Saturday, 20 April 2019

Day 6 - 109 -- Spoken Word Challenge

The day was grey and quiet. I worked on laundry and upcoming presentations.. The challenge with the latter will be fitting the desired content within the time limits. Conciseness works more easily with the written word. However, when the typed content moves to an oral format, my speaking style extends the planned length considerably. I know that I can be rather -- well - a lot -- tangential. So, unless I read directly from a written page, something within the content must be shortened or omitted. Besides, reading a presentation limits connection with the audience and can sound very stilted. We write differently than how we speak. I've been a proponent of writing presentations in short point form and covering these points orally in sentences -- a process that generally works well. Training myself to stay on point has been less successful. Practice and massaging words will eventually provide an end product that will fit the time and communicate the intended message.

The title and some lyrics from a song fit my reflections today -- talking too much and cutting some words or statements that could be left behind. The song has aspects of indie pop mixed with hip hop. The production is unique. Enjoy!

I talk too much -- Just Jack ft. Kylie Minogue

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