Sunday, 28 April 2019

Day 6 - 118 -- Anxiety of the Unknown

Sun shone most of the day with just a sprinkle of rain in mid-afternoon. The view out the window inspired me to do many household tasks. I started the day with a new-to-me weekend breakfast -- a fritatta. I've eaten these before, but don't recall cooking one. I used a generic recipe with proportions of types of ingredients and it turned out to be delightful. I'll have to keep this recipe close at hand for future inspired mornings. The rest of the day involved checking over tax figures. I'd like to get this into the mail tomorrow -- a day early (though it seems I don't owe anything so could file later, if I chose). I made a couple of phone calls to arrange plans for future trips. One involved a chat with people I hadn't spoken to for a while -- always a fun event.

Moving through the day brought thoughts of past, present and future. Having time to reflect can help one feel more grounded. Making plans ahead of time brings calmness instead of anxiety. Flexibility is built in to such plans, so things can change as needed -- but at least some basics have been decided. As an introvert, this helps me manage the anxiety of the 'unknown' <smile>. Just as preparing for differing weather events within or across days, preparing for future events may ensure one is set for the situations -- just like the rain jacket or parka that are in heavy rotation these days.

In the background was a recorded program that celebrated the Motown sound of the past six decades. One song caught my attention. It reminded me of something else I need to do in the coming few weeks -- go shopping somewhere outside my tiny town. <smile>  I loved the combination of artists for this rendition of an old favourite. The singer-songwriter from the early days paired well with a more recent group. Enjoy!

Note -- the lead singer is now 79 years old <smile>

Shop Around -- Smokey Robinson and Pentatonix

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