Thursday 27 June 2024

11-179 (27/6/24) -- Flashing Coloured Lights

The day has been grey and gloomy -- a word I heard from someone when out at the grocery store. The rain began as I was driving out of the parking lot and there was a lot of rain. So, I just drove home rather than deal with the rain today. The other errands will wait until tomorrow or later. 

Now, the stressful part of the day began about noon when I went out to the car. I started the engine and was greeted by a number of lights across the dash display. Along with the lights I recognized there were two written messages telling me to get service to two items. One I'd never even heard of. The messages and lit icons don't hang around for very long, so I went back in the house to get a pen and paper to record the information being thrown at me while listening to a constant chime notification sound. When I restarted the car, everything went along as normal -- no messages, no lit icons, no chimes ringing. I wrote what I could recall and called the service centre. The Service manager told me this often happens if a bit of dust or moisture gets to one sensor, which, in turn, sets off a flurry of related lights and notifications. We made an appointment for next week to have the thing looked at and the techs to check the computer messages. It is unlikely that these particular lights will create issues that impede use of the vehicle. Now, how much the check up will cost is less likely to be mild. <smile> All I could think of was what if this had happened while driving home from the airport earlier this week. Anxiety was high enough when sitting in the driveway. 

When thinking about a song for the day, one came to mind that made me laugh out loud. The lyrics go in a very different direction than when I had been staring at the dash trying to figure out which notifications were lighting up. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Paradise by the Dashboard Light -- Meatloaf


11-178 (26/6/24) -- Special People

I felt tired when I got up today. The stress of driving yesterday and the quiet in the house without another person may be just taking its toll, I guess. There was great sunshine but a very strong west wind during the day that made the warmer temperatures feel cooler. I walked to the mailbox and then later in the afternoon, I took a longer walk. Supper was light with more yummy strawberries for dessert. 

Missing my friend makes me feel a bit down. Thinking through it all though, I came to the conclusion that it is great to have people in my life that make me miss them so deeply. These are the special folks who become family -- those who chose you as much as you chose them. Now that is cool. I would still like to be closer for easier visits. <smile> 

A song line came to mind that reflected the gratitude I feel for having such people around me. The song was performed at a Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song that was on television recently. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters -- Elton John


11-177 (25/6/24) -- Savage Rains

Well, the rain was to have tapered by morning, btut that was not the case. It was a very rainy day. If anything, it got heavier as the day progressed. The drive down to airport had a couple of very nasty sections, but it didn't go on for too long. The worst was at Mt. Thom where the fog was thick and then the heavy rain came. On the way home, it took me over three hours to do the usual two hour trip. I pulled off the highway three times when I couldn't see much of anything due to the rain. I rested and waited twice to let the rain intensity diminish. That didn't really work as well as I wished, but I got a break. I drove much of the middle section of the trip below the speed limit often with four-way flashers -- others did this, too. Happily, the last 30 minutes were on nearly dry pavement, so I could breathe better there. 

Leaving my dear friend at the airport is never easy. Our visits never seem to be long enough to fit in all the visiting around the region we'd like to do. I guess that leaves more fun things for the next visit. <smile>. 

Driving home in the heavy rain storm brought to mind a song -- I'd change the preposition to 'in' instead of 'on' for today, though. Stay safe. Enjoy!  

Riders on the Storm -- The Doors

11-176 (24/6/24) -- Trip Prep

We went out for a brunch meal today. The eggs benedict were a bit overcooked but the hollandaise was amazing. <smile> The rest of the day was spent readying things for the trip back to the airport tomorrow morning. We filled the car with gas now so we could get onto the road sooner. The weather today is cooler and humid with periods of light to medium rainfall. The forecast stated that rainy weather will taper by morning <fingers crossed>. I dislike driving in anything past very light rain. 

We turned in earlier than usual, but then have to rise earlier than usual. It has felt a bit somber knowing that we won't be together again for a while. I'm just trying to savour the moments we have. A song came to mind as we prepared for the journey to the airport for me and beyond for my friend. It sounds a bit sad, but it fits my thinking today. I enjoy the harmonies in this version. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Leaving on a Jet Plane -- Peter, Paul and Mary

11-175 (23/6/24) -- All About Rain

We headed out for one needed item today and installed an indoor/outdoor thermometer on the patio. Clouds have been moving in and temperatures were cooler than the past few days. Rain is expected for the next couple of days. Seems right -- we are traveling back to the airport soon. 

