Monday, 31 January 2022

9-31 (31/1/22) -- Another Beginning

Bright sunshine was with us for most of the day. The furry one spent much time in the sunshine as it crossed the kitchen floor. I walked to Main Street to do a couple of errands. The air felt clear and crisp, but the sidewalks were covered in ice that was covered in water in many places. The ice meant I spent my walk looking down at the ground rather than luxuriating in the sun and blue sky. 

After doing some cleaning around the house, I headed out to pick up a takeout order for Chinese food. Tonight is Lunar New Year's Eve -- another beginning. It will be a low key affair here compared to the fireworks and lion dances we encountered in Hong Kong many years back. I try to mark this day with food -- after all, Food is My Life [tm] <grin>. I often make a couple of dishes, but this year chose to let someone else do that cooking. So, I got some hot and sour soup, Singapore curry fried noodle and moo goo gai pan. All was great and they heard me this time when I asked for two of the dishes to be made hot. The heat was super and does not over power all of the other wonderful flavours. Another upside of this wonderful meal is that I now have dinner for tomorrow covered. <smile>  

I looked for a song to share today since the only one that came to mind seemed rather predictable. After listening to several songs and instrumentals, I'm afraid I stayed with the original one that came easily to mind. The others I found in a search just didn't fit for me. So -- sorry, but I expect that most of you will have guessed what I chose to share in this blog. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Eye of the Tiger -- Survivor 

Sunday, 30 January 2022

9-30 (30/1/22) -- Ice or Sand?

Bits of sun shone through the grayness today.The plow guy came early this morning before I'd called, so I wasn't listening for them. I ate breakfast and then went out to clear the snow and ice from the car. When I moved all that snow off of the walkway, I realized the backhoe left a huge mess on the town sidewalk and the paved entry to the driveway. The huge tires packed down snow there, while my driveway is a bit clearer. I called the boss and he came by and cleared up some of it with the truck plow blade. Being out just after the first guy left would have let me move the snow from the town property. Instead, when I got out there, it had frozen into a solid mass of ice. It is a bit better, but will need a healthy amount of salt from the sidewalk plow to make the sidewalk walk-able for the many folks who walk up and down this street. Sanding the sidewalks and roads would help deal with the ice layers, too. 

I did feel positive most of the time while moving snow over the past two days. However, this does not mean that I'm in any way pleased with the iciness of the world in my immediate surround. It is weather like this that reminds me that I now worry about falling and breaking something -- or should that be something else. One trip and fall that broke incisors (2 years ago) and one slip and fall on stairs that broke an elbow (7 years ago) are more than enough So, weather like this brings thoughts of being somewhere else -- somewhere warmer and ice-free. Somewhere with salt, sand and ice but from very different places -- salt water, sandy ground cover, and cold beverages. <smile> Several places I've visited come to mind jockeying for position. A song presented itself while I was searching for something else. It seemed perfect and reminded me of a day watching sunset on Waikiki. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Mai Tais --  Train ft. Skylar Grey


Saturday, 29 January 2022

9-29 (29/1/22) -- Caught in the Media Net

 The day began with an hour of shoveling 15 cm (6 in) or more of snow to clear porches and a pathway to the street. While completing these tasks, another 2.5 cm (1 in) fell followed by another 5 cm (2 in) once I got back inside. Then the snow transitioned to rain with a short period of 'hard' rain -- ice pellets and/or freezing rain. There is to be about 15 mm (just over 05 in) of rain before things move back to snow for tomorrow but with small accumulations. Bottom line -- I had to go out twice to try to move some of the slush this evening. It is wet and heavy so it took longer to move tiny bits at a time. I got most of the slush moved but there is some ice under it that will only become larger as the water freezes tomorrow. To battle the ice, I will be out salting tomorrow. <sigh> 

This makes four storms in three weeks, three storms being weather bombs. These deep lows see pressure drop 24 millibars in 24 hours. Powerful stuff. <sigh> I had never heard of a weather bomb until I encountered one in late October of my first year living here. It introduced me to the monsoonal rains common to the Atlantic coast climate. When these occur in winter,  we often get an extra strong nor'easter. Areas north and west of here are getting much more snow, while areas along the mainland Atlantic coast will get more rain and freezing rain. Determining the track a storm might take involves a lot of computer modeling and forecasts change in the days leading up to such storms and in the hours just ahead. This can create anxiety in those listening to the forecasts. I try to check the information online or with the app rather than listen to the ongoing overstated suppositions verbally, which are often so over the top. Introducing a high level of anxiety to the viewer can lead to people being unable to stop watching. They begin to feel unsafe or threatened. Sadly, this increases viewership and exposure to advertising and such. So, the networks gain far more than viewers. As a media researcher,  I understand the way 24-hour news or weather networks need to fill every broadcasting minute, even though there just sin't enough factual information to share. Instead, broadcasters discuss potential outcomes with 'experts'  and each other. At best, the information shared uses words like might,  maybe, could, and such. But the feeding frenzy of 'what if' takes over and getting off the roller coaster becomes difficult. 

The selection of the day is from 2011 -- not that long ago. I began my work in media content analysis in the mid-1990s. The same concerns hold today as they did back in the 1950s with the beginning of the golden age of television. Marshal McLuhan wrote much about the electric communications and more about the future of electronic age -- all written in the 1960s. So, what this isn't anything new or unique.  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Selling the News -- Switchfoot

Friday, 28 January 2022

9-28 (28/1/22) -- Backing and Forth-ing

Today was my running around day. I needed a new drain plug for the tub and picked up mail on campus If it were most other days, I would have stopped at the grocery store for a couple of items that were not available for my online order at the other store yesterday. Today is the day before a storm (yes -- that makes three weekends in a row <sigh>) and the day students are arriving since in-person classes begin on Monday. Residence check-in times began today and will run all weekend, so getting mail today made sense -- fewer folks around this afternoon. Students living off campus are replenishing their pantries and the grocery stores were inundated. 

