I walked out to the post office in the sun and cloud mix this morning. I then headed out to run a couple of errands for buns and a prescription refill. Later I had a good chat with a friend. The afternoon was quiet, but I got some items struck off the to-do list.
Plans are underway to meet with friends this week. Each will be over a meal or tea break. It is good to have the opportunity to gather together to catch up on each other's lives. Even a cup of tea with a phone call or virtual visit keeps us connected with each other and with ourselves.
A song lyric came to mind when thinking of the linkages we maintain with people. The words present the ideas of hope and belief along with discovering self. The song has been covered by many artists. I chose one with a wonderful voice to share today. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Today was another sunny day with temperatures around the freezing mark. It was pleasant with very little wind. I even saw the moon last night. Cool. I did spend the day inside, feeling a bit unwell. I cooked meals and listened to telelvision but most of the day was resting. I even dozed on and off through the afternoon. Things will improve; they are just less than pleasant right now. I feel better for spurts throughout the day, so it isn't all yucky. I do feel a bit down about it all, though. I hate feeling sickly. It interferes with plans and things I enjoy. Today I was able to get three shorter blogs up, but I'll admit that few pondering topics were part of the past few days -- hence the shorter missives.
I was trying to focus on the positive today. That doesn't mean that I ignored the gloomy feelings, but that I looked for a balance of the two. I was reminded of a song I listened to last week after the death of David Crosby. The lyrics have a bit of an up beat sound to them. It was written by a fvourite of mine -- Georage Harrison. The singers for this cover version have voices that meld well. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Here Comes the Sun -- Paul Simon ft. Graham Nash & David Crosby
Saturday again. I did some laundry and changed linens. I tried a few short times with the laptop screen using a timer to keep me on point. It worked a bit to address the backlog of blogs from the past week. I got 4 done over several hours. Each day these had been written in point form or with some in full paragraph form. Some were written with aper an pen when the screen was creating excess issues. So, I didn't have to start from scratch -- just had to read to polish. Reading is what creates the issue with screen time. I tried to watch a movie today on the television, but it had a lot of sub-titles, so I had to abandon that, too.
A song came to mind today by a prairie girl who grew up in Saskatchewan. It is what I've felt recently. I dislike the game being played with my head. Stay safe. Enjoy!
I took a day off from screens to deal with vertigo symptoms. Screen use can trigger yucky feelings. I did go out for a short walk in the sunshine to pick up bread and later to pick up dinner from a local restaurant. I slept a lot between outings and didn't think of much that one could call cerebral. <smile>
The selection for today fits some of the feelings I've had recently. This one is from a long way back. Keep safe. Enjoy!
During a phone meeting today, the storm was ramping up. Power flickered a few times near the end of the meeting, so I signed off more abruptly than usual. Clouds and wind began increasing in the morning with light rain. By early afternoon everrything had aplified . Major winds with huge gusts, heavy rain. Heavy clouds made the day seem like twilight. Snow began to disappear as temperatures rose, rain fell and the wind blew. In mid-afternoon, I heard somethng hit the house. Looking out windows showed the culprit -- the green bin (community compost) was lying in the middle of the front lawn about 10+ feet from where it has sat for over 20 years. It moved a shorter distance in a lesser storm last month. I think the movement now could be due to the losss of trees on that side of the house from Fiona. I did rescue the green bin before it continued moving north towards the street. I waited for a break between major gusts and headed out wearing my rain gear. I took the bin around to the back of the house, secured the lid with bungee cords and laid it down in a corner between the back of the house and the exit from the basement. Got back inside just as a huge gust blew through. by bedtime, winds have reduced considerably. There was a lot of rain so huge pools of water in any depression in the yards around me.
Big winds have always been scary, but after Fiona they've become more triggering. The fear of further tree damage and possible house damage and loss of power is very unsettling. I've heard similar things from others who experienced Fiona last fall.. The song chosen for today is a love song -- not something that goes along with most wind metaphors in lyrics. The title certainly fits what went on outside my window today. The rest of the lyrics may not really fit the topic of the day, but are interesting. This is a cover of a Nina Simone song. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Today was Bell Let's Talk Day -- a day devoted to talking about mental health issues. The theme this year has a focus on the inadequate health resources devoted to mental health diagnosis and treatment in the country. Leading into today, there have been some sobering statistics shared in commericals. Each day in Canada, 200 suicide attempts are mead; 12 are successful. One in four Canadian adults report anxiety worse than before the pandemic. One in two people do not get the support they need.
