Sunday, 16 January 2022

9-16 (9/16/22) -- A Very Long Wait

What a marathon service provider visit - 10:15 AM to 2:45 PM! It began with changing the modem, which created several new connectivity issues -- like no connection to tv receiver. So, one receiver was changed after trying new wifi download devices three times! The tech decided the new modem likely had an upgrade that precluded the use of the download device. He then decided to hardwire the receiver to the modem. When that seemed to work, I asked if the old receiver could be reinstalled since it held all my pvr stuff -- and there is a lot there at the moment. That was done and it looks like everything is still accessible. So -- things work again and all it cost was a slightly larger hole in the wall where the wire was pulled through and that is covered by a plate and backstopped with silicon from the outside. 

My plow guy cleared the driveway after I shoveled to clear the back porch and the rest of the front walkway. Just as I'd warmed up from shoveling, I had to head out to move the bits right behind the car after he plowed. The temperature was very cold but at least earlier in the afternoon there was some lovely sun. We expect rain in the next day or so, which will change the snow and ground cover to ice -- it won't be warm enough to melt it -- only to saturate it and then re-freeze it all again. This is when glaciers begin to form in the front yard and all around town. <sigh> 

I thought a lot while waiting for the technology to be fixed. The tech, who generally works with business clients, noted he was helping with the backlog of appointments and hadn't worked with household customers for ten years. I understood that the changes would take some time, but almost four hours had me getting antsy. I had hoped to do more laundry and some cooking along with moving the snow. A walk in the sunshine would have been nice, but there might be another day or two in the next week that will offer that. Even though frustrated, I tried to be calm and kind. That took energy. It wasn't easy at times. All of this reminded me of a couple of lyric lines from a song <smile>. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Tired of Waiting -- The Kinks


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