This afternoon was our annual vet visit. All went well and he is tired and a bit subdued due to interuption of his usual afternoon snooze and effects of the vaccine he received. We got home when I realized I didn't get a refill for the prescription for the furry one. So, out I went and headed back to the vet office. When I arrived, I managed to find a place to park in the back -- it was very busy at that time of day with folks picking up their animals at the end of the day. Then I realized I did not have a mask with me. I thought I had put some in the car, but apparently that was just one of those good intentions that come to me at 3 AM <sigh>. So, home again and then back to the vet office. Thankfully I live in a small town so things aren't all that far apart. In a city, it would have been impossible to complete the two extra trips before the office closed for the day. 

As I was driving around town today, a song line hit my consciousness. I believe I laughed out loud in the car. <grin>. the moniker fit today, but for rather different reasons. <giggle> Hope it makes you smile, too.  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Runaround Sue -- Dion

Thursday, 27 January 2022

9-27 (27/1/22) -- Frozen!

Today was brought to us by the word 'frozen'. It got very cold last night -- well cold for here. It was about -15C (4F). I let the car warm up while moving snow and ice off the windows and roof. I left the  windshield for last when wiper blades were freed from the ice. I drove off to do errands. On the way, I discovered that the wipers did not move across the windshield. Luckily, there was no precipitation today -- just some great sunshine and blue sky. I did the grocery pickup -- the first in a couple of weeks, so it contained lots of fresh produce. Then I got some bread and muffins. When I got home, the wiper blades still didn't move, so I called my dealership service department and let them know that I would be up shortly for a quick look with a lengthier visit for tomorrow, as needed. As I was leaving the driveway, I tried the wipers again and they worked as expected! There was a chunk of ice that had been dislodged from the gutter area. It must have been impeding the mechanism. Interesting. I've never had that occur and I take time to move as much ice as possible away from the blades and hinge area. I made another call to the service desk and let them know that things seemed to be working. That felt good. <smile>  

The colder days can bring sunshine, which is a great plus. The frozen world of snow and ice is far from my favourite, though. I had a song running through my mind while moving ice and snow from the car, porches and walkways. I chose to share it here so that I'm not the only one dealing with this little earworm. Apologies. <grin>.  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Let it Go -- from Frozen, Idina Menzel 

9-26 (26/1/22) -- Walking and Talking

I woke to the sounds of roofers moving in to work on the rental house two doors down. I was surprised that they would do this work in the colder temperatures today. Tomorrow is to be even colder, so I'm not sure if I should expect them putting up scaffolding by 7:30 AM or not. We'll see. 

I went for my walk today with a friend. While it was chilly, the sun was great. It felt great to be able to walk and chat and to speak in person for a change. We usually meet virtually each week. Some of the ice cover was melting due to a larger dose of salt on the main sidewalks. It will freeze overnight and create an icier surface tomorrow. I may have to do a shorter walk or find another outdoor activity -- I do have to move snow and ice off the car, so that may be a good start. 

Today was the 11th annual Bell Let's Talk Day. Efforts are to reduce stigma surrounding mental health challenges by supporting ourselves and others. My weekly chats with several friends are a form of self care to help me reduce impacts from anxiety, which has increased during the pandemic. Seeing friends in person -- even when less often over the past two years -- helps with calming and relaxing. When we share a walk or a cup of tea,  that helps even more. 

The song I chose introduces walking and talking -- the activity I enjoyed a lot today. The bulk of the lyrics deal with hoping and feeling lonely, which didn't fit my day but may fit the day that others experienced. Keep safe. Enjoy!

I'm Walkin' -- Fats Domino


9-25 (23/1/22) -- Scottish Heritage

Today was a grey day again. However, temperatures were closer to freezing so there was some melting occurring during the day. I had a meeting about planning future activities and a phone chat with a friend. Both were enjoyable. 

Living in the 'highland heart of Nova Scotia'  brings traditional celebrations of Scotland closer. Today is Robbie Burns Day. I do have ancestors who emigrated from Scotland. I hope one day to travel to Edinburgh where a statue to one of my ancestors stands. Most of my lineage is from Ireland and England, but there is the one branch from Scotland. It would be fun to visit places where all branches began. In the meantime, I've learned bits of Scottish Gaelic. The furry one bears a Gaelic name being a lost boy in this town where street signs are in English and Gaelic. At official gatherings, the national anthem is sung in English, French, Gaelic and Mi'kmaw. I attended a ceremony several years ago where a local Scot addressed the haggis and then we all partook of this washed down with a wee dram. As a friend has noted, haggis is much like a sausage - and this one was more 'modern' than the traditional recipe <smile>. Tonight I will have a wee dram of Islay scotch but will forgo the haggis for an oat cake -- something that I was introduced to when I moved here and am not sure how I managed without them to that point <grin>. 