The message is that it is time that we not only talk about mental health, but that we advocate for more and better treatment supports. Anecdotally, I've noticed that 18-24 year olds talk about this and seek out services more than some of the older age cohorts. To iprove services, we need funding to hire more professionals as well as funding to expand education and training programs. We have a long way to go, but with collaborative efforts, improvements can be made.
The song today was released in 2018 when the singer-songwriter was 20 years old -- the first time he spoke publically about the anxiety he lives with. Keep safe. Enjoy!
It was very windy early in the day with some sun by mid-day. Where we saw bear ground and grass last night, we see snow cover today -- just a light covering, but snow nonetheless. Another storm is on the way for two days from now. That will have major warming with a lot of rain.
I wrote some non-holiday cards to go with my year end letter for friends and family who are not all online. I had purchased a package of cards. there were eight in the package for $7.99. There was a large call out on the pack noting the the cards were less than a dollar each. Yeah, like 1/8 ceent less. <eye roll>. That almost appears as misleading advertising to me -- expecially in a country where everything is rounded to the nearest 5 cents due to there being no pennies anymore. Now, this rounding only occurs for cash purchases. For debit or credit sales, the exact cost should still be reflected. I did speak to a large corporation recently to express my concern at the rounding occuring even with my credit purchase. That must bring in a lot of money for such a company -- and looks illegal to me. But, back to the card advertizing -- isn't this just a bit ridiculous?
A song about advertising seemed to fit today, though this one leans more towards spokespeople than other marketing gimmicks like the one noted today. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Today brought some light rain. On top of the snow from the weekend, this will make a bit of mess. Rain on snow produces slushy sections. When added to piles of shoveled or plowed snow, this softens things, too. When this all freezes overnight, we will be left with ice. Most will be off to the side of walkways and roads.
I spent the day indoors doing a few household chores. I had good chats with two friends, too. All aroud, it was a blah sort of day. <smile> A couple of better news pieces arrived during talks today. This hints at something positive. A song title that fit this concept came to mind. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Skating Away (on the thin ice of a new day) -- Jethro Tull
I cleared snow off the car today in bright sunshine. The work involved a lot of upper arms action, whereas yesterday shoveling worked upper and lower arms, legs and back. If done slowly with attention to breathing it can be a reasonable workout. Also, changing from right to left arm and alternating lifting between under and over hand, repetative strain can be minimized as we work different muscle groups in a pattern. I pause a lot to stretch and watch the sky. Today, the falling snow and ice from treetop branches meant I had to beware and wear a toque with a bit more padding. No need for a concussion from above <smile>. Who knew shoveling could be so involved, though I've had over two decades to perfect the process.
Today is Lunar New Year when the Tiger gives way to the Rabbit. In this Year of the Rabbit, -- the water rabbit -- the theme is one of peace, prosperity and optimism. I wish you all the best in the coming year. I chose a song with lyrics about rabbits. The surreal imagery comes from a children's story but had a very different take on the images as noted in the first verse. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Today I shoveled twice to get the driveway and walkways cleared. There were some light bits, but a lot was wet and heavy. It was difficult to determine actual snowfall, but it seemed to be over 15 cm ( 6+ inches) Some areas were clearly well over this level while most of the area were about 15cm. I got some laundray done between shoveling bouts today. Then, as a treat, I got some takeout for supper -- Chinese food since tomorrow is Lunar New Year.
The day was also the 23rd annual Hockey Day in Canada sponsored the Scotiabank and the television networ TSN. A marathon of recently past games played all day. Each of the sevel Canadian NHL teams were featured in these games. Now this was new to me -- sad given that it has been happening for 23 years. It seemed odd to have key past games showcased, but then I don't spend too much time watching hockey games on television. This day celebrating hockey in Canada brought one song to mind, written and performed by a Canadian legend -- complete with plywood. <grin> Keep safe. Enjoy!
Well, here we are on a Friday with greyness and another snowfall warning. It seems the storms are sticking with the Thursdy to Saturday schedule this year. This is forecase to be about 10 cm (4 inches), though it could increase given the tracking of the storm overnight and into tomorrow. Either way, there will be shoveling in my future. How much remains to be seen. Winds will increase into the evening and overnight, so drifting may be involved. I won't know much for certain until after I wake up tomorrow.
