Sunday, 28 May 2023

10-146 (26/5/23) -- Working Through

Outdoors it was cool and cloudy again. It was a good day to stay indoors and focus on work. I got beck to packing tasks. I tackled the office room. I emptied some boxes and managed to consolidate items so they'd be easier to find things at the other end. I had sorted most of the room a while ago, but worked at the two corners that I hadn't completed. I filled a recycle bag with paper stuff and a garbage bag with other stuff. I made a pile of e-waste with older computer components. I surprised myself by finding something that I was sure had been added to the pile of waste at work years ago -- my first laptop. It is HUGE -- like three or four of my current laptops would be as high. I'm sure I could start a museum display documenting the rapid changes in copmuter technology over the past 2+ decades. It is amazing to look at some of the components and internet hook up devices -- once the Internet and Web 1.0 were available. It was a major walk down memory lane. <grin>  

I went for Chinese takeout in the early evening. I thought this might help me to eat something -- no spicy things -- when I feel hungry. The headache, dizziness and nausea remains with me today. So, getting something premade and ready to go might help to get needed nutrients into me when I feel hungry.. While eating supper, I heard about the Governor General's Performing Arts Lifetime Achievement Awards. There were two singer-songwriters (Molly Johnson and kd lang), a choreographer (James Kudelka) and a soprano vocal coach (Rosemary Landry) 

Tonight I chose to feature one of the singer-songwriters -- Molly Johnson. She was cited for her breadth of musical contributions to the pop and jazz genres and her humanitarian work. I chose one about music helping us through our days. Her voice is wonderful with the jazz stylings of this song by another songwriter. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Lady Day and John Coltrane -- Molly Johnson

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