This year I decided to go a different direction with the song. No bagpipes, just a group from Scotland who made tartan cool. I love this ode to a weekday. It sounds so happy.  I hope the Scottish bard will forgive me <smile>. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Saturday Night -- The Bay City Rollers

Monday, 24 January 2022

9-24 (24/1/22) -- Pondering Hope

My first big task today involved moving 10- 15 cm (4 to 6 inches) of light fluffy snow that fell overnight and into the morning. There was no wind, so it all stayed in place when moved to the side of the walkway. There is still a hefty amount of ice super-glued to the ground. It may be with us for weeks. <sigh> 

I had a good discussion with a colleague today -- one that left me with some ideas of dealing with stress and anxiety. I was also reading about hope -- a word that we tend to use as a noun and may forget that it is also a verb; so it is something that involves action. Hope has many faces -- celebrating, learning, sharing, future planning, transforming, reflecting, building and so many more. Recognizing that while we can't control the world around us, we can keep a positive outlook for our own future growth and development. Hanging onto hope can be very challenging, especially when many small things descend on us, many of which we may not be beyond our control. Reflecting on how we are managing when feeling very overwhelmed can help us to put things into perspective better. We need to find our supports -- people, animals, and ourselves. Being kind to self and others helps us to feel better about the larger picture. It helps situate us within an active space where we can hold onto hope rather than feeling desperate and hopeless.  In short, being kind gets us outside ourselves and back into the world.

I thought of a song with lyrics that support self and others. I enjoy the tempo and positive sound of this one. It provides a bit of hope. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Never Gonna Let You Down -- Colbie Caillat

9-23 (23/1/22) -- Dinner Celebration

Sunshine stayed while I moved bit of snow that fell overnight. Daily exercise outside feels good. This is surprising since I dislike winter and the accompanying ice and snow. To find that being out in it all can be somewhat pleasant, is a bit incongruous. 

This evening I went to a friend's for supper to celebrate their birthday. It felt good to meet with a small group, something we haven't done since Christmas. We all remain at home except for walks and visits to grocery stores and pharmacies all while wearing 3-layer masks or double cotton masks with a PM 2.5 filter insert. We enjoyed food, wine and fun conversations. It was relaxing to chat and laugh together -- in person. Virtual visits can be relaxing, too, but it is different being in the same physical space. 

The song shared today deals with spending time with friends. You may want to listen without the video, which is a bit distracting. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy!

Good Friend and a Glass of Wine -- LeAnn Rimes

Saturday, 22 January 2022

9-22 (22/1/22) -- Pressures

The sun peeked through clouds by noon today with a few light flurries in the air. I ate lunch and then headed out to shovel the 3-5 cm (1-2 inches) of snow that fell into the overnight. The sun left just as I was getting suited up but the outing still felt good. Staying indoors can become oppressive so outdoor activities are important

I did very little of what I'd planned for the day -- I did make supper rather than reheating something, but other than that, little seemed to be tackled. The past week has felt overwhelming -- too many new things to manage. Why do things arrive in clusters rather than letting one get used to a single item before a new one is tossed into the mix? Since the pandemic began, getting hold of things and doing the basic problem solving has become trickier. In the midst of a great unknown, other smaller unknowns become so much larger than they would be in a less stressful global situation. 

Lines from a song I've used here before got stuck in my head today, so I'm sharing it one more time. It is a great collaborative effort. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Under Pressure -- Queen & David Bowie

Friday, 21 January 2022

9-21 (21/1/22) -- Another Musical Loss

The week ended with a partly sunny day. The morning was grey and cloudy, but sun emerged by midday. Temperatures were cold, but the sun helped me to think warmer thoughts. I moved the inch or two of snow from yesterday. Much ice remained under that. My afternoon walk took me back to Main Street for a more successful trip to complete shopping errands than the trip earlier in the week. I had a late lunch when I returned home followed by a nap that lasted longer than expected, which I put down to weather and stress. I did feel somewhat refreshed afterwards, though. 

Another great music personage died this week. Meatloaf was known for the very theatrical sound of his productions. The first album Bat out of Hell was a rock opera with amazing powerful songs by Jim Steinman -- songs that many people of a certain age know word for word. <smile> This concept album was followed by several others. People who saw Meatloaf perform live were blown away by his stage showmanship. His unique approach to music and story-telling will be missed. 

It was not easy to choose one of Meatloaf's songs to share today. I finally tossed a virtual coin <smile>. This one illustrates the operatic song style and his powerful vocals. Keep safe. Enjoy!

You Took the Words Right Out of my Mouth -- Meatloaf

Thursday, 20 January 2022

9-20 (20/1/22) -- Seasonal Perspectives

The weather today had above freezing temperatures with bits of smaller ice patches melting. By early afternoon, light snow covered everything so one can't tell where the ice hides underneath. So, I didn't get out for my walk today. I hope that I can get out for a walk tomorrow. I miss it on the days that I don't get out for a journey around the neighbourhood. In the late afternoon, I did have a great talk with a friend that left me smiling. 

While puttering around the house and pondering today, I realized that most of my blogs have been complaints about the winter weather. The negative vibes for the season are not unusual for me, but I feel that I would like to intersperse the negativity with some other ideas. <smile> A friend posted a meme a week ago that noted that if one was to choose not to take joy in the snow, there would be less joy but the same amount of snow <grin>. I expect this holds for the winter season as a whole. If the ground cover doesn't bring joy, then I will need to seek if elsewhere. This brought to mind my shoveling episode on the weekend after the ice pellets and snow had fallen. It was after dark and the area was lit by the bright backyard light next door. While this light can be irritating when it shines into my living room or bedroom at night, that night it helped me to see my way down the side of house. It was truly beautiful. The ice and snow crystals shone and sparkled and reminded me of diamond dust -- not that I've ever seen diamond dust, but this was what I imagined it would look like. I was surrounded by the marvelous sparkles. That did make me smile and brought a moment of joy. I will need to be more alert to find those moments rather than get mired in the frustration that storms tend to bring. 

