Today included a lot of physical activity -- much different than most recent days with a lot of typing, reading and writing. I moved the small bit of snow that fell last night. Under the snow covering on the front porch, I discovered some freezing rain must have preceded the snow fall. The ice was not moveable. I added a bit of ice melter and hope that will breack it up enough to chisel it off. I finished the llaundry, which took going up and down the stairs many times. Cleaning tasks involved a lor of bending and stretching. For supper, I made a turkey breast with baked potato, carrots, spinach madelaine, dressing, and mixed berry crisp. It was very yummy. Now I have some leftovers for that traditional bedtime sandwich and turkey to make my mom's recipe for 'a la king'. I look forward to more tasty supper this week.
I had thought of going for a walk today, but changed my mind after shoveling. One -- I live on a hill and ice on the sidewalk can be extra-scary and Two -- the wind gusts felt way too cold for comfort. So, today I did more active tasks indoors. Most daily walks are for a purpose -- I run errands and take the long way there and back. Other days, I walk to relax and reduce anxiety. Walking helps with breathing. Taking deep breaths also helps with feelings of anger or frustration or fear. Doing this while walking loosens tense muscles and plays a roll in cardiovascular fitness. Even shoveling snow in a rhythmic fashion requires attention to breathing while lifting the loads. Today, though, was just pushing the light covering of snow so no lifting necessary.
I often remind people to breathe when they are in the midst of an emotions situation. Sadly, I don't alway remember to take my own advice, though I do have a dear friend who has reminded me on days when I've been in a negative space. A lyric that deals with similar feelings and the need to focus on breathing is share here. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Breathin' -- Ariana Grande
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