Saturday, 28 January 2023

10-26 (26/1/23) -- Wild Wind

During a phone meeting today, the storm was ramping up. Power flickered a few times near the end of the meeting, so I signed off more abruptly than usual. Clouds and wind began increasing in the morning with light rain. By early afternoon everrything had aplified . Major winds with huge gusts, heavy rain. Heavy clouds made the day seem like twilight. Snow began to disappear as temperatures rose, rain fell and the wind blew. In mid-afternoon, I heard somethng hit the house. Looking out windows showed the culprit -- the green bin (community compost) was lying in the middle of the front lawn about 10+ feet from where it has sat for over 20 years. It moved a shorter distance in a lesser storm last month. I think the movement now could be due to the losss of trees on that side of the house from Fiona. I did rescue the green bin before it continued moving north towards the street. I waited for a break between major gusts and headed out wearing my rain gear. I took the bin around to the back of the house, secured the lid with bungee cords and laid it down in a corner between the back of the house and the exit from the basement. Got back inside just as a huge gust blew through.  by bedtime, winds have reduced considerably. There was a lot of rain so huge pools of water in any depression in the yards around me. 

Big winds have always been scary, but after Fiona they've become more triggering. The fear of further tree damage and possible house damage and loss of power is very unsettling. I've heard similar things from others who experienced Fiona last fall.. The song chosen for today is a love song -- not something that goes along with most wind metaphors in lyrics. The title certainly fits what went on outside my window today. The rest of the lyrics may not really fit the topic of the day, but are interesting. This is a cover of a Nina Simone song. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Wild is the Wind -- David Bowie

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