The song shared today is the one that came to mind when I saw the sparkling snow-scape that I walked through. This songwriter is known for complex rhythms that are interesting and enjoyable. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Diamonds on the Soles of her Shoes -- Paul Simon

Wednesday, 19 January 2022

9-19 (19/1/22) -- Time for a Cuppa?

The end of the driveway looks like the mouth of a river -- frozen. Clear, thick ice. This is present only for my driveway. All others on the block have far less ice. I'm not sure what makes my driveway so special -- some weird physics at play here? I had cleared it all twice the day before yesterday and it was clear when I drove back into the driveway yesterday. So where this mysterious slush and water pile came from remains a mystery. When I walked out this afternoon, I couldn't stand on the ice without moving downhill. I had to walk along the edge of the ice and the front lawn -- less than the width of my boots. The stuff on the lawn has a thick ice cover over snow and frozen slush, so that is just as treacherous as the ice. This generally happens later in the winter, but has happened earlier in the winter.  

My walk along Main Street felt good. The air is cold, but there were fewer clouds than we've had for a couple of weeks. Sunshine was present most of the day. I got one of the four errands completed. The others will need more searching. I met with a friend via Zoom today. We had not chatted for some time and hope to have a quick tea break more regularly. I miss our tea or lunch visits that happened at least weekly before the pandemic. I do have tea several times daily, but this has often been on my own recently. This beverage has always been integral to socializing. I've missed that and have trried to work that into virtual chats. These thoughts led me to a song about when it is time for a cuppa. It is fun little song from a 1960s band. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Have a Cuppa Tea -- The Kinks

Tuesday, 18 January 2022

9-18 (18/1/22) -- Weather Incongruity

Well, if I thought it was slippery a couple of days ago, today proved me wrong. Even with temperatures above freezing with melting snow, light rain and fog, the ground remains cold. So, things are freezing even though air temperatures are a bit warmer. Salt doesn't do much since the water runs and takes the salt away from the ice beneath. I chose to drive this morning when I realized how icy the sidewalks were. It was early, so the main walkways would not be dealt with for another few hours. The centre of the roads were wet but the curbsides were filled with slush, water and ice to the depth of 2 to 3 feet. Luckily, I didn't have a long way to go. A colder air mass moves in tonight, so that may make cleanup of streets and sidewalks easier with sanding and salting. At present the next few days have no appreciable precipitation forecast. I hope that means that I can get out to Main Street to run some errands -- all while remaining upright.  <smile> 

The title and chorus line of a song got stuck in my head today. The words fit the outside world well today. The full lyric is about something else altogether, but the three key words say it all. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy!

Slip Slidin' Away -- Paul Simon

Monday, 17 January 2022

9-17 (17/1/22) -- Third Time Around

 The day began with major cold but warmed throughout the day. Rain arrived in the early evening. I cleared snow and some ice from the car and hope that the warmer temperatures will do the rest overnight. We expect up to an inch of rain by later tomorrow, which will be followed by a major freeze. After sunset, the winds rose, too, with bit gusts. 

Now, you may think that I have just copied and pasted a previous blog, but no. This is the third storm in 11 days. This one will have bits of precipitation, but will be mainly a wind event we have been told. I admit to being rather tired of the process. We often have a major storm around mid-January, but the repeat cycle is tiresome and makes the days seem bleak at best. Do events come in threes? Will this third storm be the last? Well, the last for a longer while, I guess. <smile> 

The selection chosen today fits in a number of ways. The title points to wanting something positive. The lyrics explain being tired of the same old same old and could easily be directed to the current season.The band name refers to the key number for today. I do hope that this bluesy sound will help move the storm away from here and bring some better weather vibes our way. Keep safe, Enjoy! 

Play Something Sweet (Brickyard Blues) -- Three Dog Night


Sunday, 16 January 2022

9-16 (9/16/22) -- A Very Long Wait

What a marathon service provider visit - 10:15 AM to 2:45 PM! It began with changing the modem, which created several new connectivity issues -- like no connection to tv receiver. So, one receiver was changed after trying new wifi download devices three times! The tech decided the new modem likely had an upgrade that precluded the use of the download device. He then decided to hardwire the receiver to the modem. When that seemed to work, I asked if the old receiver could be reinstalled since it held all my pvr stuff -- and there is a lot there at the moment. That was done and it looks like everything is still accessible. So -- things work again and all it cost was a slightly larger hole in the wall where the wire was pulled through and that is covered by a plate and backstopped with silicon from the outside. 

My plow guy cleared the driveway after I shoveled to clear the back porch and the rest of the front walkway. Just as I'd warmed up from shoveling, I had to head out to move the bits right behind the car after he plowed. The temperature was very cold but at least earlier in the afternoon there was some lovely sun. We expect rain in the next day or so, which will change the snow and ground cover to ice -- it won't be warm enough to melt it -- only to saturate it and then re-freeze it all again. This is when glaciers begin to form in the front yard and all around town. <sigh> 

I thought a lot while waiting for the technology to be fixed. The tech, who generally works with business clients, noted he was helping with the backlog of appointments and hadn't worked with household customers for ten years. I understood that the changes would take some time, but almost four hours had me getting antsy. I had hoped to do more laundry and some cooking along with moving the snow. A walk in the sunshine would have been nice, but there might be another day or two in the next week that will offer that. Even though frustrated, I tried to be calm and kind. That took energy. It wasn't easy at times. All of this reminded me of a couple of lyric lines from a song <smile>. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Tired of Waiting -- The Kinks


Saturday, 15 January 2022

9-14 (14/1/22) -- Getting Past the Gray

The grey day had temperatures above freezing. During my walk in mid-afternoon, a light rain began to fall. This became heavier by supper time and will turn to ice pellets with some freezing rain overnight. Snow will fall most of Saturday. In short, it will be a mess to move what falls. The ground will be muddy, so moving ice pellets and snow will be challenging. While I made a short list of household chores that need to be done this weekend, some may have to wait as there is only so much time and energy available. The frozen stuff will be the priority. Otherwise, it will all freeze solid as the temperature drops dramatically throughout tomorrow. 

