Tuesday, 18 January 2022

9-18 (18/1/22) -- Weather Incongruity

Well, if I thought it was slippery a couple of days ago, today proved me wrong. Even with temperatures above freezing with melting snow, light rain and fog, the ground remains cold. So, things are freezing even though air temperatures are a bit warmer. Salt doesn't do much since the water runs and takes the salt away from the ice beneath. I chose to drive this morning when I realized how icy the sidewalks were. It was early, so the main walkways would not be dealt with for another few hours. The centre of the roads were wet but the curbsides were filled with slush, water and ice to the depth of 2 to 3 feet. Luckily, I didn't have a long way to go. A colder air mass moves in tonight, so that may make cleanup of streets and sidewalks easier with sanding and salting. At present the next few days have no appreciable precipitation forecast. I hope that means that I can get out to Main Street to run some errands -- all while remaining upright.  <smile> 

The title and chorus line of a song got stuck in my head today. The words fit the outside world well today. The full lyric is about something else altogether, but the three key words say it all. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy!

Slip Slidin' Away -- Paul Simon

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