I made two phone calls this afternoon to deal with overdue issues. One will be tended to today and the other should be dealt with in the next couple of workdays, i.e., next week <sigh>. The third may need me to take a different tack and work through the system from a side-door. We'll see how that goes. These situations take a lot of energy and time that I'd rather spend on other tasks.
IThe song for today speaks to the quietness and beauty of snowfall. Minus the roaring wind of a huge storm, the scenes can be quite peaceful. Love the guitar on this one. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy!
It's been another grey day. The sun yesterday was wonderful, but more would be nice. <sigh> Never satisfied, eh? <smile> In the last few weeks a things have come out of left field -- just sneaking up on me from just out behind my left shoulder -- just out of sight. I really really dislike having to hound people to find out why they aren't doing their jobs -- all for things that I cannot do <grump>. I've been told by two offices that I'd get a call back within a week or so. For one it has been a month and for the other two weeks have passed. Another is three weeks behind expectations. <grump> Tomorrow will be the day I just take several deep breaths and contact these folks. I just hate it when people with power ignore their responsibilities. <sigh>
David Crosby died today. When reading obits today, one called him an iconoclast of the music industry. He was definitely that. He was a member and founder of The Byrds and then he moved on to form Crosby, Stills & Nash, with Stephen Stills from Buffalo Springfield and Graham Nash from The Hollies. CSN later became CSNY with the addition of guitarist Neil Young, also from Buffalo Springfield. In several interviews over his 81 years, Crosby admitted that he was difficult for others to work with. His challenging personality tore apart bands and friendships, though some of this likely was amplified by heroin. In his later years, he toured as a solo act. In the bio-documentary, David Crosby. Remember my Name, he presented as a rather tragic and sad figure, though one with huge musical talent. He wrote many great songs and had a wonderful singing voice for leads and harmonies. He played an influential role in the folk-rock scene in Los Angeles in the 1960s. Music was what made hm feel alive, so was his focus throughout his life.
I chose two songs written by Crosby to share today. They each speak to the ethos of the '60s -- wanting and working for changes in the world. Keep safe.Enjoy!
Long Time Gone -- Crospby, Stills and Nash (NOTE: great album cover photo by Henry Diltz)
Almost cut my hair -- Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Today was an interesting day -- a good day. I lectured ina classroom for the first time since 2019. Seeing people -- even masked people -- felt so good. They agreed that seeing a lecturer was far better than listening to a disembodied voice. The topic was agism, something near and dear to my heart -- much advocacy to be done to reduce this form of discrimination based soley on age. Often this focuses on older people, yet it occurs with those of any age cohort. The lecture was for a class on aging adults, so I spoke of experiences and frustrations of people at the older ed of the life spectrum. We explored societal attitudes, beliefs, values and perceptions surrounding age in vaarious ways. It was a fun time.
When I left to head home, there was sunshine and blue sky all around! It has beens so long since even a brief spot of blue has been visible. The other day, I got excited when the cloud cover thinned a bit and it seemed as if there was light behind the clouds -- just for a few moments while I was walking. So, the full on sun today felt amazing! It lightened my mood and helped me to retain that feeling. I'm glad I had the time to enjoy this brightness today.
A song bounced around my head as I walked home in the sun. I like the upbeat lyrics and music. Keep safe. Enjoy!
-- quick outing to exchange sultanas for Thomson raisins. Packaging is identical and the counter was a bit jumbled yesterday when I was picking the bag off the shelf. In other news, two items that I'd forgotten to get rain cheques for were both on the shelves today -- crackers and yogurt back in stock at home now. <smile>
Worked on the lecture for tomorrow, polishing and practicing the phrasing and choosing which anecdotes to include as examples or discussion starters. It has a ways to go, but I have to learn to expect things to be a bit bumpy in places and not flawless. Makes it more real, perhaps. <smile>
When out today, the temperature was 10C (50F), which is not common for mid-January. That was the high point of the day. Temperature will drop be closer to freezing into the overnight and highs will be more usual for a few days -- floating around the freezing mark by a degree or two above or below. It was another misty day with the appearance of low cloud cover on the hills looking like fog but actually drizzle. The forecast has teased us with the chance of seeing the sun on an upcoming mainly cloudy day this week. We'll see. I know I'm in need of seeing the sun even if just for a short while. It has been so dark with the heavy rain clouds lately. This is the time of year and the weather that leads to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) for which some people use a light therapy. Yesterday was also the day termed "Blue Monday" -- not that this day is any more problematic but that it the time of year when people tend to feel less positive. It will improve as the days become longer. In the meantime, we need to ensure adequate self care and consult health professionals as needed.
