Wednesday, 12 January 2022

9-12 (12/1/22) -- No TV?

My day began with moving the small bit of snow that fell last night. It was COLD outside. Frost was halfway up the windows in kithen, bathroom and bedroom. This melted by mid-afternoon as temperatures rose about 10-12 degrees Celsius during the day. I went for a walk in late afternoon. It was pleasant with a very light snowfall, which is not expected to accumulate in any big way. 

When I sat down to watch a television program tonight, the TV signal was acting up -- freezing, pixilating and blurring of pictures -- looked like blurred pixels at times and like a melting water colour at other times -- both like some intriguing modern art form. Sometimes the audio worked perfectly but with a frozen picture -- for both receivers. The phone made a sputtery sound with the dial tone when I called the service provider. Bizarre. While waiting for an agent, I got an apology for the wait time and several other placating phrases. At least they were different than the stock "your call is important to us . . ." Also, there was no marketing while I waited, either. I did not get a message telling how long the wait might take nor did they have a call back feature. So, I endured their choice in music in a 20 minute loop for the duration -- 45-50 minutes. Within two minutes of hanging up with the call and problem 'fixed', it all started again <grump>. It wouldn't be so bad if there was a more direct call back system, but no -- another 45ish minutes for the next call. The ticket was pushed to the next level and an appointment was made for a technician to come to the house to fix the issue -- four days from now! Sunday between 8 am and 3 pm. I live with the television on especially when I'm not heading out to visit or work. I may go starkers before they get here. <yikes> 

Pieces of a song lyric flew around in my head during the television situation. When the technology is broken and we depend on it, that adds to the stress instead of helping reduce the stress. I know I'll find a way to deal with viewing online and such, but it isn't the same. I need to check to see if some of the pvr stuff will work or not. We'll see. There are oodles of dvds that I could dig out, too. I'll be sure to keep you apprised via the blog. <grin> Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Broken -- Lindsey Haun


-- songs about breakdown or broken 

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