Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Day 6 - 99 -- Response to Compliments

Where to begin -- it has been a full day. The ground wore a thick white covering when I looked at the great outdoors through the windows in the night. In the morning, the sun was bright and strong. It helped me to feel warm when the air temperature was not much above freezing. The snow ran from the sun, so much was gone by noon.  Once into the office when I got the computer up and running, it became clear that a notice I'd expected later in the afternoon had come out mid-morning. My inbox was filling quickly from a deluge of good wishes from colleagues, friends, and current and past students. I am the 2019 recipient of a major professional award -- based on pioneering, innovative work over my career. Wow -- it is overwhelming (in a good way) and very humbling.

I found myself thinking through the day about the many people who have supported my journey -- school teachers, professors, colleagues, students, friends and family. Without each of these people, I wouldn't have been able to do what I've done -- since none of this I've done alone. People have listened to my sometimes goofy ideas <smile>, and helped me to run with them. Others listened to me vent when things  became frustrating and hurdles blocked my planned path. People accepted me for who I am, which helped tremendously. Like the sun today, they cared for me along the road.

Having grown up where women were not empowered to speak about their accomplishments without being seen as braggarts, accepting praise can be difficult. I had a bit of time to sit with the news before the public notice. This helped me. To respond to the kind words hang onto humility and avoid self-deprecation. These thoughts brought a song to mind -- like no one expected that <smile>. The lyrics provide a goal for living one's life. Enjoy!

Humble and Kind -- Tim McGraw

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