A song title ran through my head while thinking through the weather and its affect on emotion. It is a bit on the sappy side, so forgive me. <smile>. Keep safe. Enjoy!
I surprised myself today. I had tears in the grocery store -- just a few tears of sadness and outrage <sigh>. It is difficult to manage a budget with the constantly increasing costs. I have a budget to manage. How are others doing this? I was struck by the poor qulaity of produce like I've never seen before at this store. The price and quality may relate to some supply shortages. We will likely continue to see this for some time due to reduced amount of produce from California due to the flooding and landslides and such.
I don't see many extravagances in my purchases generally. Today it was a small bag of pretzel crisps -- dubbed crack chips by a dear friend -- for the princely sum of $5.99! I also purchased frozen samosas -- a new brand for much less than the usual store brand, which hasn't been anywhere lately. However, the quality of the product is less enticing.
Oh, the produce!! I found gailan that was about $3/lb so was a good green for the week. Peppers were 3/6.99 ((!!). There were only 4 bulk tomatoes on display. They were very small tomatoes for slicing. Two of those were squishy .. I got the other two for $2.89!. Oranges were in bags with half of the fruits rotted -- like put your thumb through the skin rotten. The total for the day was $95 for which I got $4 in points. In the past when a total was that high, I'd receive at least 10% in points. LSS, the trip was very disappointing today.
The music selection shared here was playing as I entered the grocery store today. I was surprised at hearing this on a January day. I shook my head and likely should have just turned around and gone back home <grin>. Keep safe. Enjoy!
It was a coold and windy day. A freezing rain warning is still inplace into the overnight hours. Staying indoors made sense, so I worked on the usual weekend chores -- laundry and some clearning. That was the extent of my physical activity. I hope to get out for a walk tomorrow.
I looked at the calendar today and had to pause. Time has been moving quickly. It is the middle of January already. How did that happen? Is it because I've been working on future travel plans? I have a few pending pieces that are outside my control. Waiting for those to fall into place may produce some of the anxiety around exact dates. I don't deal well with outside forces that intefere with plans. I can grasp it at times but still have stressed out moments. Practicing breathing and re-centering takes some work. I have a couple of visual cues in the house that remind me to do check ins. They do help. When thinking through this, it seemed that the external items trigger feelings like those experienced during lockdown and travel restrictions over the past almost three years. Finally being able to travel again for research felt foreign. It once was second nature to arrange such trips. Now, things are very different -- like learning to travel after 9/11. So, it isn't as easy as I expect it to be based on past trips. Instead, I find myself havng to learn new ways of making arrangements due to altered post-pandemic protocols. I hear my own words in my head at times -- advice given to others -- 'breathe' and 'be kind to yourself.' Taking one's own advice is never simple. <smile>
Thinking of the nature of time today I heard a chorus lyric line in my head -- "There never seems to be enough time to do things you want to, once you find them." It is a bit sad, but it also made me think that I have right now and I can enjoy the moment as I plan for future moments <smile>. Keep safe. Enjoy!
It poured rain overnight and through much of the day. By late afternoon, the rain became drizzle. The precipitiation is to change over to freezing rain for several hours overnight and then back to rain for the next two days.
I walked up to the campus to print a couple of documents for the coming week. The mist-like drizzle could be seen in the street lights and felt on my face. The temperature dropped so it felt cooler on the way home compared to on the way in. It was almost refreshing <smile> As I walked by the cathedral tonight, I encountered some of the local crows gathered in the trees around the bulding. I love listening to their evening discussions -- all the caws, clicks and laugh-like sounds are so interesting. It always makes me smile since it sounds like a debrief of their days and I imagine the tall tales that each tells trying to out-story the others.
I arrived at the office building as the sun was setting. The hallway was very dark and got darker during my stay. I'd forgotten that this happened in this older building. Most buildings on campus were upgraded to LED lights with motion sensors. If there is no movement in a room or hallway, the light turn off. As you walk into a darker hallway, the lights turn on one bank after another. It is a rather heady feeling to be the only one there and have lights turning on just for you -- like a red carpet walk of sorts <grin>. So, the older building that houses my office has no such technology. Tonight I found a new light switch that actually turned on lights in the two hallways. That was cool. I've hunted for these for some time. That helped a lot this evening. It is rather creepy walking down the hallways when there is no one else in the other offices. Knowing where the light switch is will make evening visits much better.
