Saturday, 28 January 2023

10-25 (25/1/23) -- Let's Talk!

Today was Bell Let's Talk Day -- a day devoted to talking about mental health issues. The theme this year has a focus on the inadequate health resources devoted to mental health diagnosis and treatment in the country. Leading into today, there have been some sobering statistics shared in commericals. Each day in Canada, 200 suicide attempts are mead; 12 are successful. One in four Canadian adults report anxiety worse than before the pandemic. One in two people do not get the support they need. 

The message is that it is time that we not only talk about mental health, but that we advocate for more and better treatment supports. Anecdotally, I've noticed that 18-24 year olds  talk about this and seek out services more than some of the older age cohorts. To iprove services, we need funding to hire more professionals as well as funding to expand education and training programs. We have a long way to go, but with collaborative efforts, improvements can be made. 

The song today was released in 2018 when the singer-songwriter was 20 years old -- the first time he spoke publically about the anxiety he lives with. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

In My Blood -- Shawn Mendes

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