I dislike storms that carry all types of precipitation. Rain and snow are manageable; it is the in-between types that create a lot of difficulty -- moving the heavier snow that becomes saturated and power outages due to downed lines and trees. It isn't something that I've gotten used to over the many years I've lived in this maritime climate. I recall a friend who lived here for part of her adult life. She had been on the prairies most of her life. She would write letters detailing how utterly nasty the wintry mix was. Until I experienced this myself, I didn't fully grasp her exasperation. It is weather that begs one to curl up with a movie or book and a comfy blanket -- by a fireplace even -- to escape the storm for a brief moment.  

I have taken heart with the noticeable lengthening of the days. Being a non-morning person, I have noticed this mostly at the end of the day. I often walk later in the afternoon and have found that the sun does not set before or during my usual walk time. That is a ray of hope. 

The lyrics to the selection shared here are very poetic. The words encourage that we paint things rather than accepting only the dull grayness. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Wrapped in Gray -- XTC

9-15 (15/1/22) -- A National Loss

Inspiration. Icon. Advocate. Trailblazer. Mentor. These are only a few of the words being used to describe Alexa McDonough after her death today. She was the first female leader of a major political party when she led the Nova Scotia provincial NDP and she sat in the provincial legislature as a lone woman -- when there were no bathrooms for female legisltators. She then moved into the realm of federal politics and sat as MP for one of the Halifax ridings and as party leader for the national NDP. Alexa fought for equity in terms of gender, race, religion, socioeconomic status and so much more. Her professional life began in the field of social work with the provincial public service and then teaching at a local university. I saw her once at the dining room of the Chateau Laurier in Ottawa where she was in a working lunch. I was with a few colleagues attending a conference. I remember her ever present, genuine smile in the many media interviews and sound bites over the years. It was part of her sincere interest in the people she encountered. She left the world a much better place.  

I've included a link to her obituary, which includes a link to a video highlighting her legacy. I recommend checking out each of these. 

Obituary Link

Legacy Video Link  -- 

Storm update -- there has been much blowing snow with a bit of new snow falling all day long. I did some shoveling in the late morning to move snow off the front porch, stairs and small sidewalk. I felt fatigued and the wind was wicked, so I headed back inside to deal with things when the weather improves -- likely not until tomorrow morning. 

The song chosen for today speaks to what the world could be if we focus on improving equity for all -- something that lies at the core of Alexa McDonough's legacy. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Imagine -- John Lennon & the Plastic Ono Band (with the Flux Fiddlers) 

Thursday, 13 January 2022

9-13 (13/1/22) -- The Next One

This morning temperatures were above freezing-- a big change from the past two days. Some rain and ice pellets fell overnight, so there was a bit to push off porch, stairs and sidewalk to avoid major ice when it freezes next. My walk in early afternoon took me to Main Street for errands. Even with full cloud cover, the weather felt good. Getting out in the fresh air daily helps a lot. <smile> The down side of our weather story is that there will be a messy storm arriving tomorrow and staying into Saturday. Rain, ice pellets, freezing rain and snow are forecast --all in large amounts. Didn't we just go through this last Friday? <sigh> Listening to the meteorologists creates extra stress as they jump to hyperbole and conjecture often as they wait for the computer models for the next storm. 

The song shared here speaks to storms literally and metaphorically. I thought of the many small and a couple larger issues poking at me these days, including wondering how much snow will need to be moved with the next storm and will there be a power outage and so on . . . .  The lyrics of the selection today provide a sense of hope rather than despair -- a good thing <smile>.  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Every Storm (runs out of rain) -- Gary Allan 

Wednesday, 12 January 2022

9-12 (12/1/22) -- No TV?

My day began with moving the small bit of snow that fell last night. It was COLD outside. Frost was halfway up the windows in kithen, bathroom and bedroom. This melted by mid-afternoon as temperatures rose about 10-12 degrees Celsius during the day. I went for a walk in late afternoon. It was pleasant with a very light snowfall, which is not expected to accumulate in any big way. 