The selection for today ran through my head while at the office today. It is from a band that I enjoy. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Long As I Can See the Light -- Creedence Clearwater Revival
I had planned to go for groceries but chanaged my mind when the freezing rain warning was posted. Even though it is for tomorrow evening, the store would be filled with the usual storm purchasers. I was not ready to deal with the mayhem. I can do groceries another day.
Most of the day was spent working on a guest lecture for next week. I look forward to being in the classroom rather than a disembodied voice on a virtual platform. I get to see the students, too, which wasn't doable with the platform used. I may even get some discussion or at least responses to questions posed. I prefer a dynamic classroom with two way flow of information. After all, learning is a reciprocal process.
I learned in the classroom just as students did. Sometimes I found a new perspective to the topic of the day and other times I learned which learning process worked better than another. Regardless, the classroom or lab were designed as learning spaces for all involved. I didn't like the term teacher or the verb 'to teach'. Instead, I called myself a learner, too and a facilitator of learning. So, being in the same physical space should enahnce the learning activities.
While I have learned about when to avoid grocery stores and how to develop an effective learning spaces, the weather threatening to coat the world in ice seemed to take precedence in my thoughts. One song seemed to float to the top when thinking of a selection for the day. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Thoughts today went towards reflection on hopes and dreams -- past and present. Some become goals that we achieve in one way or another. The goal may morph somewhat over time, and we may find new pathways to get to it -- but we keep moving towards it. Other earlier ideas are replaced with something different as we move through life. Our perspectives and priorities shift as we grow and develop. Reflecting on where we began and how we got to where we are can be enlightening. It enables us to explore what we've learned along the way and how our experiences shaped who we are today.
A favourite song contains lyrics that fit my thought processes of the day. I picture this song as being one that might be part of a class reunion. It has a sad note to it, but I find the lyrics more reflective and positive. It recongnizes that some things take longer to achieve, but we can keep moving the agenda forward. <smile> I love this cover version. Keep safe. Enjoy!
the day had sonny moments within the heavy grey cloud. That elevated mood for a short bit.
I chatted with a colleague for a bit and then worked on a guest lecture for next week. I love that people still ask me to speak to their classes. That is the one thing that I miss the most from the job. Well, the socialization with colleagues runs a close second, though I do get to chat and visit with some of the friends still working.
All such connections can help improve mental health , physical well-being and reduce risk of dementia. Recent research has explored the impact of isolation during COVID. The findings indicated that what authors termed micro-socialization instances had a major impact on health indicators. Examples of micro connections were chatting with a sales clerk or cashier or joining a group activity such as a knitting, walking or reading group. These could be done on virtual platforms. Taking a class either in person or online also provides these 'weaker' linkages -- still important but not as longterm as family and close friends. I have don MOOC courses before and interactions were via chat rooms and listening to lectures. There was a lot of interaction in some of the larger course groups. I found these quite stimulating. When unable to meet with closer or 'stronger' links due to distance or lockdowns, chatting via virtual platforms help maintain and even strengthen these relationships. Having read some of these findings, it was not a surprise when a grocery chain in Holland added a 'slow' checkout via cashier for customers who wanted to chat through the checkout process. I don't use self checkout lines. I would rather take a few minutes more and go through a line with a real person scanning in the items. In some research, older adults were found to use the lines with a cashier and that these brief encounteres helped to boost mood. My anecdotal experience notes that most days this works. If the cashier is having a day, the experience can be less mood boosting. <smile>
As I've noted in the blog before, small things can mean a lot to people we don't really know. So, smile and not or say hello as you pass someone during your walk through the neighbourhood. Hold the door for someone. Check in on a neighbour or friend to see how things are going. All of the activities discussed by researchers encourage people to be open to others even for a minute or two. It has a positive impact on both parties. The song shared today contains the words of a major Scottish poet. It speaks to the small things that can become bigger. Keep safe. Enjoy!
I shoveled snow once it was wetter so heavier <smile>. It had been light fluffy snow until the temperature rose, which compressed the snow into a wetter format. It was easy to push since the ground was less saturated than earlier snows this season. That outing felt invigorating. Getting out into the fresh air while being physically active can produce endorphins that elevate mood.
