Saturday, 8 January 2022

9-8 (8/1/22) -- Thinking Back

The big winds overnight left many small twigs and branches scattered around the yard both under and on top of the snow. As winds diminished this afternoon, I headed out to move the snow that fell and drifted last night. Luckily, the amount was small, so even the drifts were not huge. The rain, ice pellets and snow pellets from last evening left a crusty, icey covering on the porches and stairs. On the ground there was a 3-4 cm (1.5 inch) layer of ice, which added to the struggle when shoveling. The snow was light, but the icy areas added to the work load. 

After the outside exercise, I worked on the usual weekend chores -- laundry and cleaning. I had a great chat with a friend out west. It has been a while and is always great to catch up. I also live streamed a celebration of life for a fellow classmate from our undergraduate program. As a group, we have had a couple of reunions since then so were able to see each other in recent years. We will all miss her smile, laugh and kind approach. Being able to attend such gatherings through virtual platforms is one of the good things to come out of the pandemic, 

Thinking through some way back memories today led me to a perfect song lyric from a song recorded when we were undergrads together. The key lyric that hit me was "when we're old" . . . we'll go "walking in the park and reminiscing" -- much like we did at our reunions. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Reminiscing -- Little River Band


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