Saturday, 6 April 2019

Day 6 - 96 -- Wearing the Plaid

This dreary sort of day began with snow that melted as it hit the ground, which was followed by rain. I worked inside doing Saturday chores. The highlight of the day was a wonderful chat with a colleague and friend. It has been a long time between chats and this was a good one. <smile>

Being open to the unexpected -- whether that be snow that doesn't stick or a call from a friend -- can provide some joy in the midst of those dreary moments in life. Spontaneity can be rather emancipatory. Being closed off to opportunities might keep us in that dank, grey spot we inhabit. Look up and see what is around you. You just might find a happy surprise.

Today is also tartan day -- a day to celebrate Scots heritage in North America. It began in the mid-1980s in Canada. It seemed appropriate to share a song about tartan. After all, I live in the highland heart of Nova Scotia. <smile> It is interesting to note that this key part of Scottish culture had been banned after the second Jacobite rising in 1745. For 36 years owning any piece of clan tartan was illegal and considered treason to the English king. The song lyrics are found in the shared video file. Enjoy!

The Tartan -- Jack Sinclair Showband

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