This morning temperatures were above freezing-- a big change from the past two days. Some rain and ice pellets fell overnight, so there was a bit to push off porch, stairs and sidewalk to avoid major ice when it freezes next. My walk in early afternoon took me to Main Street for errands. Even with full cloud cover, the weather felt good. Getting out in the fresh air daily helps a lot. <smile> The down side of our weather story is that there will be a messy storm arriving tomorrow and staying into Saturday. Rain, ice pellets, freezing rain and snow are forecast --all in large amounts. Didn't we just go through this last Friday? <sigh> Listening to the meteorologists creates extra stress as they jump to hyperbole and conjecture often as they wait for the computer models for the next storm.
The song shared here speaks to storms literally and metaphorically. I thought of the many small and a couple larger issues poking at me these days, including wondering how much snow will need to be moved with the next storm and will there be a power outage and so on . . . . The lyrics of the selection today provide a sense of hope rather than despair -- a good thing <smile>. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Every Storm (runs out of rain) -- Gary Allan
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