I spent the afternoon in a research meeting -- one where I haven't done what I'd hoped to do by today. We will continue, though. <smile> I submitted a peer review for a journal. These can be taxing, as anyone who reads this blog regularly might recall <grin>. I won't moan and groan this time. It just took a concerted effort on days that my brain would rather just veg with a movie. <giggle> Such tasks stimulate the brain and make it work in a way that it used to do for the majority of a day. I suspect that doing reserach writing and reading can improve brain function. So, I shouldn't complain or feel cranky about it all, eh? <smile>
A song came to mind that deals with moving snow around. Granted, what fell overnight and today was only about 10+ cm (4+ inches), but it still needed to be moved. The song has a great story and upbeat tempo. Keep safe. Enjoy!
I spent much most of the afternoon on campus. I worked on some documents in my office. There were more people around today than any day for a very long time. I'm not sure who they were, but more foot traffic in the hallways than usual. I find it a quiet spot to concentrate on work, but today had more distractions. Next, I walked to an office off campus to deliver the documents I'd prepared. I should here back from them in a week or so. I ended the afternoon back on campus visiting a colleague. We discussed an upcoming guest lecture in one of her courses and another collaborative project. It was wonderful to speak in person rather than by text, e-mail or some virtual platform.
I dubbed today the 'day of the stairs' <smile>. I climbed over 100 steps today. I'll admit that on the way home, the achilles tendonitis was yelling at me, but it felt good to have walked a few kilometres which included several hills along the way -- all in addition to the stairs. Speaking to people on campus was a delight. Also, completing the paperwork felt good. Despite the greyness of the day, it felt fairly positive. I even had several drivers stop to allow me to cross the streets. One situation on campus made me laugh. A young man came running out of a building chasing after two other students. He shouted at them noting that they had left without him. Now, he did this with a laugh. When he ran past me he smiled and asked how I was doing and appologized for the profanity. Small encounters with strangers can make or break a mood. Luckily, today brought more elevated mood.
Being 'stair day' had me thinking of the stairs necessary to get to my office. There are no elevators in this older building. Some days I hear one particular piece of music as I get to the top -- 71 the short way or 109 the long way. And just for interest, I climbed the 72 steps to the entrance to the Philadelphia Museum of Art a few years back. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy!
Today included a lot of physical activity -- much different than most recent days with a lot of typing, reading and writing. I moved the small bit of snow that fell last night. Under the snow covering on the front porch, I discovered some freezing rain must have preceded the snow fall. The ice was not moveable. I added a bit of ice melter and hope that will breack it up enough to chisel it off. I finished the llaundry, which took going up and down the stairs many times. Cleaning tasks involved a lor of bending and stretching. For supper, I made a turkey breast with baked potato, carrots, spinach madelaine, dressing, and mixed berry crisp. It was very yummy. Now I have some leftovers for that traditional bedtime sandwich and turkey to make my mom's recipe for 'a la king'. I look forward to more tasty supper this week.
I had thought of going for a walk today, but changed my mind after shoveling. One -- I live on a hill and ice on the sidewalk can be extra-scary and Two -- the wind gusts felt way too cold for comfort. So, today I did more active tasks indoors. Most daily walks are for a purpose -- I run errands and take the long way there and back. Other days, I walk to relax and reduce anxiety. Walking helps with breathing. Taking deep breaths also helps with feelings of anger or frustration or fear. Doing this while walking loosens tense muscles and plays a roll in cardiovascular fitness. Even shoveling snow in a rhythmic fashion requires attention to breathing while lifting the loads. Today, though, was just pushing the light covering of snow so no lifting necessary.
I often remind people to breathe when they are in the midst of an emotions situation. Sadly, I don't alway remember to take my own advice, though I do have a dear friend who has reminded me on days when I've been in a negative space. A lyric that deals with similar feelings and the need to focus on breathing is share here. Keep safe. Enjoy!
More snow fell overnight -- termed a light covering, which is more than the dusting we got yesterday. Temperatures rose in the morning so much of the snow melted by late afternoon when temperatures dropped again. I smiled when I didn't need to use a shovel on the porches. <smile> Household cleaning and laundry chores occupied much of the day. In between chores, I worked on a peer review for a journal manuscript and wrote a draft of an application purpose. Several projects have looming deadlines for next week so lots of tasks to manage -- most likely to take far more time than I would like. As time progresses one would think that estimating how long things will take would get easier -- apparently not. <smile>
As I walked by windows today, the rapid snow melt in the yard was very clear. It made me think of the warmer weather we've had recently. Each time this topic comes up, I find it difficult not to think of the weather as a product of climate change. I found a song that perfectly fits the thoughts about not shoveling and warming trends. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Look our any Window -- Bruce Hornsby and the Range
The day presented us with more cloud and coolness along with the remnants of an overnight dusting of snow. The weather advisory has been lifted, so only light snow expected for the next few days. I walked to the office on campus and spent time letting the computer install, restart, setup and restart. A great help desk person assisted to get the printer installed. Seems when the set up was done recently, the printers weren't installed. He walked me through the process and I can now print from my desk and not just from a stick. Cool. Small things can show me bright spots in the greyness of a day.
