Thursday 27 June 2024

11-179 (27/6/24) -- Flashing Coloured Lights

The day has been grey and gloomy -- a word I heard from someone when out at the grocery store. The rain began as I was driving out of the parking lot and there was a lot of rain. So, I just drove home rather than deal with the rain today. The other errands will wait until tomorrow or later. 

Now, the stressful part of the day began about noon when I went out to the car. I started the engine and was greeted by a number of lights across the dash display. Along with the lights I recognized there were two written messages telling me to get service to two items. One I'd never even heard of. The messages and lit icons don't hang around for very long, so I went back in the house to get a pen and paper to record the information being thrown at me while listening to a constant chime notification sound. When I restarted the car, everything went along as normal -- no messages, no lit icons, no chimes ringing. I wrote what I could recall and called the service centre. The Service manager told me this often happens if a bit of dust or moisture gets to one sensor, which, in turn, sets off a flurry of related lights and notifications. We made an appointment for next week to have the thing looked at and the techs to check the computer messages. It is unlikely that these particular lights will create issues that impede use of the vehicle. Now, how much the check up will cost is less likely to be mild. <smile> All I could think of was what if this had happened while driving home from the airport earlier this week. Anxiety was high enough when sitting in the driveway. 

When thinking about a song for the day, one came to mind that made me laugh out loud. The lyrics go in a very different direction than when I had been staring at the dash trying to figure out which notifications were lighting up. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Paradise by the Dashboard Light -- Meatloaf


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