I woke early, but spent time in pjs listening to news and weather and such. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Odd. This usually means a delivery, but I wasn't expecting anything. So, as the second ring happened, I grabbed my bath robe and opened the front door. One of the workers from next door asked me to move my car from driveway since the wind was blowing materials into my yard around the car as the roofing continues today. This reno event should make it clear that there is sunshine today and expected for tomorrow. Then there will be rain for 5 or 6 days -- often big rain rather than drizzle. So, roofing will be completed in the next day or two, which will mean less nail gun and shouting noise <smile>.
It is interesting to watch the progress of work next door. I can't see what is going on inside, but the basement (door was open most of the time work was happening there) and now the roofing. It is all clearly outside my front windows. I will admit that I was a bit worried when he noted that materials were blowing off the roof. Then when I went outside, the wind was very noticeable at ground level. It must have been challenging for the guys up higher trying to remove and replace shingles.
The work next door today brought a favourite song to mind. The title said much about outside events today. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy!
Up on the Roof -- Carole King & James Taylor
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