Sunday, 21 May 2023

20-140 (20/5/23) -- Pondering Productivity

Guess what! It si Saturday again and I did laundy -- well most of it. <smile> I also cleaned out pantry items for packing and disposal. I sorted through gardening items and tools for packing and disposal. This was a lot of work for what looks like a small end product. I guess not all work will appear big but it all needs to be done. I do have lots of garbage and recycling bags to go out over next few weeks. I'm having difficulty assessing progress. Every little bit is important, but how much is enough each day? We are about severn weeks out and a lot to do during that time. I try to do something every day, but I still need to take care of me and the usual work stuff -- pay bills, get groceries, cook, write, and so much more. Even before I knew I was moving, everyday things could feel overwhelming. With the stress of getting it all in boxes comes even greater stresses. 

Perhaps some days will feel more productive than others. This doesn't mean that the other days were a waste of time, though. I have to keep that perspective in place -- not an easy task. Several preparatory steps require phone calls only. These mean sitting on hold waiting for a service agent. I've always hated that long wait to be served. I don't thing that values my time as a long term customer. Oh, well. It all needs to be done and I can do other things as I sit listening to the hateful tunes, marketing messages and repeated assurances of my importance as a clietn. <sigh> It is all part of the process of moving from point A to point B. It would be nice if it were easier. I haven't given up on the gnomes or elves working though the night to help, though <grin> 

The title of a song hit me as funny today, so I'm sharing with you all. <grin> It shows how cardboard may be affecting my mind. <giggle>  The lyrics carry some great themes, too, though.  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

The Boxer -- Simon and Garfunkel

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