Thursday, 20 January 2022

9-20 (20/1/22) -- Seasonal Perspectives

The weather today had above freezing temperatures with bits of smaller ice patches melting. By early afternoon, light snow covered everything so one can't tell where the ice hides underneath. So, I didn't get out for my walk today. I hope that I can get out for a walk tomorrow. I miss it on the days that I don't get out for a journey around the neighbourhood. In the late afternoon, I did have a great talk with a friend that left me smiling. 

While puttering around the house and pondering today, I realized that most of my blogs have been complaints about the winter weather. The negative vibes for the season are not unusual for me, but I feel that I would like to intersperse the negativity with some other ideas. <smile> A friend posted a meme a week ago that noted that if one was to choose not to take joy in the snow, there would be less joy but the same amount of snow <grin>. I expect this holds for the winter season as a whole. If the ground cover doesn't bring joy, then I will need to seek if elsewhere. This brought to mind my shoveling episode on the weekend after the ice pellets and snow had fallen. It was after dark and the area was lit by the bright backyard light next door. While this light can be irritating when it shines into my living room or bedroom at night, that night it helped me to see my way down the side of house. It was truly beautiful. The ice and snow crystals shone and sparkled and reminded me of diamond dust -- not that I've ever seen diamond dust, but this was what I imagined it would look like. I was surrounded by the marvelous sparkles. That did make me smile and brought a moment of joy. I will need to be more alert to find those moments rather than get mired in the frustration that storms tend to bring. 

The song shared today is the one that came to mind when I saw the sparkling snow-scape that I walked through. This songwriter is known for complex rhythms that are interesting and enjoyable. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Diamonds on the Soles of her Shoes -- Paul Simon

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