Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Day 6 - 106 -- Readjustments

Today brought major adjustments. A project needed to be refocused to fit new guidelines. While I spent some time venting and working to process this, by the time we met to discuss things, I felt calmer. That approach along with some laughter helped to move into a solution oriented space. In the end, a plan appeared and I feel the project will function well in a revised format.

When plans are changed by external forces, I often feel confused and frustrated. Negative feelings prevail while working through how something will fit into a new format. Once I relax and begin to see solutions instead of a problem, emotions change. This make s speaking about the situation easier -- helping others understand the difficulty in changing plans and reworking a project as well as working with a team to implement the new plans. Often both tasks need communicating.  Being in a positive frame of mind promotes both practices.

A song lyric struck me as fitting the events of the day. The early frustrations may be more of the 'fight' response that is followed by the more positive 'teamwork' response.  The lyrics simply state a positive response. Enjoy!

I'll be back up on my feet again -- The Monkees

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