I thought through the encounter with the help desk staff member and realized how difficult it must be at there end -- especially when dealing with someone like me. I couldn't find the four icons in the bottom right until I realized there was an arrow there for opening up a side bar. <sigh> At no time did this young man sound frustrated and he could easily have been irritated while navigating me around the screeen verbally -- even when I shared the screen with him. That did help as he could tell me which direction to move the cursor <shaking head>. It made me laugh a couple of times when the third prompt popped up asking if I was sure I wanted to do what I'd chosen to do. <smile>
The interaction with the technical support made me realize that we need to be kind to each other. Then I discovered that we need to be kind to ourselves, too -- particularly on days when we feel a bit down. The lyrics to this song from many years ago say much of what I was thinking as I walked home today. Keep safe. Enjoy!
It was another grey day and the forecast notes it will be like that for the next week. We had no precipitation in the afternoon so I went for a longer walk in a different direction than usual. I also spent time searching for research documents for the upcoming trip. The website and document catalogs are more convoluted than necessary. So, digging will take some time and require some assistance from achivists. The process of sifting through the mirkiness took more time than expected, so other things on the list for today didn't get attention.
The day was grey all around, not just the cloudiness outside. A few lyric lines came to mind -- words that explore the differences in how we approach life and changes. Keep safe. Enjoy!
The focus today was a series of short shopping errands. We had drizzle with above freezing temperatures, but expect freezing precipitation in the next couple of days, including rain, snow and ice pellets or freezing rain. My preference would be ice pellets if we have to experience one of these forms of water. They are like shoveling wet cement, but don't cause the same damage or risk power outages in the way freezing rain tends to do. So, given the forecast, I wanted to get the handful of neded supplies before the weather changes.
Change is a major player as a new year begins. It is part of any day, but it seems there is a major focus on alterations taking place around us as the year number changes. I've been making plans to get the research project travel back on track after almost three years. Things pop up that can cause plans to move around appointment dates and such. Most plans can be flexed, but sometimes that isn't an option, which can make me rather cranky. <smile> Perhaps I'm expecting things will just go smoothly so that I can create my own fluidity when planning. I guess that isn't a realistic expectation <sigh> -- just another bump in the road. I think the pop up feature of change is just as irritating as all those pop up ads on our screens. <smile> Just need to find a way around them.
We need to face changes around and within us in order to move forward. A song title came to mind that notes the need to accept changes. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Today, I made a quick shopping trip to Main Street where I picked up a couple of seasonal things on sale -- so got a bit of a head start on next year <smile>. I did a second trip after supper. Temperatures were just above freezing with little wind. I enjoyed the two walks. Earlier in the day, the sun was barely visible behind clouds. This evening, the moon was more visible as the cloud cover had thinned considerable. This may sound odd to write about here, but it has been a week since I've clearly seen either sun or moon. So, I was pleased to see even teir outline in the sky.
I did a couple of seasonal greeting cards and hope to get the others ready to go in the next day or two. Yes, I know. I am rather late with these greetings, but it has been that kind of month. So, it is now or never. <smile> I also began work on a peer review manuscript. I know I've said it hear before, but I always underestimate the time it will take to read through and develop comments. Then the comments have to be typed and submitted to journal editors. I could spend less time and do a cursory job to make things go more quickly, but that is just not me. I approach this as an opportunity for mentorship, so detailed constructive suggestions for improving the paper are the end goal.
I've had some amazing mentors though life -- many were peers with greater experience than me, but some were students new to the profession. Many friends have held a mentorship role as I've worked through the challenges of life. I consider myself very lucky to have such friends and colleagues to support me and to allow me the priviledge of learning alongside them.
