Thursday, 27 January 2022

9-26 (26/1/22) -- Walking and Talking

I woke to the sounds of roofers moving in to work on the rental house two doors down. I was surprised that they would do this work in the colder temperatures today. Tomorrow is to be even colder, so I'm not sure if I should expect them putting up scaffolding by 7:30 AM or not. We'll see. 

I went for my walk today with a friend. While it was chilly, the sun was great. It felt great to be able to walk and chat and to speak in person for a change. We usually meet virtually each week. Some of the ice cover was melting due to a larger dose of salt on the main sidewalks. It will freeze overnight and create an icier surface tomorrow. I may have to do a shorter walk or find another outdoor activity -- I do have to move snow and ice off the car, so that may be a good start. 

Today was the 11th annual Bell Let's Talk Day. Efforts are to reduce stigma surrounding mental health challenges by supporting ourselves and others. My weekly chats with several friends are a form of self care to help me reduce impacts from anxiety, which has increased during the pandemic. Seeing friends in person -- even when less often over the past two years -- helps with calming and relaxing. When we share a walk or a cup of tea,  that helps even more. 

The song I chose introduces walking and talking -- the activity I enjoyed a lot today. The bulk of the lyrics deal with hoping and feeling lonely, which didn't fit my day but may fit the day that others experienced. Keep safe. Enjoy!

I'm Walkin' -- Fats Domino


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