I know that rain helps my plants, as long as it isn't too heavy. I may have to put the more delicate ones into the garage to keep them safe from damage if things turn to major rains. 

A rain song that isn't sad or maudlin is difficult to find. One has a more positive focus, so I share it here today.  The lyrics take the song in a different direction than expected, but it does have a focus on rain. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Rain is a Good Thing -- Luke Bryan 

11-174 (22/6/24) -- Sand, Sun, Great Food

Today brought warmish air with a nice breeze. We headed out to Melmurby Beach, one new to each of us. We had a nice walk along the sand. The breeze was minimal by the water, so it felt warmer than expected. The breeze in the parking area helped temper the heat of the sun. 

Once back home, we headed out to our favourite restaurant for a wonderful meal. We both ate more than we'd expected, but it was all so good. The appetizer was sliced seared tuna steak and a spiced tuna tartar. The main was a penne with haddock and lobster in  Thai green curry sauce -- sounds odd, but the flavours and textures come together so well. Dessert was a lemon meringue tart for me and a cheesecake for my friend. The wine was also a lovely malbec. You can see how it was difficult not to eat a bit more than usual. <smile>

A fun song seemed to fit the events of the day -- leaving worries behind for a while. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

At the Beach -- The Avett Brothers 

11-173 (21/6/24) -- Flying High

Today was blissfully cooler than the past couple of days and very little wind present. We went out on a couple of quick shopping forays. We headed up to the cape north of town to visit the lighthosue and see the new installation of stationary binoculars for viewing the coast of Cape Breton and the Strait of Canso. It was a lovely day there with next to no wind -- an odd event, as usually it is very windy there even when no wind is present in the surrounding area. 

In honour of my best friend's birthday -- the first we've had without her here -- I released a blaoon from the lighthouse area. Watching it float away felt positive, though it happened faster than I'd hoped. Just like life <sigh>. 

An older song came to mind today -- one with an upbeat feel to it. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Up, Up, and Away -- 5th Dimension


11-172 (20/6/24) -- Smoking Hot

Today was a shopping day to pick up some groceries. The day was extremely hot with humidity to make it feel even warmer. We cooked a fun supper with more strawberries for dessert tonight. -- Thursday -- a shopping day to pick up some groceries, cooked a fun supper with a yummy strawberry dessert tonight -- strawberries with balsamic vinegar and black pepper. 

I was so glad to be indoors most of the day with the a/c. Many songs about summer weather floated around in my head today, but one said it all just in the title. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Summer in the City -- Lovin' Spoonful 


11-171 (19/6/24) -- Summer Berries

Today was searingly hot. The air conditioning in the car worked well on the trip down to the airport and back. I had enough time on the trip in to stop at a great local market. For a treat, I got two quarts of local strawberries -- the first I've had this season. I wanted to be able to share these with my dear friend who flew in for a visit today. We stopped at a great truck stop on the way out from the airport, so our supper was a light one. <smile> We topped it off with some of the strawberries. Yum. 

When thinking of a song today, a couple came to mind, but one seemed to be less used in the blog -- so I will share that one here today. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Strawberry Wine -- Deana Carter


Tuesday 18 June 2024

11-170 (18/6/24) -- Prepping for Heat

The day began with sunshine and a cool westerly wind. Clouds arrived later in the afternoon. Temperature warnings have been posted for the next two days, when higher temperatures and major humidity will move in from the Gulf of Mexico. The heat advisory covers eastern Canada and the US. Summery weather will be present before the official arrival on Thursday. 

I did a short walk today and spent most of the day doing more household chores. Tending to the patio plants was a pleasant break. Most of them are doing well. I received a few more plants from friends today, but will wait to transplant them until the wicked heat passes. I don't want to stress them too much. I did prepare some foods that will take a bit of time on the grill or stovetop and not the oven. These should help on the hotter days. No use over stressing the a/c, either. <smile> 

Today is a major artist's 82nd birthday. In honour of that, I chose one of his recordingss. I love this one and the use of bagpipes. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Mull of Kintyre -- Paul McCartney and Wings

Monday 17 June 2024

11-169 (17/6/24) -- Eye on the Prize

This was a very full day. I began with a trip to campus. Our desk phones have been converted to Teams phones, so the handset had to be removed and turned into the IT folks. I also took back home a small rattan table I had decorating the office. It will sit on the patio with the chairs. I then headed to the grocery store for a handful of things needed for the coming week. I had to go to the second grocery store for bread -- and they had it on the shelf today. There has been some inventory issues so some varieties of bread and buns have been sparse. That made me smile today. At home I got the garbage and compost stuff ready for pickup tomorrow followed by a binge vacuuming. The place feels so big when I drag the vacuum around it all. The fact that I really dislike vacuuming adds to that feeling <smile>. 

After supper, I just collapsed and listened to a TV show. I'm knackered. I may be out of shape; I think I could have done all this and feel less tired a few months ago. I've not been walking daily for much of the past three months or so. I have been building that back into the daily schedule. This activity helps physical well-being, but also helps reduce anxiety. The rhythm of walking and breathing feels so comforting. The shoulder muscles begin to relax and the brain quiets somewhat. 

Now, I know all the benefits of keeping physically active -- particularly as we age. Keeping the momentum to get out every day even for a short walk, is difficult. I need to hold that focus and just do it. During COVID lockdowns, I headed our for a walk between 3 and 4 every afternoon. I have to get back to that. The timing may change to something closer to noon. I walk to get the mail at the corner Monday through Friday, so could tack on something longer than the walk around the block that I do sporadically. That should be the minimum each day, with longer forays into the world around me every other day. That sounds like a reasonable plan. Now I just have to do it. <smile> 

A chorus lyric about keeping one's eye on the goal came to mind. The whole song presents a time in history. I do like the chorus for my purposes here, since it speaks to keeping an eye on the prize -- in my case staying healthy. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

My Shot -- Lin Manuel Miranda (from Hamilton) 


Sunday 16 June 2024

11-168 (16/6/24) -- Cleaning Procrastination

Today we had some sun along with a few clouds. I completed a few major sorting and cleaning tasks so those parts of the house look better than before. Well, to me they look better <grin>.  I'm still getting used to the space and finding places to keep things like linens with no linen closet. Instead, I have things in the cedar chest, kitchen drawers, clothes closet and still in the garage. My goal is to make the garage less of a basement and more of a storage space -- including housing the car for next winter. Wish me luck on that, eh? 

I keep staring at the walls, which still need to have artwork placed. I need curtains for one room. I want drawer inserts for the kitchen and bathrooms, too. I've found some canvas boxes that I might experiment with in the cubby shelving in the walk-in closet. It would house the same things, but it might look nicer. I have one that I will use for a while on a single shelf and see if it works well or just looks nicer. <<smile> When I see home improvement programs, my response is often that it might look nice, but the functionality has been compromised by aesthetic. How's that for a reason to just pile things instead of hide them in drawers or top shelves where no one can see. <grin> 

Since I often find myself seated listening to music or TV, I find the short break planned turns into an hour or more. The first line of a song came to mind when pondering how to keep myself up and attending to the chores at hand. The term 'conversation' in the lyric line can be heard as a metaphor for listening to a show or song (or writing a blog) <G>. The rest of the song is decidedly on a whole different track. <grin> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

A Little Less Conversation  -- Elvis Presley 

11-167 (15/6/24) -- The Act of Writing

I managed to get some bits of sorting and clearing done in the bedroom today. The front room and a major kitchen drawer -- all while the washer and dryer were in action. I still dint get as far as I'd planned for the day were also tackled before I moved on to doing doing little other than laundry. But then, as Scarlet said, "Tomorrow's another day." <smile> It was a rainy day, so a good one for working inside. It was cooler than the past couple of days, too, though a heat wave is expected to arrive by mid-week. 

The grey day provided a background for pondering some difficult things. I read a quote in an online writing group that caught me off guard. In an interview, author Joan Didion stated, "[Writing is] hostile in that you're trying to make somebody see something the way you see it, trying to impose your idea, your picture. It's hostile to try to wrench around someone else's mind that way. Quite often you want to tell somebody your dream, your nightmare. Well, nobody wants to hear about someone else's dream, good or bad; nobody wants to walk around with it. The writer is always tricking the reader into listening to the dream." 

from The Paris Review Interview by Linda Kuehl, 1978

I've never looked at writing as a violent act -- forcing perspectives and stories on other people -- trying to bring them around to your way of thinking. Hmm -- sharing perspectives maybe. I'm not sure I've worked to force others to adopt my ways. I'd like us to understand each other's approaches to life, but we don't all have to think the same. Hmm -- this one has me unsettled. I guess the mere reading of this idea has made me uncomfortable and may be trying to force me to see something that I'm not sure is really there. So -- her words are doing just what she said they were doing. Hmm 

I enjoy reading ideas of others whether in a research article or a novel. I do walk around with the ideas encountered, thinking and examining as I go about my day. Some, like this particular quote, create cognitive dissonance. Do they fit my view of the world? Often they can be validating, as one finds viewpoints similar to one's own ontological and epistemological stance. Some days the thoughts just don't mesh with my views. That doesn't make either view right or wrong, just different. It is still intriguing to hear views that are new to me. Now words can be used in a hurtful or more violent way, but not all writing falls into that category. It can't just be the written word, but spoken word  might fit, too, as I think of oral traditions and storytelling. And what about songs? They communicate verbally, too. I guess I'm still working through this viewpoint, which will take some time. <smile> 

When thinking of a song to fit my thoughts today, one covers the pain of writing -- so the other side of the author quote that got me started today. Writing can be hostile to the writer. More Hmmm here <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

 The Book of my Life -- Sting 

11-166 (14/6/24) -- Windy Day

I went out to run a few errands in preparation for the coming week. I got a replacement basil plant for the one that hasn't survived. The manager of that area was amazing and did not charge me since I had my receipt with me. I hadn't expected that, so it was a nice surprise. The day was bright and sunny and very warm -- as in hot. The westerly wind helped it feel less hot, though. It also helped to keep the bugs at bay. 

Winds come in many forms. Strong or light breezes or full on winds come with many names. Zephyr, Santa Ana, haboob, mistral, sirocco, squamish -- there are many from around the world. These describe winds of varying strength and temperatures. Some bring storms while others add calming tones to daily weather. Much like the many words for snow in Arctic indigenous languages, these wind names are specific to weather events common in various areas around the globe. 

Air movement is used in many metaphorical senses, too. Interesting how we use weather phenomena to draw pictures of our feelings. I chose a song that uses a wind metaphor to explain the need for a sense of freedom and escape. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Ride the Wild Wind -- Queen 

11-165 (13/6/24) -- Techno Baby-Sitters

I spent the day doing some housecleaning and prepping for a dinner guest -- a friend who I've known since I interviewed for the job in this town over 25 years ago. We had a relaxing evening just talking and eating -- no shortage of food at all <grin>. We talked of many things and had an enjoyable evening. 

While working in the kitchen today, I pondered -- again -- all the electronics that beep at you. The phone, tablet and laptop do this, but I was focused on the larger electronic appliances that chirp away at you a you work. The microwave reminds you regularly that the thing you were heating eagerly awaits you in the kitchen. I often heat chai and then let it sit to steep for a while. I can't leave the kitchen and just let it sit without having the reminder chirp sounding the alarm repeatedly. The dishwasher sings a song when it is done. The oven does something similar when the set temperature has been reached or the light has been turned on or off. The timer has a slightly different chime. Heaven help me if all devices are working at the same time. I've even  had the front door beep at me if it isn't fully pulled shut -- which I've done on purpose when running in and out with groceries or some such. Most notifications are at a reasonable level, but the microwave is deafeningly loud. It most often is used during work in the kitchen, so when it goes off when I stand nearby, it startles me. When I have a migraine the volume level creates actual pain. Yet, for some reason, the washer and dryer don't have a notification when cycles are completed. I expect that someone designing appliances thought the sounds would be helpful, but there are so many they just seem annoying. <smile> It might be of greater use in a home that isn't an open concept, where one is always in the same 'room' if cooking and then sitting in the living room or setting the table in the dining room. I'm not sure I need the baby-sitter aspect of these techno beeps and chirps. I guess I'd like the option to set an 'alarm' when I want or need it. 

I chose a song that hits electro, techno and synth genres. While listening to this one, I found myself moving to the beat, so it likely fits the dance genre, too. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Boom, Boom, Pow -- Back-Eyed Peas

Wednesday 12 June 2024

11-164 (12/6/24) -- Lovingly Restored

I did some small grocery shopping this afternoon, followed by a search for insect repellent -- who knew there were so many different ones? My 'go to' is not longer on the market in the format I prefer, but I did find one with broad protection for extended time that was in a pump spray bottle instead of an aerosol. I did get some cooking things knocked off the 'to do' list, also. Yum. <smile> 

Around 7 PM I heard a loud vehicle noise -- like a Harley sound. It's all in the muffler system. It went on for a bit, so I looked out the window -- feeling like Gladys Kravitz <grin>. There were a couple of vintage cars on the street. As I watched, I realized it was a parade of cars, mostly from 60's, 70's and some early 80s. One car was from the late 30s or early 40s and a couple trucks were from that era, too. There were so many large boxy cars that we used to call 'boats' along with some early muscle cars and sports cars. It was fun to watch them pass by. The drivers waved as they passed by people on their front porches. It was a great surprise that made me smile. 

A song the deals with keeping older motor vehicles as close to new as possible over decades seemed like the best choice for the blog today. It also made me think of the restoration work we do as we age. That will need to be a topic for another day. <smile>. The song shared makes me smile much like the parade of cars did tonight. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Red Barchetta -- Rush 

11-163 (11/6/24) -- Busy, Busy, Busy

Tuesday -- ran out for two errands. Grocery store is short of bread and rolls due to inventory issues -- the supply chain strikes again. I will check later in the week and may have to substitute for the new great Newfoundland white loaf that I discovered a while back. It reminds me of a loaf that my dad would get from the bakery. They called it 'bun bread' as they used bun recipe to make a whole love -- a touch of extra sugar in the recipe, I think <smile>. I did find the under bed zipper storage bags. These will fit better than the hard plastic ones, which are too deep to fit under either bed -- frames are lower to the floor than many, I guess. The soft-sided variety are not as deep and should work well if not over-stuffed with stuff <grin> 

I did some kitchen work preparing sauces for different recipes. I like to freeze the sweet and sour and the salsa based sauces and then thaw them to cook with meatballs or poultry. Yummy! A research meeting began the work on responding to the editor's comments for the article submitted to a journal last month. We each seemed to have similar approaches and ideas of comments to provide to editorial comments and alterations necessary to the text of the paper. It is doable, but so much else happening right now for each of us. We will meet in a couple of weeks to revisit what we each have gotten to by then. 

So, it has been a day filled with many different activities.  The next week will be much the same. Lots of activities daily, so focus isn't as strong as I'd like it to be. I heard lyrics in my head that didn't fully fit the day, but only due to it being a different day of the week (today is Tuesday). <grin> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Manic Monday -- Billie Joe Armstrong (Green Day) ft. Susanna Hoffs (The Bangles) 

Monday 10 June 2024

11-162 (10/6/24) -- Serious Editing

I worked on the patio to discourage web makers from taking over the area. One plant seemed to have perked up after transplanting last weekend, but today looked like it would not likely survive. It is a basil plant. I hope part of it takes hold and will grow, but past experience doesn't support this hope. Over the years, I have had several basil plants but none have survived past a week or two.  Other transplants are looking well as are the flowering perennials that over-wintered in the garage. Only one of those did not come back this spring. 

Inside, I worked at getting boxes flattened and tied together for the recycling pickup tomorrow. It does make a difference in the garage area. There is a lot to do, but I have some plans of where to begin now. One room in the house needs attention, too. Just not sure where to begin there. I'm sure it will come to me as I stand there and ponder. It will involve serious editing. <smile>  

While working away at cleaning an sorting chores, I heard a couple of lines from a song in my head. Keep safe. Enjoy!  

Clean Up Time -- John Lennon

11-161 (9/6/24) -- Water Everywhere

It was warmer but with heavier cloud cover and some light rain early in the evening and heavier rain later that gave plants a good soaking. I did some cleaning outside on patio and front porch. Scrubbing the spots left by birds was a bit of a challenge. The hard surface is difficult for the knees <smile>. The big event of the evening was spilling a large glass of water at supper. I had to hang the scatter rug and remove slip covers to dry. Drying water spots took a while as it splashed all over. The good news of this came in two forms -- it was only water and nothing sticky or staining AND the glass didn't break. I dislike cleaning up broken glass -- one never gets all the tiny shards even with a vacuum. So, I took that as a win with a minor disruption. 

A song referencing waterfalls seemed to fit the inside and outside situations today. Watching water fall and run along a surface can be relaxing in most cases. Stay safe. Enjoy!

May This be Love -- Jimi Hendrix

11-160 (8/6/24) -- More Mundane Days

 The day was very grey. We had solid cloud cover with a light easterly breeze. I went for a walk, but only saw one other person walking their dog. I had  a good chat with a neighbour sitting on his front porch. I hadn't spoken to him before. I found out he'd lived in my home town for 5 years working in the fire department. I am amazed at times at how small the nation can be even though it is a huge land mass. 

The main part of my day -- it being Saturday and all -- involved laundry and household chores. This has been my Saturday for many, many years now. Just a creature of habit, I guess <grin>. The song chosen for today came from a friend who used it during a virtual meeting last week. It made me smile then and seems to fit my mundane Saturday very well. The chorus lyrics made me choose this one today. Be forewarned -- this is a bit different than other genres often found here. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Once in a Lifetime -- Talking Heads

11-159 (7/6/24) -- Shopping Experiences

Today, I got out to do grocery and garden shopping, as well as printing of documents for meetings next week. One difficulty with grocery scanning duplicating items occurred during checkout. The clerk canceled the transaction once for this reason and it still happened, but I didn't notice until I got home. The most expensive item on the receipt was charged twice. So, I headed back to the store to get that rectified.  

An online order ran into difficulties when the company's updated website still produces difficulties for customers. Calling the customer service provided great support, as usual, and we were able to walk through the process with me noting the difficulties along the way for them to report to the IT staff. We got it all straightened out. I worry that this site is still difficult to use after almost 2 weeks -- layout, navigation, ability to checkout, and finding products to put into cart are all still difficult. The one improved item was logging in worked.  So, they still have a lot to do. 

The song shared today related to difficulty shopping but due to a physiological reason. Much of the challenges to finding things in person or online shopping are similar to what this song refers to -- frustrations of navigating shopping areas that may not be fully designed for the consumer and more for the corporations involved. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Too High for the Supermarket -- The Uninvited

11-158 (6/6/24) -- Foggy Evening

During the afternoon, I headed to a meeting and then ran a few errands. I got a tomato ladder instead of a cage as the ladder will accommodate more than a single plant in the large planter. By early evening, heavy drizzle sat like fog over the hills and higher ground. We had very little moister or fog around our neighbourhood. It seemed heavier in town and along the shoreline. I learned this when I had good chats with two friends today. We rarely get fog in this part of the province. It is seen more often in Halifax and along the South Shore. The Halifax airport is also prone to foggy days in the summer, especially when it is bright and sunny elsewhere. The flight delays can be frustrating. It was built as passenger flights were just beginning. The spot is north of the city, but in a small hollow, which makes the fog sit and stay. 

When thinking of the fog creeping in this evening, one song came to mind. This was an older tune that has been covered by many singers over the decades since it was released. Keep safe.  Enjoy! 

A Foggy Day -- Ella Fitzgerald

Saturday 8 June 2024

11-157 (5/6/24) -- Gaslit?

 I woke early and got myself to the rebooked dental appointment. This appointment apparently is in July not June,  even though on the phone call last week, I clearly said, "so it is Wednesday not Monday now?" I had received a somewhat non-committal response. about it being the 5th. Well, it is really a Fiday, so why was Wednesday not heard as the wrong day? I feel like this office is gaslighting me. <sigh> This is now the third date I've had for this cleaning. They are short-staffed apparently, so have had to rebook many people with the one hygienist. Today the receptionist was less than pleasant, much like the phone call last week. I don't understand why this is, but I find it less than professional. I did note that the inability to communicate to me the correct day did not engender trust in the new practice. That was met with a blank stare <sigh>. 

On the upside <smile>, my co-author and I submitted a large document to editors today and I sent another document off that had needed to be signed.   

After my appointment woes of early this morning, I chose to share a song about another era -- one before the age of electricity and gas street lamps were the new normal. My dad used to sing this one with me. <smile> The lyrics tell about a man who helped others every day (rather than being more negative or semi-combative <sigh>). Keep safe. Enjoy!  

The old lamplighter -- Sammy Kaye

Wednesday 5 June 2024

11-156 (4/6/24) -- Green Thumb?

I headed out to get a small bag of grocery items and  then across the road to a garden centre. I was pleased to find a six pack of tomatoes, two each of three different varieties. I chose the cherry tomato types. Once back home, I spent time transplanting these into the big pots I purchased. I also planted two types of basil in another pot. My patio garden this year -- flowers and food. <smile>  Inside, I did a load of laundry and watched a streaming television show. I feel that I'm not getting to the household chores that need attention. I do something each day, but several somethings might be better.  I look forward to tending the plants, though. 

A song about gardening seemed to fit today well. I had larger gardens many years ago when I was in Saskatchewan -- likely larger than was reasonable for the time I had to tend the place. So, here I have a large patio space, so I'm taking a chunk of that to grow things this year. Cool. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Let it Grow -- Eric Clapton

11-155 (3/6/24) -- Under Cover of Darkness

Today brought some sun, slightly and warmer temperatures than yesterday. It ended with light rain, though. I managed to get to some work on a writing project but had to leave some of it to my co-author. Formatting created challenges as we sent the file back and forth. I swear there is something odd with the word program over the past couple of months.  

Getting waste to the curb occurred in the early evening. But, bulky waste pick up happens tomorrow morning, so I had to get other things to the curb -- the curb across the street (garbage trucks only pick up from one side of the street). The footstool was an easy schlepp. the loveseat was another story. It is a loveseat with a story -- my first piece of furniture after moving to an unfurnished space. It was small and light weight -- good for tonight.  The love seat has seen a lot of homes and was a favourite with furry friends over the years. It is difficult to see it go -- its been a good friend. 

As I dragged the loveseat across the street -- at 1240 AM -- I tried desperately to quell the sound the legs made dragging across the cement driveway and the pavement of the street. I discovered that one leg dragging made a quieter sound, but required me to balance the thing differently. I fully expected a flurry of outdoor lights coming on to see what in the world was going on out in the street. I didn't notice any lights, but that doesn't mean that folks hadn't been disturbed. Even opening the garage door is loud in the quiet of the night. Somehow leaving my couch on someone else's lawn just seemed wrong. <grin> 

I was giggling a bit during this furniture moving process. One song came to mind -- about disposing of things without others seeing. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Goodbye Earl -- The Chicks

11-154 -- (2/6/24) -- Grayness

The day was grey, cold and rainy. I did very little around the house but watched a couple seasons of a favourite tv drama while I rested and snoozed a bit. That helped me feel less yucky, too. So, it was a 'do nothing' day. Several of the items on my to do list aren't easy to do right now due to vision issues. I have some bits of mending that need attention, but I can't thread a needle. Somewhere I have a needle with a larger hole -- like a quilting needle -- that I might be able to manage. I will hunt for that another day. Reading isn't easy right now either, so I can do some of the needed reading for projects, but again it is a challenge. The reading glasses from the drug store work for some short tasks, but won't work for lengthier reading or the sewing stuff. I will be able to get prescription glasses, but not for a few more weeks when final procedure and that healing are completed. On-screen reading is also impaired, so the blogs are taking longer to polish up for posting. <sigh> 

It has been sort of a gray day all around. That brought some songs to mind, but I settled on one. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Shades of Gray -- Billy Joel  

Monday 3 June 2024

11-153 (1/6/24) -- Calendar Flipping Day

June begins. The day felt colder but forecasts are for very warm weather by the end of the week. It is 'calendar flipping day'  -- a phrase borrowed from a friend of mine. I love calendars and have several in the house. I used to have one in every room, but with the open concept of the new place there are fewer.  I have one perpetual calendar that has wooden tiles that I change monthly. There is another one that has blocks that are changed daily, but that is still in a box in the front room. It has always been in my guest room, so will be in this one, too, along with a wall calendar as has been the trend over the years. 

A silly song seemed to fit my love of calendars. I hope you find it amusing. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Calendar Song -- Boney M. 


11-152 (31/5/24) -- Friends Who Do Lunch

The highlight of the day was lunch with former colleagues. We had lots of fun conversations. We thought back to the isolation of early pandemic days. Many lockdowns and practices that separated us all to help contain outbreaks. A very strange time to live through, and one we need to revisit often to remember how we managed and survived. The event reminded me of having lunch with two of the people very often when we were all still teaching. 

On a different note, I headed to the bank today to get them to explain the change to my account that was wholly unclear in the form letter I received. The teller explained things to me and asked to make a copy of the letter (where she blacked out my personal information). She wanted to escalate my complaint about the lack of clear writing in the letter. She had several other people in to ask questions, but hadn't seen the letter until I brought mine with me. This was another great customer service to untangle a messy example of customer (mis)communications. 

 A song came to mind that hit the best part of the day -- lunch with friends. It made me laugh, just like we did at lunch today. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Girls Just Want to have Lunch -- Weird 'Al' Yankovic

11-151 (30/5/24) -- Raining Weirdness

The day began with a very early call from the dental office changing my appointment again. The person on the phone was less than pleasant. It sound like the hygienist I have seen for years may not be returning to the office now that the former dentist retired. I may need to find a new practice to join. 

I went downtown to run a couple of errands. As I was backing out of the parking spot, a person behind me decided to pull out without looking in their mirrors. I leaned on the horn and moved as far to the side as possible. Luckily, they stopped with the horn sound. The mail brought a couple things that were frustrating. One was about my bank accounts and some change that would take effect in July. It wasn't clear which account would be affected or how it would be affected. I'll need to go to the local branch and get this clarified. The other noted that my application for the federal seniors dental care plan could not be processed since I hadn't submitted my 2023 taxes. Well, I did and the notice of assessment crossed in the mail with this notice. I will get that straightened out when I'm downtown tomorrow. 

The day was filled with little things that require me to sort them out. I felt frustrated by the number of weird things that just landed around me today. I thought through each item and decided on actions that were less onerous than I'd expected at the beginning. That reminded me of a song that has a calming sound and lyrics. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

O-o-h Child -- The Five Stairsteps

11-150 (29/5/24) -- Not Done Yet

Today was the 6 week post surgery eye check. The upshot was some good news and some slightly less good news. A second procedure is needed and then another 6 week recovery time before we can get glasses that will help me to see well to read, work on the laptop, read a label and thread a needle. Even with readers from the drug store, things aren't clear enough in both eyes to do up close work. Distance vision isn't a problem, so I can drive and travel around without difficulty. The 'fix' is easy and is done in the office on a laser clinic day. 

After I received this news, I went grocery shopping and then home. A dear friend stopped by for tea in the afternoon. She helped me focus on the positives with the new vision issue. I have access to a super surgeon and that in the grand scheme, another 6 to 8 weeks is quite doable. I'm not sure when the next appointment might be booked, but it shouldn't be very long. The report from my optometrist to the ophthalmologist will go out tomorrow. I will call early next week to leave a message about the disruption in research work and ask that I get in as soon as possible. 

So, again I find myself waiting for a medical appointment. The chorus of a song seemed to fit my feeling today.  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

The Waiting -- Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers


11-149 (28/5/24) -- Great Customer Care

I encountered exceptional customer service today. I meant to place an online order yesterday, but didn't get to it so I tried this morning. Firstly, I couldn't login as it wouldn't accept my password. I attempted to order as a 'guest' and wasn't able to navigate the screen well. The "how did we do?" bot button sat right over the left menu for ordering. Sorting for specific items was impossible. So, I called customer care. The person on the phone was very calm and let me know that they launched their new website today. Yay me <sigh>. They requested that people reset their password and try again. If things didn't work, I was to wait a bit and try again. Well, it didn't work so I waited until early evening. When I tried again, if anything, the navigation had become worse and no buttons worked to search  or change password. I took a deep breath and called the customer help folks again. The woman on the other end of the call was amazing! She suggested a couple of things to try and then put in a request that the tech issues be escalated to those in the know. She then checked the inventory of the local store to discover they had both items in stock -- for one item they had a single one in stock and for the second item, they had almost as much as I would have ordered. She asked them to hold the items for me to pick up tomorrow. She called me back to let me know what had transpired with the local store. I was blown away by the problem solving steps she was empowered to use. Then she told me that there would be a $25 gift card at the store when I picked up the order. I was stunned and almost speechless -- almost<grin>. I had a few tears after that revelation.  I've always been pleased with the support from their care team, but today hit a new high. 

It was good to know that the training of care team members seems to address that they have no idea what else is going on in a customer's life on the day that they phone with an issue. I did tell this woman that she made my day. A song came to mind that spoke of the work involved in keeping businesses up and running. I share that one here today. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Takin' Care of Business -- Bachman- Turner Overdrive

11-148 (27/5/24) -- Useful Writing Tool

We had a long meeting for final editing of a lengthy document for submission. Lots of work involved but lots of laughter made the work feel positive. I do enjoy writing, but at times things can feel weighty. Taking a brief break to focus attention elsewhere can help as can laughing. This works when writing solo or co-writing. I like finding the absurdities in major projects that can help me to relieve tension through laughter. Laughter is a great writing assistant. 

A happy song about laughter was chosen to share. Who knew that so many songs about laughter were in fact not upbeat songs? The one that came to mind was from childhood -- so not a new song in any way. <smile> Take care. Enjoy!  

I Love to Laugh -- from Mary Poppins (Ed Wynn, Dick van Dyck, Julie Andrews)