Lines from the chorus of a song came to mind while pondering the process of learning and growth. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Learning to Fly -- Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
The calendar tells me this is New Year's Day observed. I already have meetings and appointments booked into the first quarter! The other day, I said that anyone who says, "I can't wait to retire" should be directed to me. I'll go over the calendar for a typical week and 'to do' list. In many ways, wishing that one were in a different life phase followes us through life. As kids we want to be in school, then out of school, then in a job and so on. Each next phase of life seems more attractive than the one we're in. We wanted to be adult so we could do whatever we wanted to do <smile> and then we want to be retired and out of a job for similar reasons. There are many pros to each phase, including retirement, but none provide the 'freedom' that many stated wishes infer. I've tried my best to take the advice of an older friend who told me not to wish my life away -- a great way to remind me to remain present.
While reading and such today, the Rose Parade played in background. The theme this year -- Turning the Corner -- got me thinking. It rings of hope. I like this metaphor. Turning a corner on a road is a far cry from progressing along the path planned three years ago. The end point might still be similar but the way to get there has changed. We haven't just been in a traffic jam or road block and then can merrily head off like nothing happened. Something big did happen -- something that has altered our planned journeys. The route we will follow will be different. The original road isn't really there any more, but there are alternate routes. I like alternate routes. Big freeways and interstates aren't my thing. The side roads feel more comfortable to me. This is where I will be traveling in this next year -- keeping mind and eyes open for new experiences. The side roads show us the things we miss when taking the major highways and focusing only on the destination and getting there as quickly as possible. The side roads will help us continue to build for the future, just wtih an alternate plan for the process involved. So, I hope I won't be alone on the smaller, winding roads.
A song came to mind for some of its content as well as the name of the band. I also would suggest that we treat ourselves well so that we can care for our fellow travellers. Keep safe. Enjoy!
New Year's Day was a quiet day. I drank my first chai of the year from a wonderful new mug. Dinner was New Orleans red beans ( Lundi beans) and rice with steamed greens (gai lan) -- foods traditionally eaten to ensure good luck and prosperity in the New Year. They taste great, too. <smile> Temperatures were unseasonably warm with rain. Today was also calendar changing day.. I have some great calendars with nature and music themes. It is always fun to post the new calendars; it feels fresh and full of hope for the days ahead.
Today also marks the begining of the tenth year of this blog -- thath's over 3000 entries. It has allowed me to do some non-technical reflective writing. Some days are more substantive than others, but I've come to realize that this pattern fits the days -- some are more mundane than others. <smile> So, I can't promise earth-shattering thoughts every day, but I hope I can continue to share some aspects of day to day life with a musical selection.
Lyrics that ran through my head today provide a sincere wish for friends and family for 2023. I share that song here with wishes for all the best in the New Year. Keep safe. Enjoy!
On this last day of the year, temperatures rose into higher than average levels. Sunshine and blue sky appeared early in the day with clouds moving in by late afternoon. Rain is expected overnight and into tomorrow. Household chores filled most of the agenda today. I like to have clean clothes and house heading into a new year. That leaves New Year's Day open to do fewer chores and just enjoy the day.
Tonight I visited with a dear friend online while enjoying some good cheese and a favourite red wine. I've never been one for large -- or even medium sized -- New Year's Eve parties. I'm a fan of smaller gatherings. Tonight helped me smile a lot -- something I am grateful for. <smile> It was a late evening as New Year's Eve is often. Not middle of the night late, but after midnight late <smile>.
A song about later in the day came to mind today. I love the complex rhythm of this songwriter. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Today was another rainy day. I got another parcel into the mail, one that was going to be late from the get go. Again, I chose to mail in a prepaid standard box, which ships expedited with tracking and insurance included. All of that costs less than basic parcel post in a box or padded envelope. Crazy. I had dinner at a friend's home where three of us had a long overdue visit. The lamb stew was stellar and the veggies very yummy. We even tried a new wine -- a nice Australian blend.
Getting out to visit with one person or a small group of friends feels almost normal again. There are multiple viruses out there, but if we take precautions, as we have been for some time, the risk is smaller. I sorely missed seeing others over the past two years -- those just down the street and those a plane ride away. I hope this year will bring more visits to those further away.
Hopes and dreams and positive thoughts for the future often predominate at this time of year. I've been working on seeing the good in each day and finding gratitude. I find this practice needs constant focus on the up and down days. I plan to recognize the positives while acknowledging the negative feelings that arrive. That should ensure reflective thinking continues. In short, the next year will be similar to past years -- trying to be the best me I can be. The song chosen for today speaks to the need to be somewhat tenacious in the planned process. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy!