Sunday, 15 January 2023

10-12 (12/1/23) -- Morphing Goals

Thoughts today went towards reflection on hopes and dreams -- past and present.  Some become goals that we achieve in one way or another. The goal may morph somewhat over time, and we may find new pathways to get to it -- but we keep moving towards it. Other earlier ideas are replaced with something different as we move through life. Our perspectives and priorities shift as we grow and develop. Reflecting on where we began and how we got to where we are can be enlightening. It enables us to explore what we've learned along the way and how our experiences shaped who we are today. 

A favourite song contains lyrics that fit my thought processes of the day. I picture this song as being one that might be part of a class reunion. It has a sad note to it, but I find the lyrics more reflective and positive. It recongnizes that some things take longer to achieve, but we can keep moving the agenda forward. <smile> I love this cover version. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Sad Cafe -- Lorrie Morgan


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