Monday, 29 May 2023

10-149 (29/5/23) -- Sleepless

The week started off with a bang. It has been a busy day with three planned meetings. One had to be postponed to accommodate another. One was for furture work on an ongoing project and the other was with the banker. The other meting with a friend was moved to later in the week. My walk out and back to the bank was in sunshine, but much cooler air than yesterday. From early evening last night when the temperature sat at 29C/84F, it then dropped 2 degrees per hour until 8 AM, when it was 6C. Our high was about 9C/48F. The wind was cold and out of the north and northwest. It will be warmer for the rest of the week, but overnight lows are cooler still. I prefer that since it feels more comfortable to sleep. 

Sleep -- now there's a concept. I got very little sleep last night due to anxieties about packing in the allotted time, noises waking me, humid air keeping me unsettled and so many more things that swirled around in my head. I'm amazed that I've been able to make some degree of sense so far today. I did some editing for one project meeting tomorrow and gathered together the 9 or 10 bags of recycling to take to the curb later this evening. Most of that consists of paper waste from sorting files and books and such. So some work to rid the house of excess stuff will be the major back and forth trips carrying medium to heavy bags -- a great work out. <smile> 

The first few lines of a song came to mind while thinking of the insomnia of last night. The reasons for my lack of sleep were firmly grounded in the angst of moving not the issues presented in the lyrics. Thoughts of moving and packing and unpacking and changed routines and such filled my head with the same effect as the change the lyrics present. So -- here's the song from decades past. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

(Last Night) I didn't get to sleep at all -- The 5th Dimension

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