When I sat down to watch a television program tonight, the TV signal was acting up -- freezing, pixilating and blurring of pictures -- looked like blurred pixels at times and like a melting water colour at other times -- both like some intriguing modern art form. Sometimes the audio worked perfectly but with a frozen picture -- for both receivers. The phone made a sputtery sound with the dial tone when I called the service provider. Bizarre. While waiting for an agent, I got an apology for the wait time and several other placating phrases. At least they were different than the stock "your call is important to us . . ." Also, there was no marketing while I waited, either. I did not get a message telling how long the wait might take nor did they have a call back feature. So, I endured their choice in music in a 20 minute loop for the duration -- 45-50 minutes. Within two minutes of hanging up with the call and problem 'fixed', it all started again <grump>. It wouldn't be so bad if there was a more direct call back system, but no -- another 45ish minutes for the next call. The ticket was pushed to the next level and an appointment was made for a technician to come to the house to fix the issue -- four days from now! Sunday between 8 am and 3 pm. I live with the television on especially when I'm not heading out to visit or work. I may go starkers before they get here. <yikes> 

Pieces of a song lyric flew around in my head during the television situation. When the technology is broken and we depend on it, that adds to the stress instead of helping reduce the stress. I know I'll find a way to deal with viewing online and such, but it isn't the same. I need to check to see if some of the pvr stuff will work or not. We'll see. There are oodles of dvds that I could dig out, too. I'll be sure to keep you apprised via the blog. <grin> Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Broken -- Lindsey Haun


-- songs about breakdown or broken 

9-11 (11/1/22) -- Frozen Ground Cover

The morning was colder than any other so far this winter. I moved the two inches of snow from last night. It felt like a balmy Saskatchewan winter day that reminded me of home with the cold, sunshine and minimal wind. After moving the snow, I went for short walk to enjoy the day. Being dressed adequately made the trip delightful. Under the bit of new snow lies icy frozen slush and water. That means walking with care and using some traction material on the slippery areas. 

Inside this afternoon, I read through a peer review manuscript for a journal. I will need to sit on it until tomorrow to let the comments ruminate a bit. Then I'll be ready to refine and submit the comments to the editor. It was a good activity for such a cold day. The furry one sat close, which helped me relax and feel a bit warmer -- likely reciprocity in those feelings <smille>. 

Given the amount of icy frozen ground cover, one song in my head seemed to fit. Now, it is just the first line that fit. The gist of the song is very different than the weather I encountered today. <smile>. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Cold as Ice -- Foreigner 

Tuesday, 11 January 2022

9-10 (10/1/22) -- Advocate Lost

Overnight, scraps of snow and ice along the pathway to the street and on the car disappeared. Temperatures rose and then dropped by morning. The porch has much ice again, so more ice melter was scattered there. The sidewalk was much clearer but still had a few patches that needed attention. I went for a short walk to the bank machine and a longer way home. The wind is strong and cold. For a longer walk, I'd need to but on wind pants for added insulation. The forecast indicates that most days for the next week will not get above freezing. It is January, after all <sigh>. In the evening, I took a longer walk about 25 minutes one way with a big hill before the turn-around point. The winds had died down, so temperature was bit colder than afternoon, but not such severe wind chills. It felt quite exhilarating. 

Yesterday evening I watched a Sydney Poitier movie. To Sir, with Love was easiest to find and remains a favourite. As a friend noted, it is a great coming of age movie. We were kids when it came out. When I first saw it as an adult, it was from a very different perspective. When I was an educator, this movie brought insights and situations that I could relate to on yet another level. The recent death of Poitier brought several movies to mind. I enjoyed his acting skills in all movies and admired his advocacy efforts. I have one of his books, The Measure of a Man which showed another skill set mastered. The world is better place due to his presence. 

I chose a title song to one of the great Poitier movies -- one of many with great social commentary. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

In the Heat of the Night -- Ray Charles

Sunday, 9 January 2022

9-9 (9/1/22) -- Visitors in the Snow

I managed to accomplish some of the weekend tasks today while still dealing with the weather cleanup outside. The laundry is finished <smile>. It took three trips out to move snow left from last night. The plow guy moved much of the snow from the end of the drive. I shoveled the berm left behind the car and cleared some of the ruts from the truck. Later I headed out to move snow off the car. I waited until it was above freezing. Most of it released from the roof at that time. Two to three hours later, a lot of melting was evident as it rained a bit. I headed out again to move more of the snow from the roof of the car. This was necessary tonight as temperatures will drop overnight and everything will freeze up again. The sidewalk, porches and stairs were covered in a thin layer of ice, which prompted a trip to sprinkle ice melter around. I don't want others or me to slip and fall. 

Since there was a lot of physical activity with the three snow moving outings, I didn't go for a walk as planned today. I did have a visit with neighbourhood felines while shoveling the first time. The youngest female from down the block sat under the car and watched. She ran around in the snow, digging holes and diving at them. As I moved snow, she chased any errant bits that rolled down the bank. The other cat from the same house dropped by to see what was up. He is one that has mastered the portals to another dimension -- showing up from nowhere and disappearing into the air. He did not disappoint today <smile>. His antics reminded me of a song -- a fun one from a musical; though this cat is a ginger tabby. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Mr. Mistoffelees -- Timothy Scott & Terrance Mann (Broadway CATS 1983)


Saturday, 8 January 2022

9-8 (8/1/22) -- Thinking Back

The big winds overnight left many small twigs and branches scattered around the yard both under and on top of the snow. As winds diminished this afternoon, I headed out to move the snow that fell and drifted last night. Luckily, the amount was small, so even the drifts were not huge. The rain, ice pellets and snow pellets from last evening left a crusty, icey covering on the porches and stairs. On the ground there was a 3-4 cm (1.5 inch) layer of ice, which added to the struggle when shoveling. The snow was light, but the icy areas added to the work load. 

After the outside exercise, I worked on the usual weekend chores -- laundry and cleaning. I had a great chat with a friend out west. It has been a while and is always great to catch up. I also live streamed a celebration of life for a fellow classmate from our undergraduate program. As a group, we have had a couple of reunions since then so were able to see each other in recent years. We will all miss her smile, laugh and kind approach. Being able to attend such gatherings through virtual platforms is one of the good things to come out of the pandemic, 

Thinking through some way back memories today led me to a perfect song lyric from a song recorded when we were undergrads together. The key lyric that hit me was "when we're old" . . . we'll go "walking in the park and reminiscing" -- much like we did at our reunions. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Reminiscing -- Little River Band


Friday, 7 January 2022

9-7 (7/1/22) -- Snowy Stormy Day

It has begun. On my walk to an appointment mid-morning,  no precipitation fell. Yet, 15 minutes later when I did the return trip, there were bits of rain with the odd snowflake visible. Five minutes later there were regular snowflakes and 20 minutes after that so many more flakes were falling. Within an hour from leaving the appointment, snow covered everything. Significant snowfall is forecast through to tomorrow evening. Some mixed precipitation and ice pellets are expected. Winds will increase overnight and taper later tomorrow. High risk of power outages exists and temperatures will fall below freezing into tomorrow. I packed a 'go bag' just in case -- well, two -- one for me and another for the furry one. 

Storms can bring mixed feelings. It can be nice to be inside cozied up with a movie or book and watch the snow fall -- though it often is horizontal snow during a nor-easter storm. <smile> Living in a lovely yard with several mature trees -- like several stories tall -- wet snow or ice and wind bring the fear of losing branches or having the whole thing come down on the power line to the house or on the house itself. There will be storm force winds for a couple of hours overnight which is when a power outage may occur since we live in the middle of the Acadian Forest Region. So the desire to relax while remaining vigilant creates a somewhat odd feeling. <smile> 

I've dug up an extra comforter in case power leaves for a bit. A single line of lyric kept running through my mind today .. "I will weather the storm"  It wasn't until writing this that the gist of the full song hit me. There are other things that people do to keep warm in a storm. May need to watch birth rates in September <grin>.  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

I've Got My Love to Keep me Warm -- Bette Midler

9-6 (6/1/22) -- Comparison Shopping

I had a restless night with headache and arm pain after the booster shot yesterday. It is all very minor stuff. The upper arm muscle still feels a bit tender and a few other small aches have showed up for a while. I expect fatigue for a day or two, also. I am so glad to have this latest dose completed. 

I headed out for a short walk and to pick up some bread and a prescription. It seems that this one isn't covered by the provincial pharmacare plan either. That is two very common meds. I could buy this one over the counter, but just as with the last one, that would be even more expensive than the full price prescription. In this case, the shelf price is less but once the tax is added, the cost surpasses the prescription price. So, I will check shelf labels when I need a refill and compare costs. I'd like to make an informed decision <smile>.   

I've been a comparison shopper since I was an undergrad and had a very limited income. Similar situations occurred when I was a graduate student. In both times there was more outflow than income. As a recent retiree, I've begun to think of things in this way again. For several years while working full time, it was easier to just tap the card and not pay attention to the cost of basic items. I've started looking at things more closely especially with rising inflation for many goods and services. So, maybe the song lyric is true and it really is "a rich man's world." Keep safe. Enjoy!

Money, Money, Money -- ABBA

Wednesday, 5 January 2022

9-4 (4/1/22) -- Finding the Spark

The day remained grey and cloudy. There were a few Intermittent snow flurries during the day. It felt colder due to the dampness. I had a virtual meeting in the afternoon and worked on household chores and email responses into the early evening. 

My thoughts bounced around as I worked through ways to regain my momentum. Research plans have been disrupted several times and it seems difficult to try to make plans again, when the virus is wreaking havoc globally. I need to travel to do archival research in the UK and US. Many of the texts I need to review have not been digitized, or are not available online outside of the country. Communications with archivists in the two countries might help me to plan where to go to access the necessary materials. I'd like to feel that excitement again -- it has been fleeting. This is one of my ways of satisfying the creative part of me -- writing and telling the story. I miss that. A spark of sorts is there, but it needs to be fanned into a flame again. 

The song chosen today is from a musical and contains lyrics that say much of what I've been thinking -- just with a lot more conviction than I. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Spark of Creation -- Ashley Brown & Stephen Schwartz

9-5 (5/1/22) -- Mood Boosted

A couple of appointments landed on the schedule -- two for Friday. Now that shouldn't be a problem, but severe weather statements today indicated that some ugly winter storm will arrive Friday. Expected snowfall amounts went from 10-15 cm (4-6 inches) yesterday, to 10 cm (4 inches) late night yesterday, to 25 cm (10 inches) today. That would make getting around town and the hills involved in getting to appointments unpleasant at best. 

Just after noon today, I got my COVID booster. There is hope for the future with that.  As with past doses, some localized soreness at the injection site began about six hours later. Minor pain in the elbow, wrist and shoulder arrived this evening, too. It will be less intense tomorrow -- based on past experience. I also expect some fatigue will be present for a couple of days. 

I took the car to complete some errands today while temperatures were above freezing and before the looming storm. I got some groceries, picked up some paperwork, and dropped a food gift at the home of a friend. Then I headed out ro pick up dinner from a local restaurant. That business was open for takeout or delivery only. It was weird to see the dining area in darkness and only three staff members handling all the orders. They did a great job and things were on time. 

While the day was grey and cloudy with bits of rain into the evening, I worked to focus on the positives of the day. It did feel OK in many ways. The lyrics of the selection for today has an upbeat sound and positive lyrics. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Lovely Day -- Bill Withers

Monday, 3 January 2022

9-3 (3/1/22) -- Technology Woes

There was a light dusting of snow overnight  but with some icy patches underneath from the rain that preceded the snow. Porches were swept and ice melter added. The town sidewalks had been salted, so were easy to traverse on my daily walk. 

This afternoon, I struggled with an online platform being less than intuitive for a written journal submission.I had submitted this last week, but the editors don't see it. When I logged into the site, I could see the file waiting in queue. So, I chose to submit the whole ting again. Headings for required information were not clear at all. <sigh> I sent a note to the editor once I did what I could with the thing. We'll see what else is required in the next day or so. In other technology news, the smaller television didn't come on this morning with remote or buttons on the machine. Weird. A couple of hours later, I tried again and it came on like it should have earlier. Not sure what is up with that. May need to do some online research for a potential replacement -- just in case. Or as I learned as a Girl Guide, "Be Prepared." 

A song lyric made me giggle when the TV wouldn't turn on today. One is figurative and one is literal. <grin> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

57 Channels and Nothin' On -- Bruce Springsteen

Sunday, 2 January 2022

9-2 (2/1/22) -- Quiet Echoes

 A grey misty rain that turrned into sporadic showers filled the day but it was the warmest day this year <smirk>. My home chores focused on laundry. I headed out to campus to print and scan a couple of documents and to login on campus to renew the Office license. This has to happen every six months. Invariably the message that the license is about to expire occurs on holiday weekends. I planned my print/scan visit for today since there would be very few people in the building. I saw only one grad student in the main building where I picked up mail. Then I walked over the the building with my current office. The key I had to the front door would not open the silly thing. So, I schlepped back to the other building and walked the hallways looking for someone with an ethernet cable, since one needs to hardwire the machine to boot the system. Booting via wifi will not update the license or the security system. Finding no one in their offices -- smart colleagues to be elsewhere <smile> -- I headed back to the grad student who was no where to be found. I managed to find a cable on another machine elsewhere and was able to boot and print. When I approached the printer, I found the grad student. I startled him and he scrambled to get his mask on and we chatted briefly as his jobs printed. After the short trip that took 90 minutes, I returned to my laundry.  

While on campus, it struck me how quiet it was both inside the building and outside. It felt like walking around an abandoned community. The few people I saw outside were locals out for a walk. There are many hills and stairs on campus, so it can be a great workout area. Walking outside and through the building brought back memories of my 20+ years here. The distant echoes or memories felt positive not overly sad. It didn't feel like when I was there everyday and a piece of the larger machine; it just felt comfortable. Making the transition from full time work to retirement and more distant research work hasn't been easy, particularly during a pandemic. Today, I felt as if I was closer to the retirement side of the equation. Interesting. <smile>  

Lyrics that reflect memories as echoes came to mind as I pondered today. It has a upbeat tempo and sound. Keep safe. Ejoy! 

NOTE: I found the actual outside door key at home as I'd been trying to use a key to a second floor door between two buildings <sigh>. Both have similar six digit codes and I took the wrong one with me today <DUH> 

Everybody's Talkin' at Me -- Harry Nilsson

Saturday, 1 January 2022

9-1 (1/1/22) -- Good or Bad?

New Year's Day provided a cloudy start to the year, but with above freezing temperature precipitation was only fog and misty rain. More rain is expected overnight and into tomorrow. On my afternoon walk today the air felt less cool than recent days. So -- not a bad start to this new year. 

Today also marks another year of blogging -- the ninth year. Where does time go? I'm trying a new way of counting the days. We'll see if it helps. I enjoy marking each day with a bit of daily life and deeper thoughts some days. I've been thinking of the need to be present, but recognize the need to have some future hopes and plans. I recalled the text on a coaster I received as a gift years back. "New directions to dream. New promises to keep. New worlds to explore." Cool, eh? Granted, some old stuff will be with us, since that is part of who we are, but there also will be newness. Managing expectations is necessary, too, but moving forward is necessary or else we stagnate. It isn't as simple as the dichotomy of good or bad since life is a mixture of each of these and lot of middling bits. Much more needs to be unpacked for the idea of progression or advancing. I'm sure some of these thoughts might find their way to the blog in the coming days. 

I've noted a few people on social media noting something that I've said often. At year end, people focus on all the negative and paint the whole year with that brush. Then, all expectations for only good and happy events are placed on the incoming year. Both of these perceptions are flawed. Even for the horrible years -- and the past two have been challenging for certain -- there are moments of positive feelings and events. There are things for which we can be grateful -- small things like a purring cat, a moment of sunshine, a song we hear, or a smile from a passing pedestrian. I try to keep my focus on this during the difficult days. I reflect daily and name three things that helped me feel grateful. This practice shows me that even a very bad day can have some lightness sprinkled through it. So -- for the next year I wish that you find things that bring gratitude, that you experiences moments of joy and moments of peace, and that you keep safe and healthy. 

The song today is about good times. They will be part of this next trip around the sun. Notice them and hang onto those feelings. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Good Times Roll -- Jimmie Allen ft. Nelly

Day 8 - 364 -- Last Night

Well -- see the blog number? That means this year I missed a day somewhere along the way. <eye roll> Some years I put in an extra one. Both errors usually occur when I post a group of blog entries all on one day. This happens when I travel (not much of that this year) or when life gets hectic. Perhaps using the actual date would help reduce such errors. Hmmm I will need to ponder that switch. 

I enjoy a quiet night in on New Years eve and will be doing just this tonight with a virtual celebratory visit with friends. I chose a traditional song to share, sung by an artist with a traditional accent. <smile> I enjoy the slightly altered melody. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Auld Lang Syne -- Mairi Campbell and Dave Frances