch may not fit. During the day, I watched a couple of recorded programs and took an hour to read a novel. Cold and cloudy described the weather, which led to downpours in the evening. 

Taking time to relax a bit felt positive today. Other 'work' items exist, but I chose to set them aside for today. I still find it difficult at times to give myself permission to let things sit for a day or so. Twenty years of not having this luxury means fighting what became the norm. This is no longer the case -- something that takes time to accept. It also means that even when understanding that the sense of urgency isn't real, one can be pulled back into the crazy work focus. I've been doing better, but when several things need attention at one time, it can result in an internal struggle. 

An interesting song from the early R&B days seemed to fit the relaxing activities of today. Enjoy! 

Saturday Night at the Movies -- The Drifters

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